Christianity is the one TRUE religion, and it's WHITE
Mac is the one true OS, but it only runs on licensed Mac hardware.
I consider that in itself to be a massive shortcoming. Windows at least supports most hardware, nevermind Linux which will go and get drivers for you if it somehow doesn't already have them.
Your religion fails.
Taken out of context?
Edit: Wow, apparently not.
Though, this explains a few things:
I dunno, I just get a special feeling inside when someone is acting like an asshole online, and then I find out that they're a fat buttertroll.
Jesus was born a jew, lived a jew, and died a jew.
But as the creator of Boondocks put in the mouth of one of his characters, "PRAISE WHITE JESUS".
Pastafarianism is the one TRUE religion, and it's KINDA YELLOW WITH SOME RED SPAGHETTI SAUCE.
I bet that racist hambeast there would love her some FSM.
How'd Jesus stay so white. Last time I checked Jerusalem was in a very sunny region of the planet. SPF 500 back then already ?
Come on, would it hurt too much to make even a little sense ?
This person is an idiot. In another post she claims that women are inferior, yet she blabs on and on as if she's somehow an exception.
Hypocritical cunt. Her parents fucked her up.
Since Jesus was from the Middle East, he's probably wasn't white.
Although if he were white, that may explain how he got people to believe he was the son of God.
Jesus: "I'm the son of God."
Random citizen: "Bullshit."
Jesus: "Look at me! I'm a completely different race than anybody in the known world! How do you explain that, buddy?"
Random citizen: "Damn, you got a point. I can only hope that 1500 years from now the Aztecs don't fall for that line when the Spaniards show up."
Bwahaha, best part is, check her first opinion on there:
"Prejudice is sad, especially when it happens with the overweight and the mentally challenged."
So it's only okay to be prejudiced unless it's against you, you fat retard? Haha.
What? Oslo? Hey, don't drag all of us Norwegians into this. Most of us are rational people, and Oslo is the city in Norway in which most immigrants live.
...then again... I may have completely missed your point, and if so I'm begging your pardon.
As to the topic at hand.
I don't know what I can say that hasn't already been stated, but I'll add my own take on this into the mix.
Ava, yes you, listen up will you?
That's a rhetorical question by the way.
Jesus, if he ever existed, lived in the middle east. As such he would most certainly not have been white. He probably was not nubian black either, but definitely not caucasian white! You've seen all those scary arabs and middle-eastern blokes on TV right? Well, they are of the same stock - so to speak - as Jesus would have been.
Now you chew on those apples for a bit while I add the following: You are obviously a homeschooled, ignorant and prejudiced bigot with no respect for your fellow man, and that having been born without a sense of empathy disqualifies you from the status of being human.
Could you please remove yourself from my religion...and while your at it, could you remove yourself from life? I'm just asking. It would be a great help to me.
Joking aside, please do some research to avoid making such silly statements.
Really? I thought it was darkish yellow, with a sort of a beige-y tint to it. My bad!
(You can interpret this however you want.)
Christianity is the one TRUE religion
If thats true, then you can prove it.
and it's WHITE
Jesus was a middle eastern jew.
Go to Jerusalem today and see how many white people are there.
Riiiiiiight, first PROVE it's TRUE and then PROVE it's WHITE.
Otherwise you're just talking racist nonsense.
On a side note, since Jeebuz himself was a middle eastern, he had probably that "dreadful" brown skin, hooked nose and dark hair so you would have probably discriminated him also, which makes this whole thing even more ridiculous.
Christianity is the one TRUE religion, and it's WHITE
The basis of your 'Truth': the KJV.
The Church of England: whose previous head, King James I, authorised such.
The position of Archbishop of York - in the C-of-E's hierarchy - is second only to that of Archbishop of Canterbury.
Say hello to the current Archbishop of York, Dr. John Sentamu...:
...and goodbye to not only your 'Belie fs': but your right to think the way you do.
What's true, is True for you
-L. Ron Hubbard
Still, the Church of $cientology is that way ------> [/Isaac Hayes]
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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