When do coincidences stop being coincidences?
Barack's Chicago power base includes the 60606 zip code.
6-6-6 only comes up in one out of every 1,000 Pick 3 lottery draws, yet it came up the day after BO's election.
In Nostradamus, the third and final antichrist will be associated with someone named Mabus, whose sudden death will trigger calamity. Ray Mabus is Obama's Middle East policy adviser. obaMABUSh
Obama is a great speaker worshipped throughout the former Roman Empire.
It's 616, not 666...You only get the extra +50 with another "n" (i.e. Nero Caesar as Neron Caesar).
So do you look for 00616, or 60106?
I expect more from a jedi master, and Mi6.
I'm not mad, but I'm disappointed.
ObiWan, you have lost the force. And your intelligence (if it was ever there to begin with), and you mind, and your sanity.......etc.......
A black man who's liked by lots of white people? A president who doesn't salivate at the thought of bombing starving children? A politician with actual good ideas, that don't just make his buddies richer?
Gotta be the Antichrist, right.
Ronald Reagan's first, last, and middle names all had 6 letters. He was more of the antichrist than Obama. Get over yourself, twit.
A bit of a non-sequitor here, but what the fuck's up with your name??? Bond and Obi Wan wrapped up in one? You, sir, are neither. Go stuff yourself.
When do coincidences stop being coincidences?
When comments on youboob stop being stupid, which is to say never.
Boy aren't we desperate to bash Obama? Combining bad Scriptural interpretation, falsehood, random chance, Nostradamus, and popularity apparently equals stupidity.
And the first 3 numbers out in the Illinois Pick 4 that night were 7-7-7 - it's a sign from GoD!!!!
(I only know this because I checked out the Pick 3 results to see if the Fundies were telling the truth)
@Thejebusfire: It's a Nostradamus thing. People who are into Nostradamus claim that he predicted 3 antichrists: Napoleon, Hitler, and one other. (Of course, the way they get to those "prophecies" are incredible stretches, like misinterpreting "Hister", the name of a river, as a reference to Hitler.)
I think it was James Randi, on an episode of Bullshit, who cited two times where "Mabus" was used to describe both Bush and Saddam as the antichrist. Before that, in a book on Nostradamus, the Ayatollah was declared as the antichrist - at least until he died.
Basically, Nostradamus was a crazy sack of crap.
If you have make absurd leaps of logic to get your coincidences to fit a pattern then chances are in favor of them being just coincidences.
666 doesn't come up once in every 1000 pick 3 lottery results it could come up 1000 time and it has the same chance as any other three digit number, and 666 coming up in one pick 3 lottery out of hundreds, if not thousands each day is a sign of absolutely nothing. Why not flip out every single time it comes up.
If you have smush together the names of the current two different presidents to get the name that refers to a single person that is supposedly the "antichrist", then you are stretching things.
And finally Obama isn't exactly what you could call "worshipped" throughout the former roman empire. I see no "Church of Obama" I see no one worshiping him and neither do you, and to claim so is just fallicious. The man may inspire people, and those people may act like fools, but I see nothing different there than I did seeing fundies get so whipped up over Sarah Palin that they were ready to lynch someone. That's still not "worship" in any sense of the word.
Is there even ANY sort of reference to 666 (or 616) in the Bible as the number of the beast?
It was used as code by Jews or early Christians when they referred to Nero, which is spelt in Hebrew the same as 666 (Hebrew letters can also mean numbers)
"Obama is a great speaker worshipped throughout the former Roman Empire."
If by that you mean Europe, then I would say that we are happy that the PotUS is literate, articulate and only slightly to the right of our right wing parties, but we tend not to worship politicians any longer: we remember Hitler, Mussolini, and the other criminals with personality cults.
For instance, we'd never be as deferential to an ex-president or even a president as you Americans are.
WTF? I live within the former Roman Empire, and I haven't found anyone who worships Obama. I have met quite a few people who think / hope he will be an improvement on the knuckle dragging John Wayne wannabe you've had in the White House for the last eight years.
The rest of your post is just batshit crazy.
The Roman Empire in the WEst fell in AD 475. In the East it fell in 1452. There are no living links to it apart from the Papacy, and that is purely religious, apart from some real estate in the city of Rome, capital of Italy. There is no Empire.
Mabus? Isn't that a name in Nostradamus? Hmmm. So you read false prophets too!
BTW, Europeans aren't much into worship. Religion here is all but dead. So no worship. Not even of the Great Ob himself. Shows how much you know.
When do coincidences stop being coincidences?
Barack's Chicago power base includes the 60606 zip code.
So zip codes are evil and the mark of the beast?
Coincedences stop being coincedences when they have evidence to support them, and not just insane conjecture.
Besides, this is nonsense. We all know that the antichrist isn't going to appear until 2012 when the world is occupied by giant space lobsters.
OMG! The Anti-Christ! What have we done????
Isn't that seriously what you guys want, though? To be raptured away to Fairytaleland? I don't get it with you whackjobs. You bitch and complain about the Antichrist, but that signals that your sorry ass is going to be carted away by your invisible best friend.
Okay, first off, 666 is NOT the number of the devil/beast. 616, however, IS.
666 lottery draw the day after Obama's election... is coincidence.
Nostradamus is a load of nonsense.
Ray Mabus? obaMABUSh? You're reading too far into this 007ObiWan.
Yes, Obama is a great speaker. But we don't worship him!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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