I agree with CWood. Obama is saying he's going to use the Lincoln Bible to draw attention to the fact that it's a Bible and not a Koran. He compensating because he knows that he's a Muslim at heart and he's scared that someone will find out. I wouldn't be surprised if he's planning on having a secret, private inauguration with a Koran before and then praying forgiveness for swearing on the Bible at the public inauguration.
Shit, I wish he was Muslim. Hell,I'd be giddy if he was a woman. I'd shit my pants in excitement if he was a lesbian woman. But none of these are true, and because of fucksticks like you, this will never happen in my lifetime.
when the truth doesn't work, make shit up.
Fundiepedia continues to mislead anyone who is stupid enough to read it
After the secret inauguration, he had the judge ritually executed, his body parts roasted, then served for lunch. (with fried chicken and watermelon)
Fuck off. Just fuck the fuck right off.
Completely fucking mental.
Not that you should be worrying *how* he takes the Oath of Office, just that he does and that he sticks to it (unlike the previous incumbent.)
Its Conservapedia
'nuff said.
No Country for Old Men
I think...
I'm glad Obama's president, but goddamn, I dread hearing this paranoid crap for the next 4 years.
@#919541-I'm pretty sure you're right.
Bollocks mate. Are you sure it shouldn't be renamed to WishfulThinkingapedia. You must be gullible idiots. Still, I suppose if that site is a sort of therapeutic treatment for you, then it may serve a purpose.
@Shit, I wish he was Muslim. Hell,I'd be giddy if he was a woman. I'd shit my pants in excitement if he was a lesbian woman. But none of these are true, and because of fucksticks like you, this will never happen in my lifetime.--Efrain
I dunno... I never thought a black man would be elected in my lifetime.. and here we are.
I hope Obama comes out of the White House tomorrow in a turban and fake beard, yelling "BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA!"
Every reader of Conservapedia, Rapture Ready and similar loony bins will have strokes. Then he can take off the costume and the rest of us can get back to making a very nice country.
Islam doesn't work that way, you can't just pray away the sin. That's Christianity where it doesn't matter what you do, you just have to say the magic words and poof sin all gone. Muslims have to actually make amends for their mistakes.
Personally I think that making extravagant speculations about someone you disagree with, speculations for which you have zero evidence, is as bad as lying. Is this some way of planting false beliefs in the heads of their mindless adherents, and avoiding the accusation that it is in breach of the ninth commandment by saying it is "just speculation"?
As we all know, it is not what is true that is important to these people, but rather what they can make their followers believe.
I'd find, kidnap, and torture one of these people for days on end if I wasn't sure that was exactly what they wanted. Please, Darwin, have these people inbreed themselves into oblivion. In your name I pray.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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