["No, [insert deity here] is not going to punish the California judges who struck down the anti-same-sex marriage law."]
That's where you are wrong. God's laws are not open to interpretation by human judges, and the Bible states quite clearly that the sanctity of marriage must not be mocked or fouled by same-sex relationships. Those judges will face their own judgement when the time comes!
So will you be not trimming your beard?
Will you not touch "ANYTHING" that a menstruating woman has touched?
What about a slave?
Thought not... If you can argue away some of those crazy rules you can argue away this one.
Uh, I don't know if you've noticed, but the USA is a secular republic. It is not, and has never been, ruled by "God's laws." And hopefully it never will be.
1. Jesus does not dictate the laws of this country, get used to it. You sound like the Christian equivalent of crazies crying out for imposition of Sharia law.
2. God's laws are open to interpretation. For instance, it is almost entirely by interpretation that the idea that homosexuality is an unforgivable sin came into being.
3. The Bible does not say anything close to same-sex relationships mocking "the sanctity of marriage".
4. You people really like judgment, don't you? I mean...as long as it isn't being done by judges....
A lot of shit will happen "when the time comes".
Nobody knows when this time will be a-comin', but a lot of shit will happen.
"Those judges will face their own judgement when the time comes!"
I've never understood why your deity doesn't just immolate people in a pillar of fire like the ol' days if he's so pissed off. Why let the person live to be 95, a billionaire, married to a buxom 22 year old and living on a private island with all the comforts life can offer and then get'em when they die? Why not just off the offending person immediately?
Could it be your deity doesn't exist and your pathetic little "you'll get yours, you just wait!" tirade is the last shred of hope you actually have that your deity isn't just a figment of your imagination?
So you want Congress to pass laws that require adulterers to be stoned to death, shellfish and polyester to be banned and their producers to be stoned to death, and people who work on Sundays to be executed? If not, then shut your hypocritical mouth.
"...the Bible states quite clearly that the sanctity of marriage must not be mocked or fouled by same-sex relationships."
Book, chapter and verse, please.
Otherwise, you're just a low-down lying liar who tells lies.
That's where you are wrong. God's laws are not open to interpretation by human judges,
- Three cheers for Sharia law - Christian version, of course.
and the Bible states quite clearly that the sanctity of marriage must not be mocked or fouled by same-sex relationships.
- I am not sure where the sanctification of marriage is actually mentioned, or where homosexual liaisons are said to endanger it. Citation please - and NOT Leviticus or Paul, and these didn't say that. (Moreover, Leviticus and Sodom are misunderstood in the light of favoured prejudices!)
Those judges will face their own judgement when the time comes!
- The why are you getting you knickers in a twist? I happen to think it is you and your kind who will have more to account for in the suposed world to come for you blind hatred in contravention of what your Jesus instructed!
"We sent Yuri Gagarin up into space to see if he could find the Kingdom of Heaven. He couldn't find it, so we sent German Titov up to help him. He couldn't find it either."
~ Nikita Kruschev
Your Three Gods, Their Laws, Their Kingdom in the Sky, and Judgement Day are all equally imaginary. Fortunately your Judiciary has recognised that your fictions do not create in you the entitlement to oppress your neighbour.
The judges were interpreting human law, not divine law. California's laws are not based on the Bible, much as you might want them to be. The US has a long history despite the fact that it has never required its citizens to worship Yahweh, again in violation of God's laws.
If God was going to punish us for not implementing OT laws you'd think he would have done it by now.
Well, God certainly has laid the smackdown on all the Canadian lawmakers and politicians that made SSM legal across the country.
And by smackdown, of course, I mean that nothing out of the ordinary has happened to any of them.
"God's laws are not open to interpretation by human judges,..."
Well, of course, there is one exception...Jason.
Yes, yes, much hogwash is being preached by Jason. Though, the counter-argument of "why doesn't God just punish them now?" doesn't work. Just pointing it out. The whole point of existence here on earth, theologically, is so that man can make his own choices. Ergo, until he is dead, he will not suffer any but the direct mundane retribution for his iniquities. God metes out his judgment only once the game is over.
Except in the OT, obviously. But he was way crankier then.
God's laws are not open to interpretation by human judges
Well, they'd have to be, otherwise we wouldn't have translated them into X number of languages. Oh, and you wouldn't get self-righteous fundies cherry-picking the bits they like and twisting it to suit their own cause. Besides that, some of these "laws" are nebulous and unclear, mere poetry. So they can be and are interpreted.
The Bible states quite clearly that the sanctity of marriage must not be mocked or fouled by same-sex relationships. Those judges will face their own judgement when the time comes!
Bullshit! You and your kind do not have the monopoly on marriage OR morals, as much as you like to think you have. People have their own internal morals, and the law is there to protect us from those who don't. Your damn God hasn't done a single good thing in the two thousand and some years since a Bronze-Age nomad dreamt him up, so get over yourself!
Excuse me while I go and stone some rape victims to death.
I am worried about one thing, though. Given your God's aim, if He tries to smite the California Supreme Court, He may end up hitting the Reno, NV, city hall.
the Bible states quite clearly that the sanctity of marriage must not be mocked or fouled by same-sex relationships
The Bible says no such thing. The OT says a man laying with a man as with a woman is an abomination. So is eating shrimp, making fun of a bald person and gathering kindling on the Sabbath. The NT mentions it along with about 20 other things, and goes on to say everybody violates one or the other of them.
Homosexuality is not especially high on the list of things condemned by the Bible. To listen to fundies complain about it, you'd think is was some kind of 11th Commandment.
"and the Bible states quite clearly that the sanctity of marriage must not be mocked or fouled by same-sex relationships"
I wonder what other forgotten Bible verses reveal? That America is one nation under God? That Catholics shall burn in Hell?? Maybe this explains fundies beliefs, they have access to a special Bible!!
The Bible doesn't say anything about same-sex marriage, just same-sex relationships.
In fact if we take the Bible literally same-sex marriage should be legalized to prevent fornication. Otherwise they're committing 2 sins(sodomy and fornication) instead of just one(sodomy).
I don't think the Bible actually says that, but then, I don't give a big rat's ass what the Bible says as it is an almost entirely worthless text advocating all sorts of ill-treatment of people and other bad ideas.
So, in other words, your god can't touch me until after I'm dead...and since there's no evidence whatsoever of life after death...well I guess that means that either your god is fake, or is otherwise a total pussy.
Oh, I found it.
"And Jesus said, let the gays have no nookie, and no happiness, for I do not love them as much as everyone else."
Where in the bible does it say that? Not a bunch of quotes that you've slapped together, I want a straight quote that says what you claim.
While you're looking for it, I'll just carry on with life.
Actually God's laws are always open to interpretation, that's why Rabbis, Mininsters, and seminaries exist.
I'm still looking for where Jesus said anything about gays. Still looking. I haven't found anything yet, but it must be in here somewhere. After all, the fundies wouldn't just be making shit up, would they?
"the Bible states quite clearly that the sanctity of marriage must not be mocked or fouled by same-sex relationships"
Chapter and verse, please.
I see, a fundie who hasn't actually read the Bible. Now there's a surprise...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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