Yet another attempt at compromise that many Christian leaders have come up with at first seems reasonable, but it is rotten to the core. It goes like this: "We just want equal time."
Wrong! We don't want "equal time" with baby-killers, condom pushers, New Agers, and sodomite recruiters. We do not want them to have any access to public schools. We won't tolerate their having a single minute to expose our children or anyone else's children to their godless agenda. Planned Parenthood, Queer nation and their cohorts form hell have no right to give the time of day to children in school and fill their unsuspecting minds with filth. We don't want equal time, because we want them to have no time.
We will not put the flawless, eternal Word of God on the same par with godless laws, or the ungodly lies of men and demons. God's Law is supreme and will abide forever. man's rebellious thoughts are as chaff for the fire.
"Gwwaaarrr! Don't want no baby-killing, safe-sex havin', sodomite whores in my chil'en's classroom! Jesus is better than all of them...."
What the hell does this person think "equal time" means!? I was unaware that equal time had anything to do with sex education classes.
Yet another attempt at compromise that many Christian leaders have come up with at first seems reasonable, but it is rotten to the core. It goes like this: "We just want equal time."
Wrong! We don't want "equal time" with baby-killers, condom pushers, New Agers, and sodomite recruiters. We do not want them to have any access to public schools. We won't tolerate their having a single minute to expose our children or anyone else's children to their godless agenda. Planned Parenthood, Queer nation and their cohorts form hell have no right to give the time of day to children in school and fill their unsuspecting minds with filth. We don't want equal time, because we want them to have no time.
How dare they screw children up! That's our job!
We will not put the flawless, eternal Word of God on the same par with godless laws, or the ungodly lies of men and demons. God's Law is supreme and will abide forever. man's rebellious thoughts are as chaff for the fire
Blah blah blah.
gee Randall...I wish your mother had an abortion, cuz the best parts of you ran down her leg...people like you should be castrated, blinded, have your tongue cut out and then evenutally that order
You have your fundie schools and the rest of the population has public schools. You can have all the time you want to promote your own agenda in your private schools. Keep your bullshit out of the ones attended, and supported by, the public.
See how well that works? You don't shove your religious mythology down the throats of my children and we'll keep away from yours.
Don't worry, most of us know thats what you really think. You may lie a lot, but you're still not very good at it, oddly enough.
Being Christian apparently allows you to discriminate and hate at will.
Being Christian appears to provide hate mongers with a false sense of superiority.
Being Christian apparently means you're unfamiliar with the word "public", which means - of, relating to, or affecting all the people or the whole area of a nation or state.
These a just a few of the reasons I am not Christian.
Gee Randall, how about people who are censured by their own church for seducing women and having adulterous affairs on his wife of 19 years while claiming to be a leader chosen by God? What about self-proclaimed religious leaders who can't even convince their own kids to accept their "self-righteous morals" and have out-of-wedlock pregnant daughters and a gay son? You are a hypocrite and a lying creep, anyone who listens to you is either a braindead sheep or a woman-hater!
Dude, you kiss terrorist asses. Fuck off and go back to the century in which you belong, you gigantic, anachronistic piece of shit.
Christian supremicist award
Oh, and the pie chart might be appropriate, too
Aw Christ, it’s Retard Terry of Operation Rescue/Save America/Whatever pretentious, grandiose thing he's calling it now.
We won't tolerate their having a single minute to expose our children or anyone else's children to their godless agenda.
You won’t tolerate it, eh? I have a news flash for you, you self-absorbed fucker: no one outside your circle of nutty supporters gives a rat’s ass what you’d tolerate if you were declared supreme dictator of Jesusland.
You’d abolish the First Amendment just to serve your own myopic agenda, you traitorous cur.
(Oh, and you do realize that remarriage after divorce is a sin, right? I, for one, don't want any kid of mine exposed to a bloviating asshead who dealt treacherously with the wife of his youth.)
Has he never given a moment's thought to the fact that not everyone is a conservative fundie and they probably don't want their children exposed to lies, hate and bigotry?
Oh, who the hell am I kidding. Of course he hasn't. It was a rhetorical question.
Pretty shrill demand there, Randall.
You can thank your retarded god for the ACLU, however.
And STFU already.
Guess he's never been into compromise by attrition. Y'know, get half of what you want now, and then after giving the other side time to forget about the previous concessions, get the rest of what you want.
That generally works better than trying to get it all at once.
There's a Queer nation now? Would've thought that would be tricky to keep the population up.
We do not want equal time with freedom haters, promoters of STDs, Dark Agers, and indoctrinators.
"We don't want "equal time" with baby-killers"
Why not? You worship the greatest baby-killer ever known. How many babies and pregnant women did your god kill in the flood? How many babies were killed for your god to get that verse about being happy about dashing babies heads against rocks? How many of the Midianite and Amalekite babies were killed? How many of the Israelite babies were killed? What percentage of recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage? Your god is the greatest abortionist ever known.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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