/Well, we finally did it. We elected a Muslin President./
Obama is not made of muslin; he is a flesh-and-blood human being, and he is not Muslim, he is Christian. Get with the program already.
/An insult to the 43 Christian Men who came before./
You know, I wouldn't be surprised if there were people during Kennedy's presidency that thought that he was an insult to his predecessors because none of them were Catholic. Same nonsense, different decade.
/Whether or not you liked past Presidents, you have to admire the fact that they were all Christian./
Correction: Whether or not you liked the Founding Fathers (a few of whom became presidents), you have to admit the fact that most of them were deists, if not agnostics or atheists.
/Not a Jew, not a Muslin, not an atheist./
As I've said before, before Kennedy, there had been no Catholic presidents. Before Clinton, there had been no presidents from Arkansas. Before Washington, there had been no presidents at all. Just because there isn't a precedent doesn't mean that it can't happen. Especially not when the Constitution doesn't give a darn about the president's religion or lack thereof, since it clearly states that no religious test is required for holding office.
/America is a CHRISTIAN NATION. Anything else is just downright insulting./
No, it is not, and you are insulting the Founding Fathers by trying to pretend that it is.
/If America still exists in 4 years, I have no doubt in my mind that Sarah Palin will defeat Joe Biden, and become President/
If that happens, then we will not have learned anything at all and will deserve to be laughed at. Sarah Palin does not belong in the White House any more than you do, because, like you, she is a moron.
/(I say Joe Biden because I expect that Obama will be impeached, resign, or assassinated by then),/
How wonderfully optimistic and charitable of you.
/restoring good Christian faith to the White House/Oval Office./
Yes, because everyone knows that Jesus advocated shooting wolves from helicopters, charging rape victims for their own rape kits, undergoing exorcisms from crazy Kenyan pastors who accuse women of witchcraft so they can drive them out of town, condoning abortion clinic bombers, outlawing abortion, drilling for oil, bombing foreign countries, and generally being an ignorant, stupid little twit.
/Never again will we elect a Muslin man to lead the greatest country for Christians./
We HAVEN'T elected a Muslim man yet, get that through your thick head!
/I have some ideas about how we can prevent this, but some have told me they are too radical. I disagree. I already firmly believe that everybody in the world is born as a Christian, but later in life choose to abandon it or pursue another "faith."/
First of all, Christianity is a religion. A belief. So there is no way on earth that it can be genetic. Second of all, even if it were true, what about all those Palestinian children who are being killed right now and are callously dismissed by your fundie ilk as the "children of infidels?" If everyone is Christian, surely it would be a crime to kill foreign children, right? Oh, that's right, not if they're brown and their parents don't follow Jesus. My mistake.
/Although I hate large amounts of government intervention, I think a law should be created that makes it official: every American is born a Christian./
Mary Tudor (otherwise known as "Bloody Mary") and her half-brother, Edward, already tried that, respectively. Mary tried to make everyone in England Catholic and Edward tried to make everyone Protestant. It didn't work for the same reason that your imaginary law won't work: people will believe what they want and there's nothing you can do to change that. Beliefs are personal and internal, so a person can lie about them all he/she wants while secretly holding onto them.
/Of course, later in life you can be allowed to convert to any "faith" or "religion" that you want, so there's really no difference in that regard./
Wait...what? What the heck are you trying to say? If there's no difference, then what's the point of having that law to begin with?
/However, it will have to be recorded, so it will be on public record, so everyone can see exactly when and at what age you decided to abandon Christ./
And then stone you to death or banish you from town, right? How lovely.
/If this law existed, Obama would have been born Christian (assuming he was really born in Hawaii, like he says)/
*headdesk* First of all, Obama WAS born in Hawaii. He has the birth certificate which proves it, so stop with your stupid insinuations. Second of all, Christianity is not a birthright. Again, it's a belief, so it's not genetic. Are all babies born with the belief that the sky is blue or that black cats bring you bad luck? No.
/and would have to convert to Islam later in life./
He Never. Converted. To Islam. He's been a lifelong Christian. He's been going to church all his life. Where the heck were you when his pastor (yes, his PASTOR) got into trouble?
/Real Islamic terrorists in the middle east probably wouldn't want to associate with a Christian man,/
Right, like you know any "real" Islamic terrorists.
/so his Christianity would keep Obama away from these terrorists he pals around with."/
Sarah Palin's husband was part of the Alaskan secessionist movement. Don't know what that means? It means that the leaders of this movement wanted Alaska to break away from the rest of the U.S. and become its own country. Do you know who else tried that? The South! Causing the good old Civil War, which killed more Americans than any other war that we've been involved in. But she's not friends with terrorists, because she's a white, conservative Christian.
Give me a break.