In an March 1, 2007, WorldNetDaily column, during a discussion of a scene in the film The Godfather: Part II in which Al Pacino's character hits his wife after she told him she aborted their child, Stanek wrote: "That spontaneous slap was the reaction of a real man who a woman had just told she aborted his baby. Compare that to the modern day cowardly male response, 'It's your choice. Whatever you decide, I'll support you.' "
The scary thing is she's NOT a Poe. She is a real person who has testified before congress and has a column on World Net Daily. Do a search for her here, this is not shocking at all compared to other stuff she's said.
At least this time she shows just how much she absolutely fucking hates women who have had abortions. Hopefully people will see through the "compassionate conservative" bullshit she's pulling.
If you had watched the fucking movie, you'd know that the slap wasn't spontaneous.
Anyway, only a fucking asshole wimp would beat on a woman.
"WorldNetDaily column"
I should just stop there to preserve time and sanity.
But, I didn't. Shut the hell up about what constitutes a "real man". Why is a "real man" always instinctively hostile, violent and controlling towards women, and completely unwilling to see the world from another person's perspective?
DIAF, random World Nut author.
From woman to woman, Jill: Get help. If you really think a man slapping the shit out of a woman, for deciding what to do with her own body, is more "manly", you are fucking messed up.
Well, I feel a father should have a say in what happens to his baby, even if it isn't born yet. However, I am against domestic abuse.
The idea that Al Pacino is playing a bad person never crossed your mind...
Sorry, I forgot that you don't have one of those.
All of a sudden, I want to slap someone, too. Nothing to do with abortions, though. Strangest feeling, really...
I can't get over women who advocate violence against other women. She must have never experienced an abusive relationship.
You should hook up with this ex of mine, bitch. He agreed with you about what makes a man "manly", and he would be more than happy to slap you every time you opened your stupid bitch mouth. Or punch you, whichever you would be more turned on by. You guys would love each other. I just wasn't into it.
You also saw the part where he ordered the murder of his brother, right? Is that a real man?
Still a kickass film though.
Jill Stanek hates her own sex. What she does love is the patriarchy. She thinks that sucking up to it will make her an honorary man, and better than those "other" women, therefore exempt from being treated as second-class citizens, the way she would happily see the rest of us treated. Except that it won't.
No man who harm the ones he loves. Ever. If I had a girlfriend or wife who had an abortion. I'd make damn sure she was ok and she would be held and I'd do anything with her to make sure she felt allright. In no way was the slap from the character justified. Seems the real man would support the wife. Or in your case, I am glad to be a cowardly male.
Yet his father was a gentle loving husband. You never saw him slap his wife, he was always there for her, worried about the children, I can't even remember him losing his temper in the entire movie. Hell, he even cried a couple of times.
He was 10-times the man that Al was.
Oh and if you remember, she had the abortion because she didn't want to bring another monster into the world.
Riiiight...firstly, if Mom wants the fetus it, it'll come out, one way or the other. Second, whupping your wife because you're upset is wrong. Period. End of statement. Third, ABORTION IS NOT SOMETHING A WOMAN DOES BETWEEN SHOE SHOPPING SPREES! It is a difficult decision, never reached lightly. So for a husband to say "It's your choice, I'll support you" is, to me, the sign of a great spouse.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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