If a rainbow is God's Promise that he will never again flood the Earth,
Does this mean that light refraction and the color spectrum didn't exist before Noah
In those times the atmosphere is not the same with what it is today.
There was no vapor in the atmosphere to cause the refraction of light.
This place is like a gold mine for my blog!
BTW, am I the only reader here that takes a breath like they are jumping into the deep end when they click on their bookmark for FSTDT? Just curious...
Yes, one can conjecture anyting to make a ridiculous belief "possible", but it's still bullshit, and I think you know it. Self-delusion.
Chancellor Gorkon
Not according to the second creation story
Genesis 2:5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
That is so wrong! The True Answer is, before the flood, the nature of matter was dramatically different. There WAS no atmosphere, the world was simply flat and 1 mile above the ground was heaven. Electrons had a positive charge, and eyes worked by sensing spiritual emanations from dark matter which formed fields around each of God's creations. After the flood, that all changed, and we started seeing things by reflected photons and all that jazz. Rainbows became possible - and also, God added a lot of new colors. Before the flood, colors #FF9A2B, #CCD99D, and everything lower than #039922 did not exist.
Mr. John demonstrates the origin of most fundie "facts". Someone makes something up and the others nod their heads saying, yeah, that's right. Fundie "facts" usually come first and then the observations to support those facts are carefully screened to allow only the ones that can be then contorted to fit their previous conclusions. They interpret the bible the same way. What is the most amazing is the they can turn around and criticize others for how they reach conclusions.
I bet he doesn't even realize he just completely made this dumb crap up.
Maybe if he did he's figure out that ALL of religion works this way.
I'm not going to hold my breath.
Every time I think they have reached the nadir of stupidity, they manage to surprise me with a new low.
So was the whole world in black and white prior to the flood, then? That seems to be Mr John's implication.
Good God! How can they ever listen to themselves for one second and not go out and put a bullet in their own heads?
@Osiris: I think largely as a way to justify the super-long lifespans of Adam, Noah, Methuselah, etc.
"There was no vapor in the atmosphere to cause the refraction of light."
And what the hell CREATES a rainbow?!
A rainbow doesn't actually exist, but we can see it.
Can't say the same for your 'God', eh?
[There was no vapor in the atmosphere to cause the refraction of light.]
In other words, there was no...atmosphere?
And where, Mr John, does it state this in the Bible? Since it's not in your precious Bible, on what evidence do you make this claim? Stop making up bullshit lies to support your ludicrous beliefs.
@Osiris: "When did this idea start that before the Flood the Earth was completely different?"
Dunno, it's pretty old; somebody in the early 1600s suggested the Earth was a smooth sphere with water under the crust before the Flood; in the Flood, the water broke through and the homogeneous crust got jumbled into continents and oceans and valleys and mountains. So it's at least 400 years old.
yes, there was no fog, or mist, there was no spray from waterfalls or rain. No one had a teakettle and no one ever made steam. Men and women never peed.
Answer the damn question.
As long as there is water, there is vapour (and thus, rainbows are possible). When there is vapour, there will be rain. Thus, the Bible cannot be right when it says there was never rain before the flood.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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