Unknown #fundie missinguniversemuseum.com

Exhibit 20: The House That Evolution Built!


Well, is trying to build... On March 7, 1998, we dumped some toy bricks onto this table to see what kind of house Evolution could build with them. The light is on 24 hours a day to provide an energy source. Note that we gave Evolution a big head start by providing the bricks which were already created by a human creator. So far, there has been no change since the bricks were first dumped. How many millions of years do you think it will take for Evolution to build a house?

If Evolution could build something as complex as living organisms, it could more abundantly create far simpler things like houses and cars.

(This is not really a live video capture. If it was though, these bricks would just be gathering dust.)



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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