Meanwhile, if you know anything about Genetics at all - you'd know it actually disproves the theory of evolution.
Human evolution at least.
Animals are different than humans after all.
Almost all of the rest of the animal world makes its own vitamin C, while we have to get it from our diet. We have the same gene as other animals for making vitamin C, but it's damaged. How does creationism explain why humans, chimps and gorillas all have a defective gene, rather than no gene at all? That's like putting an ignition system on a diesel engine, but leaving it disconnected. No engineer in his right mind would do that.
If you knew anything about genetics and/or zoology you'd know that the study of genetics supports the ToE, humans evole(d) just as all other lifeforms, and humans ARE animals, but, apparently, you don't even know your a** from your elbows.
How are animals different from humans?
They eat, they sleep, the piss and shit, they fuck.
"Meanwhile, if you know anything about Genetics at all"
Which you clearly don't. Or grammar for that matter.
"Why is genetics capitalized?"
Maybe this person is also German and can not get past the habit of capitalizing nouns. *shrugs*
@the Lazy One:
In every group of people, no matter how small, there are retards. He does not represent the rest...
"Animals are different than humans after all."
Yeah, that's why we share a similar body plan to all other vertebrates, and all have the same code expressing our genes.
Humans are unique in the way that all species are unique. We also share a lot with other apes and other primates. Dogs are unique, but have a lot in common with wolves and foxes. A sugar maple is unique, but shares a lot with a red maple.
[Meanwhile, if you know anything about Genetics at all - you'd know it actually disproves the theory of evolution. ]
No. Genetics change from parent to offspring. Multiply this by 10,000 years and you will have something diffrent than it's ancestor.
[Animals are different than humans after all. ]
We are mammal like animals. We have hair, warm blood, and birth live offsrping. You lose.
Pardon me while I ejaculate some truth in your eye.
Humans, by definition, are animals.
animal= anything that ingests another organism to survive.
1.6% difference in DNA from chimps.
Ahhhhh.. I need a cigarette now.
You have a point. One of the key things that sets humans apart from animals is intelligence .
Sadly, this also means you are lower then an insect in terms of brainpower.
"Meanwhile, if you know anything about Genetics at all - you'd know it actually disproves the theory of evolution.
Human evolution at least.
Animals are different than humans after all."
Humans (Homo Sapiens ) share at least 98% of their DNA with Chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes ).
I love the smell of destroyed arguments in the morning. Smells like... victory.
It seems you are the one with zero knowledge of Genetics. Humans and Chimpanzees are more like each other, than either are like Gorillas.
Humans ARE animals, so no, we are not different than ourselves.
Everything we have learned in Genetics since the days of Darwin has reinforced ToE, has made it even more secure as one of the strongest scientific theories we have. Things that Darwin only guessed, we can now prove in laboratories.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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