Dorfman #fundie

Having assumed that people have a general knowledge of basic alebra. I shall attempt to prove God.

Well all know that the earth sits at a certian angle on its axis. How could this have been done with the big bang theroy?
Scientist have proven, if the earth was off its axis or not a the PERFECT angle we would burn up due to the suns position.

We know that the earth rotates around the sun in a elipse form. (alerbra word)
For elipse to be an elispe it has to have TWO FOCI (man this is making my head hurt) Which makes sense with the gravational pull around the sun. However, what doesn't make since is there is only ONE foci being the sun. Yet the earth still revolves around the sun in elispe form. Explain that one. How can the earth due this with an exact elipse form without another foci?


bascially, A= axis B= Balence G= God

simple enough?



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