Exhibit 20: The House That Evolution Built!
Well, is trying to build... On March 7, 1998, we dumped some toy bricks onto this table to see what kind of house Evolution could build with them. The light is on 24 hours a day to provide an energy source. Note that we gave Evolution a big head start by providing the bricks which were already created by a human creator. So far, there has been no change since the bricks were first dumped. How many millions of years do you think it will take for Evolution to build a house?
If Evolution could build something as complex as living organisms, it could more abundantly create far simpler things like houses and cars.
(This is not really a live video capture. If it was though, these bricks would just be gathering dust.)
So, you just proved what evolution is not about, congratulations!
Now, go and learn about evolution and how it really works!
That's not how evolution works, you ignorant fool.
Seriously, this is beyond stupid.
Lego bricks are not biological organisms.
If you try having a very young child stick a bunch of sets of lego blocks together, and pick the set that looks the most like a house, build copies of it, and have the child change the position of one piece of each set, then pick the one of those that looks the most like a house....maybe you might get an idea of how evolution actually works.
I'm sure everyone will go on the obvious, so I'll go with the obscure:
That appears to just be a normal light, the vast majority of life on earth requires full spectrum light (like the sun, duh) in order to survive. That whole chemical thing... Would you like to borrow one of my reptile lights?
On a scale of one to ten, this is assinine.
EDIT: My misspelling here is deliberate, unlike XenoNinja.
Once I poured a pile of Lincoln logs on the floor and prayed for god to build me a lincoln log mansion.
Of course, nothing happened.
If god created the whole earth, couldn't he have built a lincoln log house?
EDIT: My misspelling here is deliberate, unlike XenoNinja.
what are you talking about?? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
Do legos:
Use energy?
Contain Deoxyribonucleic acid?
If no to any of the above, they are not alive, and thus not evolve, making your pathetic little experiment go down the drain.
I know there are others I could add to that list, but I'm too lazy to look them up atm.
Although any parent of a three year old with legos will tell you that they multiply, especially where you are walking in your house barefooted in the dark, they are not living objects and have nothing to do with evolution. It was a pretty stupid analogy, but I will give you points for creativity.
I see you tried to look up "ludacris" and edited your post to "ludicrous."
Now you claim ignorance. You are a typical Christian liar tryimg to cover up your ignorance. You and LoneWolf are an embarrassment to any god.
Now you claim ignorance. You are a typical Christian liar tryimg to cover up your ignorance. You and LoneWolf are an embarrassment to any god.
Lol, I don't give a flying banana what other gods think, they can kiss my (__!__)
Wow. Fundie scientific illiteracy, now with electricity, plastic, digital imagery, and other secular scientific discoveries. I am astounded.
Now if only fundies will discover that books, unlike the Bible, can be read, and that there are books out there that explain the Big Bang, oh, sorry, "evolution", so that they wouldn't have to listen to their pastors... the world would be a much better place.
PS: Is anyone else reminded of the truthers' "look at how my cardboard model of the WTC fell" experiments?
Typical Christian. You get caught up in a lie and won't own up to it. Hypocrites like you shame YOUR God.
Anything else you say will not be credible because you are now a known liar, a bearer of false witness.
"Lol, I don't give a flying banana what other gods think, they can kiss my (__!__)"
Hey, it's ok, you can swear on the internet, you don't need coverwords or symbols. Your mom's probably not going to read it. I know because she's to busy being FUCKED by me.
Hey, it's ok, you can swear on the internet, you don't need coverwords or symbols.Your mom's probably not going to read it. I know because she's to busy being FUCKED by me.
ewwww my mother had a sex change?? LMAO!!!
right! this is my final post and then I'm gonna be leaving this site for the rest of my life.
oh, and I must add. if anyone posts under my name it ain't me.
"Well, is trying to build... On March 7, 1998, we dumped some toy bricks onto this table to see what kind of house Evolution could build with them. The light is on 24 hours a day to provide an energy source. Note that we gave Evolution a big head start by providing the bricks which were already created by a human creator. So far, there has been no change since the bricks were first dumped. How many millions of years do you think it will take for Evolution to build a house?"
Are you really this stupid or is this some sort of elaborate Poe?
"If Evolution could build something as complex as living organisms, it could more abundantly create far simpler things like houses and cars."
Evolution works on imperfect replicators. Houses and cars do not replicate, imperfectly or not.
"(This is not really a live video capture. If it was though, these bricks would just be gathering dust.)"
Much like the gray matter between your ears.
@Xeno Ninja - "right! this is my final post and then I'm gonna be leaving this site for the rest of my life."
Thank you! We don't want known liars on this site. If your statement is also a lie and you try to come back with another user name to bear more false witness, we will recognize you by your spelling.
"oh, and I must add. if anyone posts under my name it ain't me."
Sure! How could we possibly think that?
"ewwww my mother had a sex change?? LMAO!!!"
By you saying this I can conclude that your mom was man cause the thing that I fucked was a woman or had the parts to be considered one. I can also conclude that you were adopted and that your parents were gay. You fail epicly.
"Hey, it's ok, you can swear on the internet, you don't need coverwords or symbols.Your mom's probably not going to read it. I know because she's to busy being FUCKED by me."
Yahtzee rules:D.
Um. . . The way you talk about Evolution is like it is a God and not a naturally occurring scientific process giving us even MORE proof that you're nothing but a narrow minded and incredibly stupid Fundie. How about THIS;
"Exhibit 20: The House That God Built!
Well, is trying to build... On March 7, 1998, we dumped some toy bricks onto this table to see what kind of house God could build with them. The light is on 24 hours a day to provide an energy source. Note that we gave God a big head start by providing the bricks which were already created by a human creator. So far, there has been no change since the bricks were first dumped. How many millions of years do you think it will take for God to build a house?
If God could build something as complex as living organisms, it could more abundantly create far simpler things like houses and cars.
(This is not really a live video capture. If it was though, these bricks would just be gathering dust.)"
Well, it looks like neither evolution nor "divine design" has done a goddamned thing with those legos.
Given a couple centuries, they'll probably fuse into a single lump of plastic...or whatever plastic may become in a matter of centuries.
@Old Viking - "The truly sad thing is, there are people who think this a legitimate refutation."
Barnum said it in a different way about a century ago.
@Xeno Ninja - "right! this is my final post and then I'm gonna be leaving this site for the rest of my life."
@Xeno Ninja - "I changed my mind!!! I will stay here and annoy you athiests! LOL!!!!"
You already change your pledge for life in just a few minutes? You are not just a liar. but you shame God with your shallow arrogance. There will be a special place in Hell for deliberate sinners like you.
It's okay if you stay here, you've never said anything that was not ridiculous, so we'll just have more opportunities to make fun of colostrum feeders like you.
"the bricks which were already created by a human creator."
Thus disproving Creationism.
Now, back in the world of real arguments...
Damn shame that Legos, despite being different shapes, are chemically identical and unable to have any mobility given their size , the fact that they are in a solid state, and the fact that they are not immersed in an environment that would allow for them to move around in there sufficiently enough to copy the manner in which chemicals are capable of moving in most environments.
It can't even serve as a relevant enough of a model for abiogeneis, let alone evolution itself. Fail.
"If Evolution could build something as complex as living organisms, it could more abundantly create far simpler things like houses and cars."
Aye, men, we have failed! Retreat, then, by your feet or on horseback - to the caves and to the treetops!
It's not evolution, because there's no selection pressure. If you designed a series of tests where the strongest Lego structure would survive, and added on to it, you would eventually get a house.
@Xeno Ninja - "I changed my mind!!! I will stay here and annoy you athiests! LOL!!!!"
You already change your pledge for life in just a few minutes? You are not just a liar. but you shame God with your shallow arrogance. There will be a special place in Hell for deliberate sinners like you.
It's okay if you stay here, you've never said anything that was not ridiculous, so we'll just have more opportunities to make fun of colostrum feeders like you.
don't flatter yourself, that wasn't even me. it's just some loser pretending to be me, probably the same loser or one of a few losers who have been posting gay comments using my name the last few days. oh and quit preaching, I'm the fundie not you. Lol
Surely it proves that God doesn't exist. If he dumped a whole lot of people on the earth, they wouldn't be able to do anything.
It makes more sense than hers.
"don't flatter yourself, that wasn't even me. it's just some loser pretending to be me, probably the same loser or one of a few losers who have been posting gay comments using my name the last few days. oh and quit preaching, I'm the fundie not you. Lol"
Okay, you said you'd never be back, but you came back a few minutes later and said it wasn't you that came back because you said that you'd never come back. Is that your story?
Okay, you said you'd never be back, but you came back a few minutes later and said it wasn't you that came back because you said that you'd never come back. Is that your story?
since when was 5 or so hours later a few minutes later??
and I don't care whether I lied or not. I wanted to make it quite clear someone was posting under my name.
Xena, go ahead and keep trying to annoy us. You're only feeding us more quotes to submit.
Oh and you think that atheists are going to convert to christians all because you tell us to kiss your ass?
This is...I don't...It can't...
I hate when the fundies attempt science. They rape it in such a bad way. Fuck'em.
Evolution doesn't work with non-living things, and won't form one particular end result simply because you will it so- some might accuse you of witchcraft.
If only you were as brainsome as you are ignorant.
Wow, I can see it forming already!!
But off topic: I have a problem.
I accidentally a coke bottle =/. Yeah, a WHOLE Coke bottle. What should I do?! =/
Get back to us in a billion years or so.
On the other side, why don't you pray for 6 days and see how far that gets you?
I seriously don't know where to start with this one.
I think i may do a similar experiment, only see how long it takes invisible sky daddy to build the house.
"(This is not really a live video capture. If it was though, these bricks would just be gathering dust.)"
Is it really an experiment when you assume your own conclusion?
Exhibit 20: The House That Creationism Built!
Well, is trying to build... On March 7, 1998, we dumped some toy bricks onto this table to see what kind of house Bible God could spawn with them. The light is on 24 hours a day to provide an energy source. Note that we gave Bible God a big head start by providing the bricks which were already created by a human creator. So far, there has been no change since the bricks were first dumped. How many weekdays do you think it will take for Bible God to magically turn the legos into a house? Would he rather use, say, a pile of dirt or one of our ribs?
If the bible god could spawn something as complex as living organisms, it could more abundantly spawn far simpler things like houses and cars.
For extra irony (if your meters can take it), I present:
Evolution in Lego : A Physical Simulation of Adaptation by Natural Selection
by Jakob Christensen-Dalsgaard & Morten Kanneworff
We describe a physical simulation of natural selection in a population of legorgs, six-segment model organisms. Legorg morphology is genetically specified by five alleles on each segment. Legorgs show a simple form of motility that could evolve in originally sessile animals. This motility, the ability to move horizontally on a smooth surface, depends on the morphology and interaction of the six segments that produce different patterns of locomotion. Legorgs are selected for motility and reproduce in proportion to fitness. After just five generations, the average population motility increases 2.5 times. Additionally, we describe a slightly less time-consuming simulation of legorg evolution, where fitness is assigned by comparison with a template. The calculation of gene pools is precisely the same as in the previous simulation and produces very robust increases in fitness during five generations. The simulation is designed as a classroom experiment to explore the mechanism of natural selection. A test of its learning efficiency by evaluating the students’ conception of central aspects of evolutionary theory before and after showed a significant improvement. The surprising power of natural selection in this very simple physical system may also be exploited in more advanced experiments.
Evolution: Education and Outreach, 2:518526 (2009).
Basically, if you allow legos to reproduce and mutate (through the agency of a bunch of students), lego does in fact evolve. Now obviously "wild" legos don't have this facility of reproduction themselves, but that's not evolution's problem. Abioniclegenesis is a separate theory.
I actually lol'd at this one.
I can't come up with a witty response, as I'm still laughing as I type this.
Plastic bricks aren't biological specimens, which is what evolution works on. Now if you want to try a real evolution experiment, take a group of creationist, and see if they eventually produce intelligent animals through speciation.
@ Mike-mike
'cause I was fucking her just the other day! Whoda thunk? There can't be more than three people on the planet Earth willing to shag Xeno-ninja's mum, and we all ran in to her?
Hey, she may be ugly, but day-yam was she desperate. Woof, woof!
Anyway, Xeno-ninja, it isn't your fault you're just an insecure teenager compensating for your outrageously undersized pair.
So, let's consider the activation energy for the formation of an organic molecule (we'll let the creationists choose which one, even). Then we'll compare that to the energy required to get the pile of Lego bricks into assembled form. Then we'll sit back and count zeroes for awhile while we remember that most organic chemical processes are actually exothermic .
...and that's not even getting into the relative time scales, or the appropriateness of the forms of energy provided to the process being observed. (For basic organic chemicals, that can be almost any form of energy, since most can be converted to heat and heat will do the trick; assembling plastic bricks requires kinetic energy, though, which isn't so easy to develop from light without a few billion years for intermediate processes to develop.)
This is one of the hugest fails in the history of failing fail for creationistic stupid failures.
Either that, or he's a very good troll.
But I bet its fucking fail, just because its so much more hilarious that way.
I did a similar experiment.
I dumped some toy bricks onto a table, then I prayed to Jesus to make a house out of them.
Still waiting, Jesus.
There is a reason why Lego bricks are called inanimate objects. Er, because they are inanimate. You can leave them there until the Rapture has Ruptured (or whatever) and hells freezes over twice, and nothing will happen. You know, because they are missing the most essential ingredient for them to do anything, i.e. LIFE.
Not even a cretoard can be this fucking stupid, surely. No wonder he/she/it wouldn't even leave a user name.
Since when are plastic building blocks from Denmark a part of biology?
As it took abiogenesis about a billion years to start life, I don't think you'd see any change in those Lego blocks in your life-time, Unknown, even if evolution DID work like this.
*rolls eyes* Although "Unknown" has already been corrected by everyone in the comments, I will type this anyway.
Legos are toy bricks. If you dump them on a table, they will just sit there and gather dust, as "Unknown" has described. The reason for this is because, believe it or not, they are not sentient, and never will be. They lack the ability to grow, eat, breathe, or even reproduce. They don't even have their own DNA. They are made of plastic that is specially molded and dyed into different colors for builders of all ages to create things with. Therefore, it is impossible for Legos to evolve, as, to reiterate, they are not living things. That also means that using Legos to disprove evolution is pointless. If "Unknown" would like, he could use his hands to manually construct a house, which is the proper way to play with Legos.
Also, to make matters even more pathetic than they already are, I recall hearing a song from Sesame Street when I was a kid that discussed this exact issue living proof that this is such simple science that even a young child can figure it out without any problems.
It's quite an upbeat little ditty. Catchy, too.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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