Christforums #homophobia #interphobia #psycho

Keep repeating your narrative until the story becomes true. Not my people I don't care what that Red, White, and Blue means to everybody especially the Leftist. Didn't see the Leftist LGBT at the recruitment offices enlisting to fight for the freedoms they hold so dear. I used to believe they should have to die for their country too, but my convictions are now that they shouldn't even be a problem or consideration.

If I had it my way, sterilize all ineligible persons exempting themselves from the draft and begin a mandatory draft serving for at least 3 yrs (ex. S. Korea, and Israel) since human services are so important. Can't have the real men go off and fight wars and undesirable peoples remain home and populate the peoples. And that's being nice. LGBT and other deplorable peoples shouldn't be a problem if certain undesirables were put to death or executed. Make it so they fear coming out of the closet and let no blood guilt be upon anybody's head.

Whenever man comes up w/ a better idea on how to solve immorality greater regression occurs resulting in animalistic behavior. "Your people," your people are nothing but a bunch of animals.

Red Pill Poet #wingnut #conspiracy

Amid a rampant radical madness
insidiously hatched in college campus
incubators of critical-theory-activated
state-of-the-art neo-Marxist hooey;
amid a suddenly-de-rigueur madness
that'd been nurtured in re-purposed unis

strange trains of mind
(having gone off the rails by design)
had left their deftly sabotaged tracks.

In the freshly-sprung rancour factories
that had hijacked higher learning
a hot-off-the-press truly-lunatic version
of a not-so-new crazed way of thinking
had met with success in its scheme
to undermine the spineless system
to the extent
that under cover of maternal virtue
what academia perversely gave birth to
was a vast standing army
of self-righteously intolerant monsters.
As the millions-strong mob
of PC totalitarians spoke
as one
unhinged tunnel-visioned organism
within the echo chamber of woke

few inside noticed the depth and range
to which language had been changed
as a sneaky means to retrain brains
as certain words
were furtively redefined
to discreetly mislead simple minds
As casually sadistic
as they were odiously sanctimonious
the crybully goon squads and mobs
(lost in the throes of collective psychosis)

spared no effort in their quest to quench
their perpetually offended members'
horrifically shrivelled souls
with the blood they spilt
conducting their ever-vigilant
guilty-till-proven-innocent purity patrols.

Their hitherto-hollow mollycoddled lives
having failed to give rise
to anything of notable worth

the flying-off-the-handle
Red-Guard-like vandals
— as if bent on avenging
a learned burning bitterness —
had agreed to scorch the earth

on their manic wasteland-advancing
fealty-demanding mission
to cancel culture rewrite history
and Year Zero the weakened system.

John Doyle and Sara Gonzales #racist #conspiracy #pratt #wingnut

From a Feb. 14, 2025 episode of Sara Gonzales Unfiltered

Sara Gonzales: With all of this — the deportations — you have actual members of Congress who are openly trying to shield these illegal aliens from being deported. So these people are violating federal law, and you have members of Congress — Ilhan Omar, AOC — who are doing that. And I think that it’s a reasonable question to pose: Is this — like, at what level does this become treasonous behavior?[…]
John Doyle: No. And you asked the question, what defines treason? And the beauty is that when your guys are in charge, you get to define treason[…]
They would be so much meaner to us, by the way, like, defining treason, sedition. I mean, the J6 investigation, obviously, the largest in the the history of the DOJ

But if you are actually advocating for illegal aliens to be able to remain in the country on the teat of the American taxpayer, like, yeah, you’re, like, committing treason[…]I don’t understand why Americans allow for foreigners to be elected to positions of political power. Ilhan Omar —
SG: Yeah
JD: –was born in Somalia. She married her brother[…]
The way that she decides to use that power is the way that all of these different immigrant groups have used power throughout the past seventy years, which is they use their political power to establish, like, these ethnic beachheads to facilitate more of people from their country coming over. They accumulate wealth, political power[…]
JD: AOC is Puerto Rican. Ilhan Omar is Somalian [sic]. Go away. Like, you are not part of the club[…]They should all be — they should all — and now that Gitmo is open again, maybe we do have a place to send ’em to, right?[…]
SG: He — I am so proud of him [Brandon Gill]. I am so happy that he is there shaking things up. He actually started a petition to deport Ilhan Omar

Donald Trump and Enrique Tarrio #wingnut

President Donald Trump has suggested that far-right militias such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers may have a role to play in public life

Trump was asked during a press conference in the Roosevelt Room on Tuesday if there’s room for the leaders of such groups in the political conversation

“We’ll have to see,” Trump said

“I thought the sentences for them were ridiculous and excessive,” he added. Former Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was just released from his 22-year sentence for seditious conspiracy following Trump’s pardons and commutations for January 6 rioters

“At least [in] the cases we looked at, these were people that actually love our country,” Trump added

Tarrio appeared on Alex Jones’s InfoWars last night, just hours after leaving prison

“We went through hell — and I’m gonna tell you, it was worth it,” said Tarrio. “Because what we stood for … was what we’ve been fighting for, and what we saw yesterday on the inauguration stage”

He suggested that “people like” Pam Bondi, the nominee for attorney general, and Kash Patel, the nominee to lead the FBI, and the “rest of Trump’s cabinet” should “right all these wrongs … The people who did this, they need to feel the heat. They need to be put behind bars”

Donald Trump #transphobia #wingnut #god-complex

Less than 15 minutes in, he noted that he had signed an executive order declaring that the federal government will only recognize two unchangeable sexes, male and female, and another order banning trans women from participating in women’s sports.

He then introduced Payton McNabb, who played volleyball in high school in North Carolina and, Trump said, planned to play sports in college until “her girls’ volleyball match was invaded by a male.”

Trump said the player “smashed the ball so hard in Payton’s face causing traumatic brain injury, partially paralyzing her right side and ending her athletic career.”

It’s still unclear whether the player who spiked the ball and hit McNabb during the September 2022 match was trans. McNabb has said in interviews that she and her teammates were aware of a trans player on the team, but that player’s name has not been shared and she has not spoken to the press. Since then, McNabb has become a paid national advocate for state laws prohibiting trans students from playing on school sports teams that match their gender identities. She testified in favor of such a measure in North Carolina, which passed and took effect in August 2023.

various commenters #transphobia

RE: Pentagon Begins to Implement TIP Policy in Military

( VestalVirgin )
I am mildly curious just how much money Trump's new politics will save the state. 🤔

He is doing a lot of shit that will cost money down the line (apparently he's appeasing Covid-deniers by stopping the funding of epidemic tracking), but trans shit is so expensive (and a "gift that keeps giving", but in reverse, from the perspective of those who have to pay for it) that I wonder if he might actually save money, in total.

( Mizuna )
You can't put a price on morale. Transgenders in the military drive down recruitment, and they make our military look like a joke. Social media is full of memes like this dunking on the US military. Do you think China or Russia find this intimidating? They're probably laughing at how far our military has fallen.

( LunarMoose )
the idea that we pay for this and don't get soldiers who are 'combat ready' is insane. That's the whole premise of signing up - to be ready to fight.

But. Please. Let me just read one article in which combat readiness is raised in the msm........

( LilianH )
The actual cost of the medial transition is probably not a huge amount considering the size of the US defence budget, but a TIP can't really fulfil the role of the soldier or be deployed so removing them from the army completely might start to save a few billions a year.

( VestalVirgin )
Yeah, it isn't just the cost of their surgeries and stuff, it is also the fact that they pay a soldier who takes a lot of time off, so isn't even working 100% at desk jobs, and isn't combat ready on top of that.

Gjgp27, those_eyes #sexist

The ultimate take down of feminism, hehehe.
But seriously, tell me of the several successful matriarchies who are not only well known, but had lasting influence and power for generations. Tell me of the communities full of women that are boomingly successful. There's so many, right?
Meanwhile, I can tell you of several instances where matriarchal influence has done nothing but hinder a society or group.
The effiminization of the Christian church is what led to the downfall of its substantial impact, also displayed in its push for emotionalism and lack of intellectualism. For instance, go to a Christian bookstore and what will you see more of: group 1; Christian historical books, theology books, hermeneutics, and apologetics, or group 2: women's devotional books?
The black community is notorious for being filled with and ran by some of the most bottom barrel women, and is it doing any better for reversed gender roles and shaking off the patriarchy? Hell, some ghettoes look like third world countries.
In the white world of Dunham esque liberals, stats show kids become better not only with fathers, but that single fathers produce better kids than single mothers. Also, many women who choose to shrug off traditional family values engage in acts that get them several unsavory "accomplishments": tattoos, bastard kids, shacking up while complaining that their man "won't marry them", and getting relationship advice from women who have no men, can't interact with men, and or hate men.
So, feminists, tell me again how going against the Patriarchy is good for society?

Women act like men should automatically respect them but they don't realize they need to earn respect.

Napoleon de Geso #sexist

[Based] Why approaching ugly femorloids is total waste and better take risk with prettier ones

Possible outcome when approaching ugly femorloid is same as pretty one - rejection or ignoring. Maybe chances of "success" slightly bigger, but that "success" is worthless, as touching ugly femorloid is disgusting and unacceptable, and "validation" from her also has no value. Both outcomes are failure, being rejected by ugly femorloid is insult, being acceptable for her - also insult. Total waste. So better approach prettier ones, chances with them are horribly small to impossible, but success may have some value

And tfu on my former "best friend" moron, wanted me to waste "rejection points" on ugly femorloids. Just loss, and no use, even if "success". Tfu again on him. Let up spit on my former "best friend". Tfu

Pumkin #sexist #psycho #crackpot

RE: [Serious] Unpopular opinion: we have a problem with paedophilia in this community

For fuck's sake, I'm not here to go into the semantics.

What do you mean you haven't seen anyone here advocate for sex with a prepubescent individual? I saw this on the last thread:

Pumkin said:
cousin recently had a baby. sent the family a nude pic (aka child porn) of her laying on the bed completely naked. tightest and most succulent innie pussy you'd ever seen. looked as if i drew a straight line where the vagina would be. i tell you it was something else.

compare that with any 30+yo woman. would make you vomit. how big the contrast is to the disgusting meatflaps that old hags call a 'vagina'
what's even worse is how society keeps lying to the general populace to believe these lies and think that old hags are 'sexy' and to be sought after. for millinons upon millions of human civilization it was always the youngest, freshest, and RIPEST girls got fucked and married. now, in 2020, all that is illegal. we shame our forefathers with this bullshit

You hurt my feelings. I thought we were incel brothers. Et tu, PP? (btw get your facts straight. I never said id fuck the newborn. I said newborn pussy is aesthetically pleasing to the eye and looks perfect. A simple observaton from our society today. ALL women and porn want hairless with innie lips and blush of pink and red hues on the vagina. To imitate men fucking younger girls Which is what men sexually desire)

Carl #fundie #kinkshaming

porn is sin... what happens between a man and a woman is to be between them only , and that is to be behind closed doors, not on film....

do what you want, abuse you're bodies but when you're screaming in the fire of hell dont say I didint warn you to stop... seek help now while you got a chance to change...

Free Indeed #fundie

[Now, I dont "believe in" god. If God appeared and spoke to me, I would believe him!]

Has a gatorduck, catdog, or apeman appeared and spoke to you? How about any direct lineage fossils, have they appeared?

universallyabhorred #sexist

Think about all the incel men that were driven to suicide by their cruelty or the fetuses that were murdered through abortion just to satisfy the female's twisted lust for chad. You are murderers each and every one of you you have way more blood on your collective hands than an incel ever will including shooters such as Ellliot Rodger and Marc Lépine. Next time you accuse incels of being violent, twisted mass shooters look at your own red stained hands, stained with the blood flesh and guts of innocent incels whom you denied basic rights whom you abused and exploited. Millions of us were forced to die due to your cruelty and you expect us to still worship you, you are truly scum of the earth.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia

A Christian parent of a gay son or daughter needs to make clear that their love for that child is unconditional; but at the same time it must be firmly stated that homosexuality will not be tolerated in your presence, nor in your home, nor are you in any way supportive of such wickedness. It is sinful for any parent to support gay rights.

Homosexuality is immoral. It is sin in God's eyes. The Bible makes clear that we are to LOVE GOD more than our mother, father, son, daughter, wife, husband, or other loved ones. That means obeying God above all else.

BleakBassPlayer #fundie

If i could stand there personally and show you, 666 is in the barcode... its not something you can just glance at and be like 'oh hey there is 666 this bag of chips is doomed to hell!!! hahaha' If it was that obvious it probly would be harder to market. Its there though i promise and go ahead and mock me... Its ok i got no hate for ignorance just no understanding.

Kent Hovind #fundie #forced-birth

According to the Bible, murder should be punished by death. Killing your father or mother (Exodus 21:15), that's punishable by death. Kidnapping (Exodus 21:16) is punishable by death. Cursing your father or mother, verse 17, punishable by death. Causing someone to have an abortion, in verse 22 and 23 of that chapter, is punishable by death. If you kick a pregnant woman and the baby dies, you have to be killed. Vehicular homicide... if your ox kills somebody else, then you are responsible, especially if you were warned and didn't keep it in. I think the Bible would offer the pattern that... we should make our laws by, so to me, that would easily translate into something related to [vehicular homicide]... If you with your car kill somebody, you are responsible, so that would be similar to the ox goring somebody after you have been warned. So I would look at verse 28-29 as something where we could model some laws on vehicular homicide.

Kabamur Taygeta #ufo #fundie #conspiracy

Pay special attention to those warning that “ALIENS ARE DEMONS”.

If angels are real and want to be seen, then those promoting fear of life outside of Earth are the demons.

If your God created a universe of evil except humans, you’re wrong about both God and humans.

How is it any spiritual sources interpret that ascension is for this Earth and everyone will experience it when our greatest teachers say the opposite?

Try to follow the logic of the soul trap narrative:

We’re not awake until we realize we’re prisoners, but there’s actually no escape from the prison.

Those who have imprisoned us feed on our fear, but it’s important to know we’re victims who can’t escape.
“Jesus didn’t teach ascension”

Of course he did. It’s one of his primary teachings. Jesus is as New Age as it gets. He literally promised a New Heaven and a New Earth.
“There is no way to the father but through me”

First of all, what does this have to do with being murdered for God? Nothing. So why do modern Christians disregard his teachings in favor of a pagan blood s*******e?

Jesus spoke Aramaic. No one tries to research what he really said because it reverses much of what the Church taught.

He said ABWOON (Source) not ABBA (Father). His entire message was about God being within us. There is no way to Source but to go within. His message is the only way, not worship of angry gods ordering murder and slavery (anunnaki). Not once did Jesus refer to Yahweh-Jehovah as God.

Jesus didn’t say he would return to rule this world as a king, he said he’d take us where he is. A place where “many mansions” are prepared (5D Earth).

Jesus didn’t practice blood rituals to God so he couldn’t have been a final s*******e to his own God. He didn’t claim he was going to die for our sins. In the story, he didn’t volunteer, he was betrayed.

He taught that God was within and we will do even greater miracles. Modern Christians mindlessly repeats slogans like “Jesus is King”, and are believe more in the power of demons than angels.

various commenters #transphobia

RE: Full Frontal attack on Women's Rights by the NY Times

( Peppermint )

Some say that foster children were being targeted

If this is true I would believe it. Its obvious to me the whole case surrounding Keira Bell is one of racism (removal of her reproductive organs), misogyny and tokenism. Foster children are defenseless, what better group to target for the trans cult?

The article mentions that trans are a "small part of the population" so why do they also mention the fucking miracle that is thousands of trans in the US military? we all know they are there for free cosmetic surgery. They aren't there to serve anybody but themselves.

Big Pharma is definitely mad. Take the free money away and the number of the trans diagnosis will drop like like a stone. None of it was real.


( pennygadget )
I would 100% believe that foster kids are groomed into the gender cult. They don't have stable families to protect them from creeps. Most of them are damaged from trauma and abuse (both physical and sexual). And many of them are desperate to find a place/community where they can belong. They are prime targets for trans groomers

( SarahWilliams_13 )
In regard to the military aspect, my therapist recently asked me how I felt (she’s GC and pretty open) about it and I asked her: well, is gender dysphoria/ dysmorphia a mental illness?

She said good question. She then said that they are currently trying to change the DSM to state that it is not a mental illness. They want all that removed, so there’s no aspect connected to mental health.

I haven’t had a chance to run it down, but she’s no conspiracy theorist and is very concerned about these things.

( OneStarWolf )
Haha wow. So they want to pretend it’s normal for people to threaten suicide if they don’t get to cut off healthy body parts and induce hormonal disorders??

But of course they still want medical insurance to be forced to cover all their cosmetic surgeries and drugs, even though it wouldn’t be considered a mental health condition any longer 🙃

These entitled assholes just want preferential treatment and free rein on surgery and drugs on their say so, no medical diagnosis needed at all! Make it make sense! You can’t, because it’s backwards cult logic.

Tom Kratman #wingnut #psycho

I confess that, after 80 years of mooching, scolding, nagging, and preening themselves in threadbare cloaks of moral superiority, the idea of Europe becoming our official enemy sends chills up my spine. It is a joyful sensation.

Oh, and Canada, in that case, just as if you had tried to join the Warsaw Pact under Trudeau the elder, something I suspect crossed his mind regularly, if you tried to join Europe or adhere to a NATO which has become an enemy of the United States, we would mobilize, invade, and crush you in very short order. No, NATO, which is to say the UK and France, will not risk nuclear annihilation to save you. No, none of them could send over enough in the way of conventional forces to help very much if, indeed, they could get anything over in the face of our overwhelming superiority in the air and at sea. No, 1812 has nothing to say; we were logistic imbeciles at the time and disease infants. Neither of these factors are true anymore and, indeed, haven't since about 1862.

Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated.

Cobra/The Portal #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy

There will be a very powerful planetary etheric leyline grid activation which will be triggered by the Solar eclipse on March 29 th :

During that eclipse, a strong flash of Light will activate planetary Dragon leylines with a quantum leap to the new level, so that the planetary energy grid will be ready for the cascade of events that will follow in quick succession in April and May.

In the next few blog updates I will be able to say more about this very powerful activation process taking place in April and May.

Until then, preparation steps need to be taken and lots of darkness removed so that the Light can finally begin to enter.

First, a clearing process of the deepest part of Lurker subquantum anomaly on the surface of the planet will be taking place between the Lunar eclipse on March 14 th and the Solar eclipse on March 29 th :

On top of that, Saturn rings will be edge-on as seen from Earth on March 23rd :

That configuration usually opens a dark portal between intergalactic subquantum anomaly, Saturn and Earth, and when it happened in February 1996 it was one among the darkest moments in human history:

This time, it will be an opportunity for the Light forces to clear a large portion of subquantum anomaly once and for all.
After March 29th , many key planetary vortexes will experience powerful activations.

The first one is the Jerusalem vortex, which is anchored at the Temple Mount:

During late Atlantean times, this was the main Orion programming and implanting center for the native Natufian population:

King Solomon decided to purify the energy of the area and built his temple there:

One part of his temple was dedicated to the goddess Asherah:

Energy of Asherah needs to be invoked to bring healing and balance to the Jerusalem vortex and the whole region:

Also, to heal the occult reasons for the conflict in Gaza and bring peace to the area, the archetype of the war goddess Anat needs to be purified and healed:

An Armchair Geopolitical Analyst #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Because everyone—as in EVERYONE— is up in arms about the spasmodic Ukraine peace process, it really begs the question: Who and what is behind this epic Khazarian clusterfuck?!
Well, you now know the “Who?” (read: Khazarian Cabal), but how about the “Why?”.

Trust us, it’s complicated. VERY Complicated indeed! So here’s a brief EXECUTIVE SUMMARY for folks to wrap their brains around while we flesh out the skeleton of this epochal Khazarian clusterfuck over the coming week.

First it’s important to properly understand that the Khazarian Cabal set up the original predatory capitalism and kleptocratic communist paradigms during the formative stages of the Northern Italian Black Nobility throughout the late 13th and early 14th centuries.
• For example, the Khazarian oligarchs in Russia have their goals in Ukraine just as the Khazarian oligarchs from the United States and Ukraine do. Then there are the Khazarian oligarchs in Europe who align with Ukraine’s oligarchs, but not with the USA or Russia. Which is exactly why we are now seeing the American Neocon Zionists that dominate the Trump administration make common cause with the conservative Putin administration, which is closely allied with the orthodox Chabad-Lubavitch sect of Hasidic Judaism and their politically appointed Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar.

• There are different wars and battles currently raging in this global resource war for land and water, power plants and ports, gold and silver, uranium and diamonds, oil and gas, rare earth minerals and metals, etc. For whoever controls the territory, controls the land, water as well as all natural resources and vital infrastructure. Ukraine happens to have a wealth of all of these things and, therefore, is being subjected to extraordinary pressures by the competing groups of Khazarian oligarchs who each want maximum control and/or ownership of that hapless geographic area.

Soul:Ask #crackpot #magick #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

There are wild anxieties swirling around March 13-14, 2025. Why the panic? This isn’t just another day on the calendar—it’s a cosmic collision of the Jewish holiday Purim and a rare blood moon, igniting the imaginations of conspiracy theorists and numerologists worldwide. But the intrigue doesn’t stop there. The buzz extends to March 15, and the internet is buzzing with speculation.
Let’s break it down: March 15, 2020, marked the dawn of global lockdowns. Fast forward to 2025, and March 13-14 will be exactly 12 years since Pope Francis took office. History buffs will also note that March 15, 44 BC, saw Julius Caesar’s infamous assassination, unleashing chaos in Rome.

March 14 isn’t just a date for lunar watchers—it’s also Pi Day, a quirky holiday beloved by math geeks everywhere. Dreamed up in 1987 by San Francisco physicist Larry Shaw, Pi Day celebrates the mathematical constant π (3.1415926…) at precisely 1:59:26 PM—or 13:59 for 24-hour clock fans who party into the night. Why? Because the date (3/14) and time align perfectly with pi’s first digits. It’s a nerdy delight that’s grown into a global phenomenon.

But here’s where it gets dark. Enter the Belphegor number—pi’s twisted counterpart. Written as 1000000000000066600000000000001, this eerie figure boasts 13 zeros on each side of a devilish 666 core. Named after Belphegor, the “Lord of the Abyss” and one of hell’s archdemons, it’s a stark contrast to pi’s wholesome charm. While math nerds raise their calculators to π on March 14, could shadowy groups like the Illuminati be toasting to Belphegor instead?

Then there’s March 15—day 153 of 2025—a number that’s pure catnip for numerologists. Add up 1 + 2 + 3 all the way to 17, and you’ll land on 153, forming a perfect triangular number that Freemasons adore. Even the Bible chimes in: the Gospel of John (21:11) describes Simon Peter hauling in a net of 153 fish, a detail that’s puzzled scholars for centuries. Coincidence?

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia

[From “February 23, 2025: Deploy The Prons 3”]


Panel 1: Slick is in front of a Roman arch of triumph on which is engraved the logo of X
Panel 2: Depicts a statue of Elon Musk doing a Roman salute and clad in a Roman armor on which is engraved X
Panel 3: Slick is walking right behing a croowd of NPC wearing MAGA red hats
Panel 4: a naked woman is under three X
Panel 5: Slick sees Cletus making a speech
Panel 6: Cletus makes a speech attacking the Jews, immigrants and LGBT
Panel 7: right near him, a black truck is appearing
Panel 8: two Shibas dressed as SWAT officers are leaving the truck
Panel 9: one of the Shibas grabs Cletus
Panel 10: the two Shibas are dragging Cletus into the truck
Panel 11: the truck closes its doors on which is written “Z.O.G.E.”
Panel 12: the truck is departing in front of Slick, the MAGA NPC and the Elon Musk statue

Doctor Doom #fundie


The assmites are the Web equivalent of vandals, They are intellectually incapable of creating, so they therefore try to destroy what others create. The BB in question is an Internet slum. The lowest forms of life congregate, like cockroaches in a greasy-spoon kitchen, and amuse themselves and each other with their infantile "humor". They are toddlers sitting in a sandbox taking turns shouting, "POOPOO CACA DOODOO!" and giggling hysterically at how clever they are.

The only plus is that aside from their microminority of halfwits, no one knows about, let alone cares about, the board.

Jake #fundie

Women should wear long skirts or dresses and it's generally preferable if they avoid working outside the home once they have kids. However, if the man isn't getting it done financially then it may be his fault she has to work and not hers. Divorce should not be socially acceptable and we must do away with "no-fault" (aka, his-fault) divorce laws. If women wear pants they start to act like men instead of women.

variuos commenters #transphobia

RE: By barring trans women from women’s sports, NCAA sides with bigots

( OneStarWolf )
It’s the complete opposite, you gaslighting poor excuse for an article. Biology is a bigot then. But really, the writer of this article is a raging, bigoted misogynist piece of crap that really thinks women’s reality is not worth respecting as long as a man’s feelings aren’t put first. Fuck off, dude.

( worried19 )
I wish MSN had the comments open. No way they would have been favorable to this idiot.

This level of delusion takes some work. I know the author is trans identified. Has he truly convinced himself that there are no physical differences between male and female athletes? Or he knows there are differences and just doesn't care?

( Lillith )
If he didnt think there were differences, he wouldn't insist on accessessing women's spaces. It would be all the same.

As it is, he knows that women are weaker and make an easier target than say, the male twinks that he may (also) be into.

( Terfisnotadirtyword )
It's so funny that comments for every pro trans story are turned off. It's almost like they know that people are massively against it and will say so! But how insecure that they can't even allow a conversation to happen.

( DurableBook )
I mean sure, I bet there are some bigots who happen to agree that transwomen are men. There are also lots of bigots who agree that it's cold out in the Midwest right now. Is the National Weather Service "siding with bigots" if it issues winter weather advisories?

( asmahan )
And vegetarians side with Hitler. I am glad to see that this particular line of "reasoning" is starting to lose its power a bit.

( Arenlaef2 )
We don't care, lol. That word holds no power anymore. Personally, I think it's pretty bigoted to tell women to be quiet and smile when cheating men take their spots on teams and awards, or walk around with their dicks out in their locker rooms but I consider women to be human beings worthy of respect, which TRAs do not.

Anyway 8 out of 10 people are bigots then. And the extra two can scream and stop their feet and tear out their hair but women's sports will continue to be for women. Have all the tantrums you want. No one cares.

( TheSimbul )
Reality is a bigot, then.

( Itzpapalotl )
Reality, nature, biology...All bigots!

JRS #fundie

Show us a link to where people are combining H and O to make water. Don't show burning of hydrogen byproduct, etc.

If random selection evolution were true where H and O found themselves at a party one day... and the rest is history.

If this random chance event produced water then surly we can take two simple chemicals and by design do the same thing. Make water.

The evolutionists on this forum must be in high school. They run their mouth and strike the poses but never actually deliver the goods. Very similar to high school kids. Talk big and strike poses. Then one day they get into the real world and suddenly things look different.


If random selection evolution were true where H and O found themselves at a party one day... and the rest is history.

If this random chance event produced water then surly we can take two simple chemicals and by design do the same thing. Make water.

Lone Wolf #fundie

In the interests of ensuring the law is objective I support women being sent to jail for raping men. But I really don't have any sympathy for the men who get raped by women (male on male rape is a different matter). I can't, any more than I would a drunken slut who gets used and abused.

Grant Williams #fundie

The Official Pokémon Handbook states:

‘Just like people, Pokémon don’t stay the same forever. As they learn and grow they change form—they evolve.’

Pokémon creatures can have up to three stages of evolution and ‘evolve’ at different levels in the game. These higher forms, into which the original characters evolve, are larger and more powerful.

In the mythic Pokémon world, these exotic creatures evolve differently from how life forms supposedly evolved on Earth. Darwinian evolution is not presented here; chance and mutation are not part of the process.

Where the Pokémon live, evolution proceeds through conscious choice! After a Pokémon has fought and won enough battles, the next evolutionary step can be taken to produce a fiercer, more powerful Pokémon. You can choose to evolve your character at that time or you can even ‘devolve’ your Pokémon if you wish.

Some characters need a ‘stone’ to help with the process. For instance, the cute little mouse-character named Pikachu needs a ‘Thunder Stone’ to evolve into Raichu, (a mouse with big pointy teeth that you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley!).

In this make-believe world where Pokémon flourish and evolution is carefully scripted, ‘higher’ life forms are created through the aid and choice of outside sources. No need for Darwinian chance; you just need a few good battles to take the next step. (You don’t even need death in the land of Pokémon because if a Pokémon is defeated it doesn’t die; it just faints, ready to rematch at a later date.) Want to become the pinnacle of your evolutionary kind? Find an appropriate ‘stone’ and the next evolutionary step is yours!

In science fiction terms the Pokémon game seems plausible, so evolution may have found another ‘credibility niche’ through the workings of children’s games. While not teaching evolution at a rational level, it does tend to condition children into accepting as ‘normal’ the idea of massive biological change. (It’s a bit like the slippery ‘bait-and-switch’ definitions that evolutionists used for the word ‘evolution’.)

In the real world, of course, such transformations are not observed. To change one type of creature into a radically different type requires a way to generate totally new genetic information. Evolutionists have still not found any mechanism whereby evolution could pass this unassailable hurdle.

Perhaps Pokémon has finally provided the answer. Is evolution observable, testable and repeatable? Yes, but only in the world of the Pokémon.

Taive #fundie

Atheists, do you know how to use logic?
You are looking for evidence of god. Here it is. Everything.This world, the stars, the beginning of time, humans,animals, bugs, sun etc. Do you think all this had its beginnings in some cosmical speckles of dust?

That's dumb.

dgnymn #fundie

[Responding to an article stating that thousands of churches will be using fair trade, sustainably harvested palm fronds for Palm Sunday.]

"Fair Trade Palm Fronds?" YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!!! Is that what they used when Christ entered Jerusalem? C'mon, Church!! You're getting so politically correct, is causing SICKNESS!!!! Are you really believers, or just CHRINO's (Christians in name only)!!??!!

PrimalRedemption #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #fundie

Have you ever wondered why the Flat Earth movement even exists? It is readily apparent that the movement was founded by Zionists, but why is it being pushed on such a massive scale?

There are two simple answers:

Disinformation. T"P"TB know something about the true nature of the Earth/Reality and are intentionally misleading people into lies mixed with truth.

Discreditation by Association. By filling the psy-op with cringe-worthy new age/metro-sexual douche bags and willfully ignorant and obnoxious shills, they make the alternative non-globe Earth theory -Concave- seem ridiculous by default.

They know the Earth is Concave and they want to discredit it as much as possible by associating it with the Flat Earth. The surface curves UP forming a hollow sphere, it is completely stationary, and the entirety of the "universe" is contained within the Earth.
There is a psy-op against the Concave Earth. And I will tell you why: because the implications of knowing the truth about the Earth and this Reality are enormous:

-We are literally living in a reality bubble, an enclosed prison/ factory farm where our souls are recycled endlessly through reincarnation and used as a food source. -Aliens and UFOs are a massive psy-op to keep us afraid or full of false hope (The Arcturians and Pleiadians are coming to save you!! The Galactic frequencies will usher in the dawn of a New Age...blah blah blah) and may be used as a false flag invasion to usher in the NW"O". -Real estate is extremely limited and implementation of a one world government and takeover of land is a lot worse than you've imagined. -The Bible may contain elements of truth and hint at the possibility of creationism and that the world is run by Lucifer. -The Sun is inside the Earth and nearby and could very well stop in place, scorching the land below. -The Ether exists. -The North and South poles might actually be ways OUT of here.

Asmobaby #racist #sexist #transphobia

White middle class men in drag really seem to get upset when a black succesful man goes on a stage and makes people laugh

The only thing they hate more than black men are mild-mannered British authors of children's books, it seems.

Here's my theory! I'm sure others have had this same take, so I apologize for the autism or regurgitation of common knowledge: It's like what many have said about "male feminists." They use that identity to get them "in." Clout, points, whatever - "I'm the good guy; now I'm on your side!"

God, I'm drunk on my first weekend off in a while here so bear with me...How do I put this articulately? It's like, these white "CIS men" who have been told for most of their lives that "white CIS men are the evil ones" they, not surprisingly, want to reject that, right? So they troon out. Ok, good. So now that they trooned out they can be "women" now - and NOW they can freely hurt women if they so want (because they are "women" now, ya follow?). Check. They "get" to do that now. How great for these men to be able to freely hurt us. Love that for us.

So next! These still "white" but now "un-CIS" ladies(?)...Well now there is the "minority" thing in question. But waitaminute! These white men in dresses "rank lower" than any minority out there because...Well, because they say so! And because they have created the "victim rankings" they get to rank "lower" than whomever they want. And because they rank themselves on the lowest victim tier they now get the full privilege to hate on, attack and say whatever they'd like about whomever they like.

But long story short: Men (and it's often white men, but I'm not trying to sperg by saying that) want a reason to be able to go all out on women and minorities while still retaining their liberal, progressive status. This is just a given. So I'm never surprised when I see troons happily posting about wanting to kill/cancel a black person or a woman or a lesbian - they "get to" do that now, free from consequences! It's what they've always wanted, really. Just had to troon out to do it, and now it's a goddamned free-for-all.

Lirastra #fundie

Actually there is evidence of a mass flooding, just not as widely agreed upon as to how large it was.
Flood geology

Proponents of flood geology contend that the Biblical account of the global Great Flood is to be taken literally in which most observed geological processes, like fossilization and sedimentary strata, are a later result of this perceived divine event.

While many people hold the belief there was a worldwide flood, flood geology itself has been unequivocally rejected by mainstream geologists, many of whom consider it a form of pseudoscience.[24] Though at one time even prominent workers in Biblical archaeology were willing to argue support for flood geology,[25][26] this view is no longer widely held.[27]

As to why they disagree now I don't know, but there is all sorts of evidence that shows geological wear caused only by water across globe and it's pretty consistent. It also happens to be the layer in which most fossils are found.

Saith Technologies #crackpot #mammon #god-complex

Saith Technologies is a dynamic, innovative, and transformational Technology Company that is incorporated inand primarily operates out of the Republic of Zimbabwe. Saith also has offices in the Republic of South Africa. Saith Technologies has the demonstrable ability to create innovative and trailblazing technologies that are challenging the age-old thinking that routinely questions whether anything good can come out of Africa.

Maxwell Sangulani Chikumbutso

Founder, CTO and Executive Chairman

Maxwell was born and raised in Harare’s Kuwadzana Township, primarily by his hardworking and prayerful mother. He is an Inventor extra-ordinaire. Maxwell discovered his inventing abilities at a very young age and without any formal schooling.He is endowed with an engineering prowess that defies conventional logic and has baffled many qualified engineers.Maxwell unequivocally credits God with his extra-ordinary giftedness. He declares that God has taught him how to create all his inventions. His amazing inventory of inventions is the basis upon which Saith Group was founded. Maxwell feels that he is called upon to improve the lives of ordinary people with his God given innovative abilities. Maxwell’s extra-ordinary giftedness and his unapologetic spirituality and unyielding belief in God encapsulates ethos upon which Saith Technologies was founded and is operated.

Faith Mungwari

Chief Executive Officer

As Saith Technologies, Chief Executive Officer, Faith is committed to exploring a broader energy spectrum to bring sustainable power to remote and off-grid areas. She aims to uplift underserved communities and redefine their future by delivering complementary energy-efficient solutions,
Under her leadership, the company is pioneering the Microsonic Energy Device (MSED), a cutting-edge, fuel-less technology powered by radio frequency energy, transforming the global energy landscape with a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future.

soldier for salvation #fundie

Evolutionists, if your theory is true, then why haven't bugs evolved the ability to avoid bug zappers?
If everything evolves and gets bigger, stronger, smarter, and better like you say it does, I would think that by now the bugs would have evolved.

Also, why don't germs evolve? According to your theory, they should be evolving to resist the drugs me make.

Jihad for Jesus

YHWH demands blood!

Neal Horsley #fundie

[Neal Horsley, t]he creator of the Nuremberg Files[,] also says that terrorism is sanctioned by the Bible.

In his list of "Aborted Doctors", he refers to the names of the people who killed these doctors as "terrorists". Because his site has been pulled down so many times, he says he copied the list from a pro-choice sight, and claims that he has listed the names, somewhat disingenuously, to show the "victims of legalized abortion." So we ask if he would call their killers terrorists.

"Yeah. I call Paul Hill a terrorist," Horsley says. "The Bible says that ministers of government was given the sword of terror for those who has done wrong. The idea that someone uses terror to enforce the law is a Biblical concept, and I’ve never hesitated calling all people involved in terrorism for anti-abortion causes terrorists." He says those people would object, but it's BS. He's going to use whatever terms allow him to speak the truth.

Is he saying terrorism is sanctioned by the Bible? He gives an emphatic yes and refers us to Romans 13 that claims gives ministers of government the sword of terror to stop law breakers. "As Paul says, government is not made for righteous people...the law of God is not made for righteous people, it’s made for law breakers." Somehow, I get the feeling that those who deserve the sword of terror are not the "good Christians", but "law breakers" like you and me, who follow the laws of the US, but not the laws of God. "All the people on the Nuremberg list were law breakers. George Bush is on there. If I was consistent, I would put my name up there, because I’m just as much a collaborator with this nation as everybody else is, I’m just contesting it."

Mr.T #homophobia #fundie

It’s sad to see a state opt out of licensing marriage, but the truth is real marriage as a legal construct essentially ceased to exist with the legalization of gay marriage. It’s like removing the legal distinction between real money and play money. Real money means nothing once play money becomes legal tender– and everyone is made poorer– same story on gay marriage.

Gays kid themselves if they think they their marriages are of the same substance as marriage prior to gay marriage. Put a drop of fine wine from a wine bottle into a bottle of sewer water and you still have a bottle of wine and a bottle of sewer water, but put a drop of sewer water into a bottle of fine wine and you have two bottles of sewer water. Things of higher value are diminished when mixed with things of lower value. Alabama’s move to eliminate marriage licenses recognizes that reality

various commenters #transphobia

( Turtlefuzz )
First they came...
First they came for the cheating males, and I did not speak out-

Because I was not a cheating male.

Then they came for the rapists, and I did not speak out-

Because I was not a rapist.

Then they came for the child mutilators, and I did not speak out-

Because I was not a child mutilator.

Then they came to me, and told me I could live my life again. And all my sisters spoke out-

Because now we could.

( MagnificentMildew )
I was actually literally just thinking about this yesterday, about how fucking gross it is that wokies have been using this quote in regards to Trump's EO about TIMs.

Libs, banning cross dressing perverts from beating up and raping female athletes and prisoners is not remotely similar to how Jews and communists/socialists were treated by Nazis during the fucking Holocaust. The fact you shitheads even think such a comparison is remotely appropriate is proof of how fucking out of touch the left has become. Like seriously, get fucked.

( SarahWilliams_13 )
I’ve heard them say that trans people are experiencing genocide.

No, Bill, it’s not genocide that you can’t wear a wig and use the woman’s locker room.

( littleowl12 )
I really hate that poem now because I can see it for the tyranny that it really is.

"YOU have to protect ME because THEY hate you even more than I do."

( DarthVelma )
My issue is that they've been coming for women's rights for my entire 50+ years and none of these people who want my help now ever gave a shit. They're not coming for TIMs "first". It's self-centered, ahistorical nonsense to pretend they are. They're literally the people at the end of that poem where there's no one else left to help them because they never bothered to give a shit and notice, much less help, the groups that were already being "come for".

( Turtlefuzz )
I've been seeing a lot of posts in online LGB spaces with the quote from pastor Martin Niemöller in regards to Trump's Executive Orders.

I am not Jewish, but the constant comparison to the Holocaust is insulting and disturbing.

I made this post to remind all the boot-licking, dick-pandering handmaidens that this is what you are saying we should defend. This behavior, this anti-woman sentiment, this atrociously MALE movement.

Thank you for reading.

Dr. Ty #fundie

Masturbation is what I'd like to call, tormenting pleasure. The three second blissful orgasm achieved by masturbation is just as much tormenting as it is pleasurable. Because God never created solo sex. Masturbation often promises the pleasure but can never fulfill your inward void. And the many people that it has imprisoned by its non~threatening lure to satisfy your sexual desires, come to find that the trap is not worth the 3 seconds it took to get it. Trust me, I've been there, and I'd rather have cold, dry sheets than to fondle my self. Two things I've come to know about masturbation is this:

1. It brings shame, and...
2. It is addictive

Most people who have engaged in masturbation know that the culmination of this sexual act ends in shame. I don't have to share with you the thousands of emails of the admittance of this shame because you know all too well since you have experienced it yourself. Curled up in a fetal position, crying, because your bed is even more empty and you're lonelier than you did before you violated yourself...Because God never created sex so that you could gratify yourself. The dictionary defined masturbation as self abuse...the miss use of yourself. The mistreatment, the manipulation, the exploitation of YOU.

Note: The following picture accompanies this article:

Treylis #fundie

[Replying to thread started by another Christian; the topic title was provocative, but what was said was that the Bible should be respected but taken with a grain of salt because it was written for the ancients]

too long, didnt read, but i completely disagree with your thread title and it doesnt matter what you wrote, because you can never prove that your right. so shut up and stop trying to destroy the faith of the people that truly believe in the bible. your really stupid if you tink you can convince people that the bible is wrong, because its not wrong, its right because i believe its right.

Aaron Kaylor #fundie

Separate entity from mother. All its chromosomes intact. Grows on its own. It is a child from conception.

There is no such thing as the "anti-choice" movement. Such a name would apply to pro-life if it didn't have anything to do with human right's. The pro-life movement is a pro-human right's movement.

Terms that can be applied. Pro-murderer. Pro-psycho. Pro-infanticide supporter. Anti-compassioners. Pro-okay with making the 'choice' to murder. Pro-deathers. Pro-sick in the head.

You and I don't have the right to murder human beings, therefore that option SHOULD be removed from the table as a "choice." Pro-choice as defined by the pro-abortion movement is an abomination to human rights.

South Flordia #fundie

The confederate flag is a symbol of our history. Saving southern heritage is not a hate crime. Negro fatigued here since Zimmerman case. Notice how I don't mention skittle ridden big thugs name? He doesn't deserve the recognition. If you could only see the ignorance that goes on here by the nogs. Some 19 yr old female called 911 on her drug dealer because he took her $5.00 and didn't give her the drugs. The 911 call was so funny, telling the dispatcher I just want my drugs!!! They found flakka in her pocket and arrested her. Flakka is killing them here 16 dead in the last week. I say go to the ghetto and hand out free flakka! Population control for sure

Gerges Francis Tawdrous #crackpot

Earth Moon moves with 2 Rates Of Time (I)

What does mean 2 rates of time? 1 Day On The Sun = 1 Year On Earth In this equation there are 2 rates of time How to create them? By relativistic effects –in the solar group I have claimed that there's a physical point moves by a velocity =0.9999 C – where c= light known velocity =0.3 mkm/sec Based on this light velocity length contraction with rate 71 can be created but if the moon orbital inclination 5.1 degrees effect on the result will be 71 x 5.1 = 365.25 days (also Length contraction effect may contract 71 mkm to be seen as 1 mkm) But if Time And Distance Equivalence (Proves) (my previous paper) That means 1 Day On The Sun = 1 Year On Earth Example 10921 km (Moon Circumference) x 86400 seconds (Solar Day Period) = 940 mkm (Earth orbital circumference) (Moon = Earth Moon) What does this equation tell us? The equation tells that If Earth revolves around the sun one complete revolution in one solar day only – so the moon circumference will equal a distance passed by Earth Motion during 1 second period. So this equation refers to the possibility of existence more than one rate of time in the solar system – where T1= 1day and T2 = 365.265 days

PhDatExposingRound #fundie

Flat Earth Theory (Waters above)

The waters above the firmament:

You learn in science (a radical religion) that the scattering of gasses which make the sky appear blue in the atmosphere is nitrogen, oxygen, and a few other elements and compounds. Atleast in real science we have never seen any of these elements in a gas state being a shade of blue. Only in a state of fire they can turn this way. The sky itself isn't on fire however, as it would be burning out.

The blue compound above appears to be still. How can the air react in this manner? If x compound existed, as science classrooms teach, all parts of the atmosphere would be blue as well, because of the cycles in the atmosphere. The atmosphere is crystal clear however, when in all parts, except in the surrounding clouds.

How could NASA make images of the globe earth from the moon and with satellites *if they exist*, with the appearance of the colour blue surrounding earth? But nothing in nature appears as blue in large quantities as the ocean water itself? Is NASA trying to sink here?

On a biblical standpoint, there is a firmament above us, and water above that firmament. That firmament holds enough water that can fill the gaps of the mountain on earth. Only God can open up this firmament, and he made a promise long ago not to bring a flood again upon the earth. The sign of the rainbow is the signature of that promise.

This life has been no holiday... #fundie

[Because there is no such thing as a Christian deconvert]

i believe we Christian have an "edge" that the atheists don't have...they argue with us against God using their "knowledge" of what they have gathered from science textbooks growing up though school....well, a lot of us Christians have read these textbooks also, but our edge is that we read our Bible also, so we've seen the issue from both sides, unlike atheists who only know what they've heard....