"Here is an explanation from a REAL scientist."
So, I guess that's the reason why Richard Dawkins is doing a ten-stretch (and his cellmate Bubba - as well as the rest of the cellblock - is stretching his arsehole!) for not paying his taxes, and Kent Hovind is currently free as a bird, going about his lawful business, as he pays his taxes.
(*Smacks forehead*)
...oh yes, that's right; how silly of me?! I always get those two mixed up: It's Professor Dawkins who is the one free to go about his lawful business - as he always pays his dues to H.M. Inland Revenue, and 'Dr.' (via a diploma mill) Hovind who was caught not Rendering unto Caesar - as every good Christian is ordered to in the Bible - thus was cuffed & stuffed by the IRS, ergo him doing ten in the pen. And getting his daily arserapings by Bubba & co. (PROTIP: As an American, he should know the score; it's his fault he's in jail - where rape is the national sport - not mine. Just in case anyone brings up the subject)
In conclusion: Those fundies (like Kentypoos) who fall foul of the law - least of all the IRS - as a result expose themselves as hypocrites. Therefore, whatever they say has no right to be considered credible in any way, shape or form. They forfeit, in perpetuity, the right to be even listened to, never mind what they say to be acknowledged by anyone.
As with Ted Faggard, Kent Hovind deserves - for the rest of his life - to be a nobody. Irrelevant. But then, even before his conviction, anything he said had absolutely no relevance to anything. And therefore had no right to be accepted, never mind 'believed', by anyone.
Moral: Hubris. Can be such an evil bitch when she wants to be eh, fundies?!
@Rapax Pringer
">Kent Hovind
>real scientist
Much like Cirno is a real math teacher."
Even "Touhou"'s resident Ice Fairy* can look at Kentypoos, and - without fear of contradiction - say about him (whilst pointing and laughing), 'Look at that baka.'
X3 (9)
Here's a riddle that even Cirno would figure out immediately: 'What do you get for free, via not doing something, that other men can only get by having to do so?
A clue for free, Kentypoos: Two words: Jimmy Swaggart.
*- For the uninitiated: