[ Texas megachurch minister caught in Internet sex sting]
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.......sin is sin weather it be small or great.
If a Christian was involved in a ugly sin such as the one in this story and the rapture happened at the same instant would they be left behind?
We are not perfect just forgiven......and that means forgiven for any sin we ever committed and ...........all sins we will commit.
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
From the people who do nothing BUT cast stones. Also, a Jesus quote? I thought you fundies only read the first chapter of Genesis and the letter of Paul where he hates on gays.
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." So, am I exempt 'cause I'm a woman? And why is it bad to 'stone' Christians, but perfectly alright to do the same to gays, people of other religions/cultures, women, etc.?
EDIT: Ahaha, just realized I copied all the posts above...without reading them...
threshold: No, they also read that verse in Leviticus that they claim hates on gays.
And the whole attitude of "we're forgiven all our sins" really scares me. What's stopping them from committing murder, then?
We get a free pass on everything.
You filthy homosexual, Darwinist, atheist, liberal, commies don't.
Fuck you. Fuck you very much.
But, then, why can't gay people 'accept Jesus' and be 'forgiven,' and still be gay? These people keep going back and forth... They say that all you have to do is believe in Jesus, or whatever. But then they say 'if you're truly saved, you can't continue to sin!' But then they also say the opposite.
WTF-ever, seriously.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone...
Well, I've never solicited underage kids for sex so I guess I'm going to be the first one in line to throw that stone.
Or, looking at this in a slightly different way...I don't acknowledge the concept of "sin". So by your definition I can be counted as "one without sin".
But, then, why can't gay people 'accept Jesus' and be 'forgiven,' and still be gay? These people keep going back and forth... They say that all you have to do is believe in Jesus, or whatever. But then they say 'if you're truly saved, you can't continue to sin!' But then they also say the opposite.
It's largely to do with how the aftertaste of c**k clashes badly with the flavor of communion wafers.
You know, if he weren't a minister, this guy would be saying he was probably a homosexual satanist evolutionist and he hopes the guy would burn in hell. But since it's a minister, then it's obviously just a normal slip up anyone could make and should be forgiven.
Doesn't that seem a bit off to you?
"We are not perfect just forgiven......and that means forgiven for any sin we ever committed and ...........all sins we will commit."
Unless a person happens to have beliefs that aren't in line with yours, am I correct?
Oh, I love seeing the fundies swarm to support one of their own, regardless of his actions. Even though the very acts are ones they rant and rave about as evil and love to say atheists commit because of their lack of belief in their god.
They're christians, they're saved. So, they can do whatever the hell they want.
So, you'll refrain from casting stones at homosexuals, women who have abortions, doctors who perform abortions, Muslim's, JW's, Mormon's, atheists, etc....Since, you know, you are not without sin and can't cast stones.
We are not perfect just forgiven......and that means forgiven for any sin we ever committed and ...........all sins we will commit.
Unless you're a homosexual, get an abortion or vote for a liberal.
"...and that means forgiven for any sin we ever committed and ...........all sins we will commit."
That's a slick deal, if you can get it! Maybe he can convince the prosecutor...
Amazing though how they jump down the throats of the homosexuals who aren't hurting anyone. But a good Christian boy who molests little children, well he deserves our forgiveness.
I would die before I returned to the fold.
Weather is rain or snow.
Whether is yes or no.
Clearly, we all know you're not perfect. How fucking dare you judge the rest of us for our private business, and then expect us to all back off when you get caught with your pants down? Measure for measure, bitch.
"We are not perfect just forgiven......and that means forgiven for any sin we ever committed and ...........all sins we will commit."
I find this to be one of the most offensive attitudes imaginable, as well as one of the most dangerous.
~David D.G.
[sigh] look at your own damn book, in James 2:20. "Faith without works is dead, being alone." According to your own doctrines, you cannot be arbitrarily saved and then do as you please, that is hypocritical.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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