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Rep. Shane Jett #psycho #fundie

A Republican state senator in Oklahoma fruitlessly raged as his colleagues passed a bill to outlaw corporal punishment of disabled students in schools.

SB 364, introduced earlier this month by fellow Republican Sen. David Rader, revives a long-controversial issue that has been frequently debated in the state legislature.

As the bill was debated, Sen. Shane Jett, one of the most outspoken opponents of the bill, told Rader that the Bible sanctions corporal punishment and demanded to know how his legislation conforms with Scripture. Rader replied by quoting the Bible himself, leading to a lengthy religious argument on the floor of the Senate, according to Oklahoma political observer Tyler Talley.

"Not all discipline needs to be one way," said Rader. "Special needs students need special discipline, this says it won’t be physical."

But Jett, who has repeatedly made this argument in the past whenever the subject has come up for debate, wasn't convinced. He continued to call the bill a violation of Scripture, accused it of singling out schools that allowed parental consent for corporal punishment, and complained the measure was "socialist."

In the end, Jett's opposition was pushed aside, as the bill passed 31-16.

Jett has previously attracted attention for other peculiar policy positions.

He endorsed far-right state superintendent Ryan Walters' plan to put Trump-endorsed "God Bless the USA Bibles" in classrooms and introduced legislation this year that would deregulate the production and sale of donkey milk, without clarifying why he considered this necessary.

Harry Matadeen #quack #crackpot #mammon

The Foundation For Health And Optimal Living Starts With The Discovery Of The Medicinal Magic That Is Your Own Urine. Ultra Filtered Blood Plasma. But Ageing The Urine Is The One, The Saviour Of Mankind. This Book Will Present You With The Whys And Hows, A Step By Step To Using Your Own Perfect Medicine, And To Keep Yourself Healthy Forever..

<$9.00 for Kindle Edition>

Donald Trump & J.D. Vance #psycho #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

Vance: Have you said thank you once, this entire meeting?

Zelenskyy: A lot of times. Even today.

Vance: No, in this entire meeting.

Zelenskyy: Even today.

Vance: You went to Pennsylvania and campaigned for the opposition in October. Offer some words of appreciation for the United States of America and the president who’s trying to save your country.

Zelenskyy: Please. You think that if you will speak very loudly about the war—

Trump: He’s not speaking loudly. He’s not speaking loudly. Your country is in big trouble.

Zelenskyy: Can I answer?

Trump: No, no. You’ve done a lot of talking. Your country is in big trouble.

Zelenskyy: I know.

Trump: You’re not winning. You’re not winning this. You have a damn good chance of coming out, OK? Because of us.

Zelenskyy: Mr. President. We have stayed in our country, staying strong. From the very beginning of the war when being alone. And we are thankful, I said thank you.

Trump: You haven’t been alone. You haven’t been alone. We gave you, through this stupid president, $350 billion. We gave you military equipment. And your men are brave. But they had to use our military. If you didn’t have our military equipment, if you didn’t have our military equipment, this war would have been over in two weeks.

Zelenskyy: In three days, I’ve heard it from Putin. In three days. This is something—

Trump: Maybe less. It’s going to be a very hard thing to do business like this again.

Vance: Just say thank you.

Zelenskyy: I said a lot of times, thank you to the American people.

Vance: Accept that there are disagreements and let’s go litigate those disagreements rather than trying to fight it out in the American media when you’re wrong. We know that you’re wrong.

Final Solution Award

Aadesh Soni and Shankaracharya Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati #fundie #psycho

Local Hindutva leader and social media influencer Aadesh Soni called on Hindus to attack, rape, and kill Christians across the villages of Bishrampur, Ganeshpur, and Jhanakpur in Chhattisgarh in March, accusing them of “brainwashing children” through conversion efforts

Aadesh Soni declared on social media that the plan was to “kill all Christians, violate the honor of their daughters and daughters-in-law, commit obscene acts against them, forcibly enter Christian homes, and spare no one but corrupt them all”

Soni called on his followers to mobilise at least 50,000 people for an attack on March 1, 2025, explicitly stating that Christian families would be targeted, their leaders executed, and any trace of their faith erased from the region

In a widely circulated video, he calls for the public humiliation, stripping, raping, and killing of Christian men, women, and children

“I have got the support of the administration, this is enough for me,” he claimed

In his Facebook post, he also referred to Shankaracharya Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati’s speech at Prayagraj, where it was declared that Hindus must “kill all Christians, and none should be spared”

Avimukteshwaranand called for 1,000 Hindus to rise and “slay those who slay our mother cow. Do not ask for the death penalty for cow slayers—kill them and ask for the death penalty for yourselves. Do not wait for the law to act”

Michael Dalene #wingnut #sexist

The Court has NO LEGAL RIGHT to decide "what is best for the people."
--- The Courts MUST make decisions based upon the language and INTENT of the law when it was made, which would NULLIFY 99% of everything the US gov IS Today!
--- The US Constitution can ONLY BE CHANGED THROUGH THE AMENDMENT PROCESS, not through reimaginations of Intent and redefining language.
--- Laws MUST be assessed using the language and legislative Intent of the period in which that law was made/passed.
--- Judges are PROHIBITED from 'interpretating' laws.
@Holly Silver
"Morals and the constitution seem to be interpreted by the times."
And just as Blacks were NOT citizens of the Union back in 1788 when the Constitution was ratified, Women are NOT Citizens today!
--- Black Males were granted citizenship 'privileges and immunities' under the 14th Amendment.
NEVER has an Amendment been Ratified giving women of any race, citizenship.
If the SCOTUS abides by Its Oath,
It will Prohibit all females from voting or holding any Office under the United States on the grounds that they are NOT US citizens.

Tartaria Brazil #crackpot #conspiracy

What does the radiation symbol mean?

The design is called a trefoil, the same name given to herbs with clover-shaped leaves. But no one has yet been able to reliably explain its origin. “We know that it was scribbled for the first time in 1946, in the radiation laboratory of the University of California, in Berkeley, United States”, explains the American physicist, Paul Frame from the University of Michigan, who for years studied the origin of the symbol.

This is what the story says and everyone believes, but this symbol was used for free energy stoves – heating without the need for firewood and coal.


The radiation symbol was used for Radium powered stoves.

We can see the golden container on the top of the stove here (see above), which was probably where the Radium was.
The secret removal of Radium (Ra) from modern civilization and its demonization as supposedly dangerous and radioactive was mostly successful. It is now one of the most expensive materials in the world. Who uses it, and why not everyone? According to Systemic Wikipedia, 2.3 kg of radium is found on Earth. In 1954, the total world supply of purified radium was about 5 pounds (2.3 kg) and is still in this range today. And they say that radium was “discovered” by Marie Curie and her husband, Pierre, on December 21, 1898. Lie!! They sold it 100 years ago as sugar and provided FREE ENERGY, whereas today we pay millions for heating.
Cultural planning against nuclear energy and radiation, as well as fear, is so ingrained in human minds that they cannot think. One-time events, such as the Hindenburg zeppelin, Chernobyl, and Fukushima disasters, are carefully constructed and then exploded throughout the media to influence collective psychology and diffuse consciousness. Do you realize what games your mind is playing?

Eugene McCarthy #crackpot

Dog-cow Hybrids

[D]ogs are notorious for their willingness to mate with almost any type of animal. For example, male dogs have been observed mating with ducks, geese and chickens (see the section on dog hybrids elsewhere on this website). A video showing a male dog mating with a cow at right above

As the photos show, this animal, which is male, is a very strange-looking creature. In particular, it has a huge mouth opening, as do many carnivores. Cattle and most herbivores have relatively small mouth openings. In this bizarre “calf,” the mouth opening reaches almost to the ears. It also has a lolling tongue like a dog. Also dog-like is the loose fur on the breast visible in the middle photo. Perhaps it’s just my imagination, but there’s something about its winsome expression in the middle picture that reminds me of my own dog in some of his more relaxed and satisfied moments.

However, as can be seen in the enlarged version of the lowermost photo, this animal has no upper incisors. Instead, there is a dental pad at the front of the upper jaw, as in cattle (see picture at right). The lower incisors, clearly visible in the enlargement of the middle picture, are cow-like. However, in the uppermost photo (also enlargeable) the erupting molars seem to be pointed like the carnassials of a dog, instead of flat like a cow’s. The lower jaw is much shorter than the upper and, according to the news reports, the mouth is constantly agape.
It was healthy enough but, due to its bizarre mouth structure, it could not nurse from its mother, and at the time the photographs were taken, the owner was feeding it by hand, giving it three liters of milk a day. “What is even more strange,” Misnoto told reporters who came to interview him at his home, “is that this calf will not eat grass. It only drinks milk and eats snack foods like those eaten by humans.” (Does it perhaps have a dog-like digestive system?) Misnoto said he took the animal to a vet to see whether its mouth could be sewn together so that it would be able to suck milk from its mother, but the vet said with its mouth sewn it would not be able to chew its food. The mother had given birth to three normal calves in previous years.

various commenters #transphobia

( Turtlefuzz )
First they came...
First they came for the cheating males, and I did not speak out-

Because I was not a cheating male.

Then they came for the rapists, and I did not speak out-

Because I was not a rapist.

Then they came for the child mutilators, and I did not speak out-

Because I was not a child mutilator.

Then they came to me, and told me I could live my life again. And all my sisters spoke out-

Because now we could.

( MagnificentMildew )
I was actually literally just thinking about this yesterday, about how fucking gross it is that wokies have been using this quote in regards to Trump's EO about TIMs.

Libs, banning cross dressing perverts from beating up and raping female athletes and prisoners is not remotely similar to how Jews and communists/socialists were treated by Nazis during the fucking Holocaust. The fact you shitheads even think such a comparison is remotely appropriate is proof of how fucking out of touch the left has become. Like seriously, get fucked.

( SarahWilliams_13 )
I’ve heard them say that trans people are experiencing genocide.

No, Bill, it’s not genocide that you can’t wear a wig and use the woman’s locker room.

( littleowl12 )
I really hate that poem now because I can see it for the tyranny that it really is.

"YOU have to protect ME because THEY hate you even more than I do."

( DarthVelma )
My issue is that they've been coming for women's rights for my entire 50+ years and none of these people who want my help now ever gave a shit. They're not coming for TIMs "first". It's self-centered, ahistorical nonsense to pretend they are. They're literally the people at the end of that poem where there's no one else left to help them because they never bothered to give a shit and notice, much less help, the groups that were already being "come for".

( Turtlefuzz )
I've been seeing a lot of posts in online LGB spaces with the quote from pastor Martin Niemöller in regards to Trump's Executive Orders.

I am not Jewish, but the constant comparison to the Holocaust is insulting and disturbing.

I made this post to remind all the boot-licking, dick-pandering handmaidens that this is what you are saying we should defend. This behavior, this anti-woman sentiment, this atrociously MALE movement.

Thank you for reading.

White House #racist

The White House on Tuesday afternoon posted a video online showing immigrants in shackles being prepared to board a deportation flight from Seattle

The video includes footage of a set of handcuffs and chains jingling as they are pulled from a basket containing other shackles and then laid out on the airport tarmac next to four other sets of restraints

The X post by the White House is titled, "ASMR: Illegal Alien Deportation Flight"

ASMR is a nonclinical term that stands for "Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response." It refers to a pleasant, tingling feeling some people experience when watching videos featuring unusual sounds, like whispering or fingernails tapping on a surface

One shot in the 41-second video shows an immigrant with his hands cuffed in front of him and ankles bound by a chain as he walks past an officer

Other shots include a close-up of a man having his handcuffs linked together, a man's feet in chains as he walks up a stairway to a plane, and a man about to board the aircraft. None of the men in the video have their faces shown

But the clip and the White House's description of it capture the enthusiasm in the Trump administration and among the president's supporters for his mass deportations

The video was shared earlier Tuesday by the Seattle office of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, with the words: "REMOVAL FLIGHT. A group of undocumented aliens are flown from Seattle as part of a process to finalize return to their home countries"[…]
But the video shared by the White House opens with a different clip: An officer standing behind a shackled migrant, appearing to roll down the collar of the person's jacket or hooded sweatshirt[…]
The White House retweeted the original ICE video without commentary at 12:19 p.m. ET. Then, about 90 minutes later, the White House tweeted the edited version with the "ASMR" comment

Tesla CEO Elon Musk[…]six minutes later reposted the White House "ASMR" tweet, writing, "Haha Wow"

Kerry Cassidy #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy

The following video is a GOOD discussion about DISCLOSURE and questions just how transparent Trump and team are so far and how they are going to reveal the truth going forward. Again, we seem to be playing the waiting game while whistleblowers continue to be falsely discredited and the true narrative is distracted by BS .... A lot of grandstanding but no real answers. Transparency? No. NOTHING TRUTHFUL about the Drones, or the UAP incursions into our airspace going on for decades... The SSP (Secret Space Program) no one mentions that RUNS OUR WORLD... and continues to plan psi-ops against the people to shut them up and keep them in a fear mode.

Congresswoman Luna… will head a “task force” but seriously the KENNEDY ASSASSINATION? Now (62 YEARS LATER) we have a task force when really after all these years all they need to do is just name the killers, the CONSPIRACY PLOT BEHIND THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION, LIKE 911, LIKE THESE WEATHER WARS... it’s an INSIDE JOB...Don't you get it?

WE DON'T EVEN NEED TO SEE BIGGER SHIPS HANGING AROUND IN OUR SKIES. Battles in our skies are hidden by CHEMTRAILS...HELLO? Don't you get it THEY ARE STILL LYING. THE CHEMTRAILS, which, if anything, are WORSE than ever. WHY ARE THEY worse? Because there are more ships than ever visiting our dimension our Planet and our skies and our SSP/ SSG is continuing to ATTACK OUR COUNTRY FROM WITHIN..To keep you weak and uninformed. To steal your land and destroy your livelihood. To CONTROL YOU and put you back into a hand to mouth living on the edge existence..Because that allows them and their REPTILIAN OVERLORDS to continue to RAPE, EAT AND MAKE SLAVES OF YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN. HELLO????? Or do you need a "task force on that?"

Iranian judiciary #fundie #psycho

An Iranian court has reportedly sentenced controversial pop star Amir Hossein Maghsoudloo, also known as Tataloo, to death after he was found guilty of insulting the Prophet Muhammad

“The Supreme Court accepted the prosecutor’s objection” to a prior five-year prison sentence for blasphemy, AFP reported, citing the Iranian newspaper Etemad

The newspaper said: “The case was reopened, and this time the defendant was sentenced to death for insulting the Prophet.”

The Iran Front Page also reported that Tehran’s First Criminal Court sentenced Tataloo, 37, to death for insulting the Prophet after a retrial, overturning a prior five-year prison sentence

The verdict, which followed an appeal and Supreme Court intervention, was not final and could still be challenged by the Supreme Court, according to media reports

However, Iran International said on Sunday that the country’s judiciary denied reports claiming that Tataloo had been sentenced to death for blasphemy. It said that the initial report, published by the Jame Jam newspaper, was refuted by the judiciary’s media office, which stated that a final verdict has not yet been issued

The Independent could not verify these claims. Tataloo, an underground musician, was extradited from Istanbul to Iran in December 2023 and has been in detention since

Known for blending rap, pop, and R&B, he previously faced a 10-year sentence for promoting “prostitution” and was charged with anti-regime propaganda and publishing “obscene content”

Despite his controversial image, Tataloo once engaged with conservative Iranian politicians[…]
The news of the sentence came as two judges, Ali Razini and Mohammad Moghisseh, known for handling cases on national security and terrorism, were killed in a shooting at Iran’s Supreme Court in Tehran on Saturday, according to the judiciary’s Mizan Online website

Vraiblonde #fundie

Faith-healing parents charged in death of infant

I do not think this is a tough call at all. Parents have a right to determine their children's medical treatment, not the government.
And there are no buts about it.
While I do not agree with the parents' decision, I also have no interest in giving the government any more control over how we raise our children than what they already have. In fact, I don't even want them to have THAT much control.

So when should the government step in? When parents starve their kids? When they break their bones and beat them? I don't really see how denying medical care is any different than murdering your child.

There is a difference between actively causing harm and merely allowing nature (or God, if you will) to take it's course. Denying medical care is very different than murdering your child.

So passively killing your child is ok but actively doing it is not?

That would be your opinion. And you are not the child's parent. You get to make decisions regarding your kids, and other parents get to make decisions regarding theirs.

My point was if it's ok for parents to raise their children as they please, why is there a Social Services? In your opinion, do you think parents should be able to do whatever they want to their child? Where is the line drawn? Is there even a line at all?

These people did not "do" anything to their child. They did not beat him. They did not refuse to feed him. They did not abandon him.
They simply took an alternate healing route - one, I might add, that many people devoutly believe works. Just because YOU do not agree with it doesn't make it wrong.

Christforums #homophobia #interphobia #psycho

Keep repeating your narrative until the story becomes true. Not my people I don't care what that Red, White, and Blue means to everybody especially the Leftist. Didn't see the Leftist LGBT at the recruitment offices enlisting to fight for the freedoms they hold so dear. I used to believe they should have to die for their country too, but my convictions are now that they shouldn't even be a problem or consideration.

If I had it my way, sterilize all ineligible persons exempting themselves from the draft and begin a mandatory draft serving for at least 3 yrs (ex. S. Korea, and Israel) since human services are so important. Can't have the real men go off and fight wars and undesirable peoples remain home and populate the peoples. And that's being nice. LGBT and other deplorable peoples shouldn't be a problem if certain undesirables were put to death or executed. Make it so they fear coming out of the closet and let no blood guilt be upon anybody's head.

Whenever man comes up w/ a better idea on how to solve immorality greater regression occurs resulting in animalistic behavior. "Your people," your people are nothing but a bunch of animals.

Kent Hovind #fundie #forced-birth

According to the Bible, murder should be punished by death. Killing your father or mother (Exodus 21:15), that's punishable by death. Kidnapping (Exodus 21:16) is punishable by death. Cursing your father or mother, verse 17, punishable by death. Causing someone to have an abortion, in verse 22 and 23 of that chapter, is punishable by death. If you kick a pregnant woman and the baby dies, you have to be killed. Vehicular homicide... if your ox kills somebody else, then you are responsible, especially if you were warned and didn't keep it in. I think the Bible would offer the pattern that... we should make our laws by, so to me, that would easily translate into something related to [vehicular homicide]... If you with your car kill somebody, you are responsible, so that would be similar to the ox goring somebody after you have been warned. So I would look at verse 28-29 as something where we could model some laws on vehicular homicide.

Mr.T #homophobia #fundie

It’s sad to see a state opt out of licensing marriage, but the truth is real marriage as a legal construct essentially ceased to exist with the legalization of gay marriage. It’s like removing the legal distinction between real money and play money. Real money means nothing once play money becomes legal tender– and everyone is made poorer– same story on gay marriage.

Gays kid themselves if they think they their marriages are of the same substance as marriage prior to gay marriage. Put a drop of fine wine from a wine bottle into a bottle of sewer water and you still have a bottle of wine and a bottle of sewer water, but put a drop of sewer water into a bottle of fine wine and you have two bottles of sewer water. Things of higher value are diminished when mixed with things of lower value. Alabama’s move to eliminate marriage licenses recognizes that reality

Medeea Greere #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

America woke up to a gut-wrenching headline this week: Gene Hackman is dead. The Hollywood icon, a man whose mere presence on screen could shake your soul, was found lifeless in his Santa Fe home, alongside his wife and one of their three dogs. Just another case of an elderly celebrity passing away? Not a chance.

The mainstream media wasted no time pumping out their pre-written obituaries—talking about his Oscars, his retirement from acting, his quiet life in New Mexico. But here’s what they won’t tell you: Gene Hackman wasn’t just a retired millionaire hiding out in the desert. He was a man on a mission. And now, he’s dead. Coincidence? Absolutely not.

For those paying attention, Hackman’s name has been whispered in the shadows of Hollywood’s elite circles for years. But what most people don’t know is this: he was Jeffrey Epstein’s neighbor.

Yes, you read that right. Hackman, the tough-as-nails legend of The French Connection and Unforgiven, lived near the world’s most notorious trafficker of underage victims. And that’s not all. Hackman also owned an island right next door to Oprah Winfrey’s private getaway in British Columbia.

Gene knew things. He had connections. And he was tired of playing the Hollywood game, where silence is the currency of survival.
Sources close to Hackman say he was working on a book. A tell-all. A bombshell exposé that would have shattered the very foundations of the Deep State, Hollywood, and the globalist elite. And guess what? That book will now never see the light of day.

Gene Hackman’s death is a wake-up call. Another warrior gone. Another voice silenced. But if we sit back and accept their lies, we are complicit in our own enslavement.

It’s time to stand up, speak out, and demand justice.

President Trump is back in the Oval Office. The tides are turning. But it’s up to WE THE PEOPLE to make sure that the truth comes out—before they erase it forever.

Justice for Gene. Justice for the truth. Justice for America.

Jim #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie

[From “The Trump Revolution”]

Hat tip Yarvin’s butterfly revolution
1.Get the oligarchs on side, and threaten any Republican traitors with big money primary opponents ? Done
2.Defund the left. Under way. Notice how, once Musk seized the inner sanctum at USAID, the Democrats found themselves unable to put a river of meat on the streets[…]
3.Purge the bureaucracy. Begun, at least in the notoriously criminal, vicious, depraved, and dangerous Department of Justice. But there has been a retreat on the first attempt to purge the CIA, who are still working on government payroll to spy on and overthrow the Trump team[…]
4.Men with guns. Trump has the US marshals and now has the secret service. Pete Hegseth is wooing the NCOs and the grunts. Trump needs to have the FBI, and as yet they are still controlled by his enemies
5.Pardon the victims of lawfare?Done
6. Ignore the courts, which is begun, but the Trump team is still going through the motions of judicial reverence. The Judiciary still have a lot of soft power. When Henry the eighth dissolved the monasteries, he first had to dig up the dirt on them. It is not only senior civil servants who have been getting strangely wealthy, strangely fast. What needs to be done is get the dirt on the judiciary, destroy their soft power, and then either purge them, or better, replace the corrupt and woefully slow and expensive judicial system with something else, as Davao Mayor Duterte did[…]
7.Tanks in Harvard. Universities are inherently a religious institution, always have been, always will be. Professors are priests, always have been, always will be. The question is, which religion? Tanks are not enough. You have to bring a gun to a gunfight and a faith to a holy war. We need men in charge of Harvard who meet Saint Paul’s requirements for the priesthood: Christian, free from scandal, married, married to only one wife, and successfully raising well behaved children. Personnel is policy

renegade and guest #racist

[Main Post]
jews Created MAD Magazine to Rot American Culture
jews have been subverting White Western culture for a very long time now, and one of the many tools they used to do it was MAD magazine.
Jewish “humor” is almost never sophisticated but usually very vulgar and often relies on bodily functions and sight gags. I remember as a kid in the 1960s one issue of MAD had a record that had a song with burps and flatulence. I hadn’t thought about it since until seeing this article and wasn’t sure whether I remembered it correctly as I was only about 5 at the time. Then I found it on Youtube.

Marcel Qbalendendonck #wingnut #crackpot

HANDS UP🥰✌🏻🐸1️⃣7️⃣💖
2 THANQ ALL 1 JK =109
EPIC FILM 77 =150
YES FAITH JOHN 3 1 6 =150
2 JUST SEES 13 Q =150
A JK=22
MAGA =22

Matt Walsh #wingnut

There had not been any major airline crashes in many years. Flying was extremely, almost miraculously, safe. Then the airline industry introduced DEI, and now we’re on our second major airline crash in two months. We’re supposed to believe that this is just a coincidence.
1:38 AM · Feb 20, 2025 · 1.2M Views

various commenters #transphobia

RE: Americans, how did you vote? I’m just curious.

( momofreyrella )
I voted for Trump, and I changed my voter registration to Republicans. As a radfem and a Jewish woman, I am done with demoncrats.



( NoDayForADo )
I have to admit I voted for Trump. I wasn't going to vote at all but I was driving home that day and an ad came on for Harris and abortion rights and I just got so pissed off at listening to her pretend to be standing up for women when she won't even commit to defining what a woman is that I literally drove right to the firehall and voted for Trump.

My state went very solidly for Trump so it's not like my vote is what sealed the ticket but I have to admit to feeling weird about the whole thing. I don't know why I didn't pick another candidate, I was actually so pissed off I didn't even pay attention to the other options. But dammit that ad really put me over. Whatever else she stands for, I'm just sick and tired of politicians pulling out the abortion card every 4 years and acting like it is the only thing that matters to women. I felt like all I heard in her ads this cycle were promises to protect women's rights and lower the cost of groceries which... she was VP for the past 4 years. If the president could fix that, why didn't her and Biden fix it?

I really don't think I would have gone in to vote if it hadn't been for her commercial.

( ProfTerfMom )
I voted for Kara Dansky as a write in, hoping that Democrats would examine the data to find out why they are losing support. My state went for Harris (easily).

Unfortunately, the Democrats only seem to be doubling down.

( Women2Women )
any individual or political party which is so easily manipulated to believe the extremist belief that biological sex doesn't exist and that language, policy and laws must now reflect the truly illogical, dumb, harmful, woman hating and child safeguarding ignoring "trans/gender i.d" religion, can NEVER be supported in any way by me, and certainly should not be anywhere near power. That covers the Democratic party for me, and my trust has been shattered for them as a party for pushing this horror like a drug. They learned nothing. I'm done.


ripx4nutmeg #transphobia

This week the BBC probably broadcast more pro-transgender propaganda than it ever has before.

Repair slop
The Repair Shop is a primetime BBC One television show that’s been running since 2017, in which ‘members of the public’ present family heirlooms in the hope that they will be repaired. Last week’s episode kicked off with a man bringing in a skirt in need of restoration. After a few seconds of chat, he revealed that it belonged to his brother, and we were subjected to a sob story about his brother’s ‘transition’, his ‘gender fluidity’ and how “she was my inspiration”.

This was not the first time a segment of the show was about a cross-dressing man. Here, we meet a man who pretends to be a woman called ‘Jacquie’ and we meet his wife who is called … Jackie. And before that, there was the woman who had her teddy bear repaired so she could use it as emotional support for future transgender ‘surgeries’.


Despite being a tiny proportion of the population, BBC News keeps bumping into people who pretend they’re the opposite sex. Here, in a feature about immigration, the lead-in to an interview with the home secretary is via a cross-dressing man with what appears to be roadkill on his head, who BBC News at Six supposedly randomly met on a street in Basildon. He wasn’t the only cross-dresser that BBC cameras randomly bumped into this week. In Tuesday’s episode of Escape to the Country, ‘Marcia’ discusses what life in Dorchester is like (for men who wear women’s clothing).


BBC News also prominently featured a story this week about a man in Saudi Arabia who took his own life in 2023, to highlight the abuse 'transgender Saudis' face. A documentary has also been made. The article states that this is part of a series on … inspirational women around the world.

BBC Reporting Scotland also got in on the act - this week from a furry convention, implying it is entirely good wholesome fun. There is no mention that it is actually a sexual fetish or that guests had to agree to not exhibit artworks depicting paedophilia or bestiality during convention sessions.

Bryce Mitchell #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia

UFC president and CEO Dana White criticized Bryce Mitchell for making anti-Semitic and homophobic comments on a podcast during which the featherweight also praised Adolf Hitler and denied the Holocaust

But, citing freedom of expression, White said the organization would not take any disciplinary actions against Mitchell[…]
Mitchell, who competes in the featherweight division of MMA’s largest promotion, made the comments on the first episode of his ArkanSanity Podcast, where he suggested that Hitler was a “good guy” who “fought for his country”

“Here’s what I say about [Elon Musk] heiling Hitler, heiling the Nazis: I really don’t think that he was, because I honestly think that Hitler was a good guy based upon my own research, not my public education indoctrination,” Mitchell said

He added: “I really do think before Hitler got on meth, he was a guy I’d go fishing with. He fought for his country. He wanted to purify it by kicking the greedy Jews out, that were destroying his country and turning them all into gays. They were gaying out the kids. They were queering out the women. They were queering out the dudes. Do you know where the first tranny surgery ever was? Happened to be in Germany before Hitler took over”

Despite views White described as “dumb and ignorant”, the longtime UFC head defended Mitchell’s right to express them

“It’s free speech,” White said. “That’s the beautiful thing about this business, for all of you who hate Bryce Mitchell, you get to see him hopefully get his ass whooped on global television”

Ben Bartree #transphobia

I will hand it to Senator Tim: whatever he had to do to get those vocal cords to act right and impersonate a female voice — a snip here or there, perhaps — hats off to him. If one were just listening and not looking at his impressive jawline, one might believe he was a real bio-lady.

Is the House misgendering petty?


But before we break out our tiny violins for Tim, let’s remember that he’s not just an adult trying to live his life as a woman; he’s also a bona fide groomer.

Judy Byington #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy #mammon

On August 19, 2024, the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) was activated in 100 cities across the United States. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

· On Wed. 15 Jan 2025 Trump signed the classified “Gold Directive,” the Cabal’s hidden vaults having been seized. Their gold, stolen for centuries, was now being returned to The People through the QFS.

· On Mon. 20 Jan. 2025 the USA Incorporated government (US Inc.) officially ended as Donald Trump took an oath of office to the Restored Republic government, which was now in effect. …Charlie Ward and Friends on Telegram

· On Mon. 20 Jan. 2025 when Trump took office, the privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS were considered legally defunct. …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram

· Mon. 27 Jan. 2025: “We have started Mass Arrests.” World’s largest Military Sting Operation in Progress in over 32 Major Countries. The crimes were all connected to the UN, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Vatican, Rothschilds …White Hat Intel on Telegram.
· Month of Feb: The Plan Never Changed. It was Always February. The Chest Will Open Very Soon!” …John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram

· “In the next few weeks, all illegal profits made from birth certificates will be returned to each citizen.” …JFK Awakening on Telegram

· Mon. 3 Feb. 2025 the Quantum Financial System Activated Worldwide. Over $100 Trillion held in the Five Star Trust was authorized to be released to the new US Treasury (and back to The People). The monies came from the World’s largest drug and trafficking money laundering ring. …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram

· As of Wed. 5 Feb. 2025 Putin declared Trump the Supreme Leader—“The Globalists Are Finished, European Elites Forced to Kneel!” …White Hats on Telegram

· Sun. 9 Feb. 2025 the QFS becomes fully operational with intense military operations against Satan Worshipping Elites. …JFK Jr. on Telegram

Tatoruzu #racist

Kanye's racist tweets are funny and all, but you guys didn't really think he should be president, did you? lmao

I hate to be an "elitist" or whatever, but I don't know if an 80 IQ black rapper has what it takes to navigate the intricacies of the government

Rob Wasinger #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy

President Trump’s recent announcement that he was seizing control of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts by installing himself as head of the Center’s board of directors and long-time confidant Ric Grenell as interim executive director was met with predictable howls of outrage from the cultural left.
Trump had evidently had enough of the embarrassing woke circus.“I have decided to immediately terminate multiple individuals from the Board of Trustees, including the Chairman, who do not share our Vision for a Golden Age in Arts and Culture,” he tweeted out on Truth Social. “NO MORE DRAG SHOWS, OR OTHER ANTI-AMERICAN PROPAGANDA, ONLY THE BEST …Ric shares my Vision for a GOLDEN AGE of American Arts and Culture, and will be overseeing the daily operations of the Center.”
In another sense, however, politics can, and does, shape culture. The popular culture of the Camelot era of the JFK presidency was heavily influenced by Jack and Jackie Kennedy’s White House and its somewhat self-conscious emphasis on sophistication, high culture, and the arts. Ronald Reagan’s “Morning in America” politics of patriotic optimism and American renewal characterized much of 1980s popular culture in America, from movies such as Indiana Jones, Rambo, Rocky, Star Wars, Back to the Future, and Ferris Bueller to musicals like Big River and television shows such as The Dukes of Hazard and The Cosby Show.

Despite the sneers and jeers of our cultural elite, the prospects that President Trump’s takeover of our premier cultural platform will lead to an American cultural renaissance are actually relatively high. If not a full-fledged return to the “golden age” of American dominance of the popular arts, it at least augurs the end of an aggressive wokeism, whose very measure of success is the degree to which it offends popular taste and the commonly held values of Western civilization.

Danlboon/Lyman #crackpot #quack #ufo #conspiracy

<Danlboon> Those that want to keep their lifestyle better not try the Med Bed as it may just remove what they changed to in the recent years and not what they were when they were born.

Some people may think those in the L***Q community have mental issues and the Med Bed may just ignore what their thoughts are and cure them for those even though they came in for some other treatment.

Do the Med Beds have options to be imputed into the software to correct a certain illness, ailment or other disability rather than diagnosing what the patient should be cured for with just a scan?

Would the Med Bed scan the people first before taking any actions as like presently a doctor diagnoses a patient before operating on them to make sure the correct procedures are done?

Would inmates be required to use the Med Bed if they committed harsh violations and may have a tendency to do them all over again while incarcerated as it would remove their thoughts, and also they could live to be over 100 years of age to live a life sentence and that would then be too extreme?
Would the Med Beds be built to fit any size of person, like those that are just too large?















pennygadget , WrongToy & Cattitude #transphobia

Republican introduces Tim McBride as male on house floor

( pennygadget )
Good! I love to see powerful TIMs get a taste of reality. Timmy McBride isn't having as much fun now that the Biden family is no longer in power and forcing everyone to kiss his ass.

( WrongToy )
Tim McBride himself is proving he can just go forward with his speeches and other house functions regardless of whether he is called a “him” or told he can’t access women’s toilets because he is a him.

( Cattitude )
What makes me snort about this is that McBride is no gentleman. No crossdressing pervert is.

Logan B #crackpot #racist #quack #ufo #mammon #conspiracy

If President Trump comes forward and says that med beds are completely his doing 100 million people will refuse to use them. They will not trust him. This includes the 6000 patents.

On the other hand if RFK Jr says this was his idea then no problem. Everyone loves him and his make America healthy again campaign. They will trust him that the beds are safe to use and do what they claim.

We want everyone to enjoy the benefits that med beds provide and I hope President Trump feels the same way by staying out of it. President Trump’s job is to rid America of the unmentionables, invite the Galactic Federation to the surface, announce NESARA and release the RV. Anything else that requires that people personally trust him he needs to steer clear of and give someone else credit for.

I am speaking of this from the majority of Canadians and a large contingent of Americans. Do not think less of Canadians who love the American people but live and breathe every word that our lame stream media tells them about President Trump.

I don’t know if President Trump will ever announce NESARA because that may require him to step down and I don’t think he has any intention of doing that.

Remember if President Trump does not do the job we expect him to do then under the Restored Republic constitution you can demand his resignation.

Let’s just get this transition done, erase the history of pretty much everything before it like they did to Tartaria and forget but never forgive what the unmentionables have done to us.

Cobra/The Portal #ufo #magick #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

<multiple links removed for space>
The Light Forces, including some Aldebarans in cloned human bodies within the Trump administration, are directly and indirectly supporting Trump and Musk team in their auditing endeavors:

Musk is asking himself, where are the aliens?
As Elon Musk is not very familiar with the role of gold in the occult economy, I need to stress that density of gold (19.28 g/cm3) is very similar to density of much cheaper tungsten (19.25 g/cm3) and many gold bars are actually tungsten bars coated with a thin layer of gold:
The easiest way to distinguish between real gold bars and fake tungsten gold plated bars is by an ultrasound tester:

As it is very likely that much of “gold” in Fort Knox is actually tungsten, every single gold bar there would need to be tested with an ultrasound tester when the audit is made.
The Light Forces have just finished clearing a network of huge reservoirs of black goo (Chimera spider etheric poison) which were stored in containers at human sacrifice sites under churches, synagogues, temples and catacombs for many hundreds of years, sometimes millennia.

These containers were the main source of power for dark magi of Black Nobility of Europe, death cult of Baal in Israel, and dark Tibetan network in China. Many souls trapped in these reservoirs are now freed, and the black goo successfully cleared. This will diminish the power of the Dark forces significantly. As all of this was subquantumly entangled by the Lurker, now the Lurker is at least 70% cleared.

Main locations of these reservoirs were under Rome, Paris, London, Kiev, Odessa, Jerusalem, Kiryat Shmona, Urumqi and Beijing.

Although those reservoirs were cleared, the above mentioned locations are still one of the main focal points of the dark forces.

In Europe, Black nobility and their minions want to continue the war in Ukraine:

Tatsuya Ishida #racist


Panel 1: Black comedian on “Def Comedy Jam” says “Black neighborhoods be violent”
Panel 2: All-Black audience laughs; one says “True dat”
Panel 3: White MAGA has charts up and points to one; “Black neighborhoods are violent”
Panel 4: Gang of Black thugs glower menacingly; “That’s racist”, “Let’s kick his ass”

Alternate version, not posted on the main site:


Panel 4 now has the White MAGA chained to a very tall post with a sign saying “Racist White Supremacist Bigot” above him. He appears to be screaming, despite the bonfire being in the background and apparently not actually burning him.

Ariel (Prolotario1) #crackpot #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy #mammon

We don’t have the revaluation yet.

We don’t have the Epstein list yet.

We don’t have robots in our home yet.

We don’t have the P. Diddy list yet.

We don’t have quantum computers on the market yet.

We don’t have free energy yet.

We don’t have flying cars on the market yet.

We don’t have teleportation yet.

We don’t have military Tribunals yet.

We don’t have food replicator yet.

We don’t have the hyperloop yet.

We don’t have AGI on the market yet.

We don’t have Med-Beds on the market yet.

We don’t have jump portals available yet.

We do not have healing centers in every community yet.

All of these things on there own is a monumental paradigm shift away from the old world. Do you not see where you are headed? You have not even begun to see what your world will look like in such a short period of time. You all have to mentally prepare for what is coming.

What will you do when you are no longer just surviving?

What will you do when you are no longer financially struggling?

What are you going to do when resources are no longer scarce?

What are you going to do when you will be challenged to be creative & artistic?

What are you going to do when money is no longer the currency to trade goods & services?

What are you going to do when you no longer have an excuse not to be an asset to your community?

What are you going to do when you no longer have an excuse not to be a good person?

What are you going to do when you no longer have the ability to say you can not do this or that?

~Change How You Think Before You Are Forced Into Something You Are Not Ready For

Sadanand Dhume #crackpot #dunning-kruger #elitist #pratt #psycho #racist

If Indians and Pakistanis Can Relocate, Why Can’t Gazans?

President Trump’s idea that the U.S. will take over the Gaza Strip and relocate two million Palestinians has elicited outrage and derision. But even if the idea never comes to fruition, it has this virtue: It puts a spotlight on the world’s double standard toward Israel.

Many population transfers have taken place over the past century. In the 1920s, Greece and Turkey agreed to a forced population swap: Greek Orthodox Christians in Turkey moved to Greece, while Muslims in Greece moved to Turkey. After World War II, millions of Indians and Pakistanis were forced to find new homes, as were ethnic Germans from Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union. In the 1970s, Uganda expelled Indians. Only in the Palestinian case has the refugee question festered endlessly.

Read more at The Wall Street Journal.

Darren Beattie #elitist #forced-birth #racist

Secretary of State Marco Rubio has appointed Darren Beattie to be the acting undersecretary for public diplomacy and public affairs, a senior role that represents American foreign policy to the world

In May 2024, Beattie wrote on X: “Population control? If only!”

“Higher quality humans are subsidizing the fertility of lower quality humans,” he added, calling it the “Foundational reality of social and political life in the post-war West”

In January 2023, he wrote: “The hierarchy of taboos is interesting. The horrific practice of 2nd trimester abortion is legal in some places and well within Overton window of public discourse. But idea of offering feral populations financial incentives for voluntary sterilization is completely taboo”

In October of that year, he responded to a video of people in a neighborhood in Atlanta, saying: “When a population gets feral, a little snip snip keeps things in control. Could offer incentives (Air Jordans, etc.)”

He again questioned abortion rights in March 2021

“Interesting moral universe we live in where abortion is celebrated, but the notion of giving smart people incentives or cash to start families is so far out of Overton window no sitting politician of either party would dare advocate it,” he said

Beattie made a similar suggestion in May last year, writing: “Pay smart people to have more kids, disincentivize stupid people from having kids. So simple but molds destiny on deep intergenerational level”

“Where do these population reduction conspiracies come from? All I see is trash multiplying,” he wrote in January 2023

Beattie previously served as a speechwriter for Trump, but he was fired in 2018 after he spoke at a conference attended by white nationalists. He has backed repressive crime policies and often spoken in support of the Chinese government, according to NOTUS

Unknown #fundie

Why Birds Are Not Dinosaurs (And Why It Matters)

[…] Consequently, we have determined that they have interpreted the evidence of the so-called feathered dinosaurs through an evolutionary perspective.

Dinosaurs are land-dwelling animals. That means they were made on day six of creation (Genesis 1:24–25). Almost all birds are flying creatures to some degree, and they all have wings. Therefore, they most likely were all made on day five (Genesis 1:20–22).
Dinosaurs are land-dwelling animals. That means they were made on day six of creation (Genesis 1:24–25). Almost all birds are flying creatures to some degree, and they all have wings. Therefore, they most likely were all made on day five (Genesis 1:20–22). By saying or agreeing with the evolutionary claim that birds are dinosaurs or are most similar to dinosaurs, Dr. McLain is mixing groups made on different days of creation. Further, he is lumping groups that Adam would have been able to distinguish. Remember in Genesis 2 that God brought the animals to Adam to name. This implies that Adam was capable of both naming them and distinguishing between them by sight. There is no reason why dinosaurs and birds should be considered similar unless it is presumed a priori that some dinosaurs had feathers. If that assumption is rejected (as it should be), there is little similarity between an Allosaurus or Stegosaurus and a penguin or cardinal. This fits with the scriptural implication that Adam could visually distinguish between groups.

Dr. Michael Salla #conspiracy

Ashton Forbes became interested in a leaked video purporting to show missing Malaysian Airlines MH370 being portalled to another location via three rotating plasma orbs during its disappearance on March 8, 2014. He has accumulated evidence that the craft was taken en route from Malaysia to China carrying 20 scientists who had developed a superconducting microchip that was going to be patented or developed in China.
Forbes also discusses a mysterious letter he received from a covert intelligence operative who encouraged him to continue his efforts and that it was indeed the US intelligence community that was behind the disappearance of MH370.

Finally, Forbes discussed plasma balls, cold fusion, gravity waves, and other advanced technology projects, many of which he believes are still too dangerous to be released to the world.

Andrew Anglin #sexist

[From “ICC Issues Arrest Warrants for Top Taliban Officials for Getting Sluts Under Control”]


These ICC people are ridiculous

It’s now an international war crime to get sluts under control?

It’s deserving of the same kind of attention as a genocide?


An Afghan women’s group on Friday hailed a decision by the International Criminal Court to arrest Taliban leaders for their persecution of women

The International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor Karim Khan announced Thursday he had requested arrest warrants for two top Taliban officials, including the leader Hibatullah Akhundzada[…]

Just absurd

It doesn’t matter, the Taliban wasn’t going anywhere that would enforce this

But it’s just gross that simply enforcing the norms of sexuality, which were the standard for every civilization on earth until a few years ago, would be considered the same as the crimes of Bibi Netanyahu

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. #quack #pratt #racist #crackpot

It was one of the more tense exchanges in an already heated confirmation hearing as senators put Robert F Kennedy Jr.'s record on vaccines — and his shifting stances on their safety and efficacy — under the microscope

Senator Angela Alsobrooks, a Democrat from Maryland, pointed to past comments made by Kennedy in which he said, "We should not be giving black people the same vaccine schedule that's given to whites because their immune system is better than ours"

"So what different vaccine schedule would you say I should have received?" asked Alsobrooks, who's Black. "With all due respect, that is so dangerous"

In response, Kennedy cited a well-known vaccine researcher and said there are a "series of studies" showing that "to particular antigens blacks have a much stronger reaction"

The basis for Kennedy's comment appears to be work done by a team at the Mayo Clinic who looked at differences in the immune response to vaccination by race. The data did show African Americans mounted a higher antibody response after MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccination compared to white people

However, the study's own author tells NPR the data doesn't support a change in vaccine schedule based on race

Dr. Richard Kennedy — a vaccine researcher at the Mayo Clinic who's not related to Robert F Kennedy Jr. — says it's true the immune response to vaccination can vary by race, sex, and "potentially dozens of other factors"

But suggesting that African Americans should have different schedules would be "twisting the data far beyond what they actually demonstrate," he says

Dr. Carlos del Rio, a professor of medicine at Emory University, agrees, saying such a conclusion is "taking it to a very unsafe place," in part because vaccination rates are already lower among Black children

Despite his history of undermining trust in the safety of vaccines, Kennedy has spent the confirmation hearings arguing he's supportive of them

Red Pill Poet #wingnut #conspiracy

Amid a rampant radical madness
insidiously hatched in college campus
incubators of critical-theory-activated
state-of-the-art neo-Marxist hooey;
amid a suddenly-de-rigueur madness
that'd been nurtured in re-purposed unis

strange trains of mind
(having gone off the rails by design)
had left their deftly sabotaged tracks.

In the freshly-sprung rancour factories
that had hijacked higher learning
a hot-off-the-press truly-lunatic version
of a not-so-new crazed way of thinking
had met with success in its scheme
to undermine the spineless system
to the extent
that under cover of maternal virtue
what academia perversely gave birth to
was a vast standing army
of self-righteously intolerant monsters.
As the millions-strong mob
of PC totalitarians spoke
as one
unhinged tunnel-visioned organism
within the echo chamber of woke

few inside noticed the depth and range
to which language had been changed
as a sneaky means to retrain brains
as certain words
were furtively redefined
to discreetly mislead simple minds
As casually sadistic
as they were odiously sanctimonious
the crybully goon squads and mobs
(lost in the throes of collective psychosis)

spared no effort in their quest to quench
their perpetually offended members'
horrifically shrivelled souls
with the blood they spilt
conducting their ever-vigilant
guilty-till-proven-innocent purity patrols.

Their hitherto-hollow mollycoddled lives
having failed to give rise
to anything of notable worth

the flying-off-the-handle
Red-Guard-like vandals
— as if bent on avenging
a learned burning bitterness —
had agreed to scorch the earth

on their manic wasteland-advancing
fealty-demanding mission
to cancel culture rewrite history
and Year Zero the weakened system.

Tatsuya Ishida #conspiracy #racist #homophobia #transphobia

[From “February 23, 2025: Deploy The Prons 3”]


Panel 1: Slick is in front of a Roman arch of triumph on which is engraved the logo of X
Panel 2: Depicts a statue of Elon Musk doing a Roman salute and clad in a Roman armor on which is engraved X
Panel 3: Slick is walking right behing a croowd of NPC wearing MAGA red hats
Panel 4: a naked woman is under three X
Panel 5: Slick sees Cletus making a speech
Panel 6: Cletus makes a speech attacking the Jews, immigrants and LGBT
Panel 7: right near him, a black truck is appearing
Panel 8: two Shibas dressed as SWAT officers are leaving the truck
Panel 9: one of the Shibas grabs Cletus
Panel 10: the two Shibas are dragging Cletus into the truck
Panel 11: the truck closes its doors on which is written “Z.O.G.E.”
Panel 12: the truck is departing in front of Slick, the MAGA NPC and the Elon Musk statue

Tommy Truthful #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy

The Angelic Human DNA template is far more than just a genetic code—it holds the blueprint for human evolution and higher consciousness. It contains 12 double-helix DNA strands, often referred to as the Diamond Sun DNA template, designed to connect us to higher dimensions of existence.

Each DNA strand carries 12 fire letters, which act as scalar wave programs—energetic codes that shape our biology, consciousness, and manifestation of reality.

Scalar waves are multidimensional energy patterns that exist beyond physical matter. They do not move through space like normal waves but instead remain in fixed points, forming the very fabric of morphogenetic fields—the invisible blueprints that guide the development of all life forms, including planets and human beings.

DNA, as we observe it physically, is simply the chemical expression of these scalar wave patterns. Beneath the surface, fire letters control how consciousness and energy interact within the DNA template, allowing the body to transform into pure light during ascension.

Ancient teachings—from Enochian and Hebrew traditions—referenced these fire letters, understanding them as the key to higher evolution and divine connection.
Due to genetic manipulation over thousands of years, many of the base and acceleration codes in human DNA have been electrically reversed. This has led to:

❌ Disruptions in the natural balance between mother and father genetic codes
❌ Scrambled energy patterns in the DNA template
❌ The breakdown of the original Angelic Human DNA structure
❌ Increased physical and spiritual disconnection from Source

In the Homo-Sapien-2 genetic code, fire letters have been misaligned, leading to chromosomal distortions and an imbalance in male-female energy dynamics. This distortion manifests in human relationships, creating division and disharmony on a planetary scale.

Through the process of DNA bio-regeneration, we have the ability to restore our original divine DNA template.

Eivind Berge #psycho

That rant about sympathy for so-called sex offenders was not overly dramatic. It is what anyone should feel if they had empathy. Something is blocking that empathy. The delusion that consensual sex is extremely harmful just because it is called rape and and abuse. Either the normies are evil or they believe in this cultural superstition. I am still holding out hope that it is mostly the latter.