Hey, women, wake up! Face the fact that you are the more vulnerable of the two sexes. Face the fact that your dress, your manner and your behavior can be provocative. Realize that men are not real smart and that they are programmed to respond to sexy women. Sometimes, those men haven't the where-with-all to understand the word, 'no.' Just as everyone should avoid 'occasions of sin,' women should avoid occasions of sexual stupidity.
Um, no. Men are responsible for their own actions and behaviors. I, as a woman, am entirely responsible for what I do, as well. But, what I do has no bearing on what a man does.
It´s rather easy,
men who behave the way Continental soldiers describes (i.e. forcing women to have sex) belong to prison and not into freedom.
That´s what laws are for.
Human society has evolved a little bit from "the stronger one is always right", nowadays even stupid men have to either adjust to common basic rules of societal behavior or face the consequnces.
Okay, here's the thing fellas: suggesting that a woman who wears certain clothing is inviting rape is pretty much the same as suggesting that there would less pedophiles if nine years olds wouldn't walk around looking so damn hot. You're basically saying you can see things from a rapist's point of view. It may shock you to learn that this is not a healthy attitude, and it certainly isn't one to be broadcast freely.
May I suggest that you take advantage of the psychiatric resources in your area? Please?
Does the fact that women wearing burqas, or even nuns' habits getting attacked have any impact with your idiotic idea? I have two sons. They know that even if a woman was wearing nary a stitch, if she says no, it means NO. If you can't grasp that, I hope you have no sons, as you have taught them that their behavior is ok if a hemline doens't meet their approval.
By this logic, everyone should always walk around looking like beggars, because wearing nice clothing might tempt someone into mugging you because you're displaying your wealth.
Remember, people who commit crimes can't help it! It's always the victim's fault for presenting the opportunity!
Gender roles according to Fundieism:
Men: Mindless rape-bots
Women: shiny and decorative sex receptacles.
Conclusion: Women must be less shiny and decorative and hide as best as possible. Men can continue to go about their programming.
Non-fundie reaction: W.T.F. (Translation: DOES NOT COMPUTE).
so women are too stupid and weak to be expected to have jobs/get a decent education/be involved in government etc.
men have no self control, they are animals who can't help but rape anything in their path (except sometimes) and they don't understand what is probably the simplest word in the english language.
you people really don't think much of anybody do you?
Well, you're clearly one of these "not real smart" men. Men are responsible for their own actions, not "programmed" to rape. Women shouldn't have to dress differently, or do anything differently to avoid particular situations. You probably just raped someone, and now this is your excuse.
If you can't stop touching a woman even after she says no, you shouldn't be surprised if she doesn't have the where-with-all to stop from killing you, or possibly mangling your genitalia. Asshat rape apologist.
Yup, Continental Soldier is comin' to rape ya.
(btw Cuntinental Soldier, that line won't work in court)
Didn't your drill instructor beat into you the concept of "Don't do anything stupid!", soldier?
Oh, sorry. I didn't notice that you're from the Continental Army. They haven't been around since the 1700s.
So if men are the ones with the problem, men should have to change. They shouldn't be allowed out without a female relative as a chaperone, they should be restricted from any activity that would bring them into contact with a woman who is minding her own business, and should stay in the house doing occasional stud service but not allowed out where they can sin.
So, the fact that a woman says "No" to you even if she is wearing a short dress means it is okay to rape her?
Thanks to all of the wonderful, supportive men in my life (father, brother, uncles, caring boyfriends who are evil because they're "liberal" and think of me as more than a walking set of reproductive organs) I have a hard time understanding women who are so angry at men that they think we would be better off if they were all removed from power.
And then I read comments like yours, and it all make sense.
I'm going to go and read the actual thread now, to see what people say in response to this...
And you know, it's ironic: the Republicans are the ones who say poor/underpriveledged people shouldn't "blame their problems on others" and take responsibility for their own actions, yet that is exactly what this guy is doing: saying that whatever happens to a woman is because "it's HER fault, not mine!"
Wait, if men can't say no to sex, and sex carries STDs and unwanted pregnancies(you know, more $$$$ in child support), or just a smack either from her, or a helping person around, tell me, who's the more vulnerable of the two?. Or following your logic, people shouldn't bother animals such as lions or dingoes. Those guys really can't help not taking a no for an answer. However, we all defend ourselves against them.
/Realize that men are not real smart and that they are programmed to respond to sexy women./
And this makes men better, how?
/Sometimes, those men haven't the where-with-all to understand the word, 'no.'/
Then those "men" are brainless animals who deserve to be locked up.
/Just as everyone should avoid 'occasions of sin,' women should avoid occasions of sexual stupidity./
Women are stupid because MEN can't control their urges? Who's the stupid one, here? If men can't control themselves, then they are idiots. And so are you.
Exactly, and we should ban ballet because ballet dancers totally do it for me. We should stop Japanese schoolgirls going to school since Japanese schoolgirls totally do it for me. Let's see, what else ??
Strict attractive yet prudish female teachers dressed conservatively with their dark black hair tied back in a bun.
Girls who can play the piano or girls who show any kind of real artistic soul and talent.
Nuns ... yes, nuns.
Paintings of the virgin Mary, I always found her quite sexy.
Buses that vibrate when stopped at red lights or bus stops.
Kate Bush's music.
We need to keep all of these things out of the public arena because they tempt me into sin. I mean sure, the whole point of being pure of heart and not being tempted into sin is that sin has to be tempting but that's just too hard. Remove anything that might possibly tempt me into sin and then I'll know I'm a spiritually strong person because I'll have avoided all of that non existent sin.
Well then, I guess I'm just programmed to beat the crap out of idiots like you.
It's your fault for being an idiot and tempting me.
Also, nuns and women in burquas get raped, do you think they're being seductive temptresses who men just can't resist raping? Idiot. Oh and if fundie men are pathetically weak willed rape-bots, as you claim, maybe they should just wear chastity belts and women can wear whatever the hell they want? Works for me.
Only in athletics. Medically, women win hands down. They live longer and have a lower infant and child mortality rate. Everywhere on earth, about 1.05 boys are born for every girl to make up for this difference later. Every medical professional I have talked to says women have a much higher tolerance for pain than men do. They may have evolved this trait for childbirth.
I'm programmed to not rape any woman, and I don't even have to believe in a sky daddy to have that much common morality.
I will admit that a lot of women make me feel all tingly, but would I ever do anything they don't want me to do? Not in a million years - and I don't even consider myself to be real smart.
Hey, Continental Soldier, wake up! Face the fact that you are the more vulnerable of the two sexes. Face the fact that your dress, your manner and your behavior can be provocative. Realize that women are not real smart and that they are programmed to respond to sexy men. Sometimes, those women haven't the where-with-all to understand the word, 'no.' Just as everyone should avoid 'occasions of sin,' men should avoid occasions of sexual stupidity.
Seems to work just as well this way too. But wait... then what does that say about your statement?
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