( Turtlefuzz )
First they came...
First they came for the cheating males, and I did not speak out-
Because I was not a cheating male.
Then they came for the rapists, and I did not speak out-
Because I was not a rapist.
Then they came for the child mutilators, and I did not speak out-
Because I was not a child mutilator.
Then they came to me, and told me I could live my life again. And all my sisters spoke out-
Because now we could.
( MagnificentMildew )
I was actually literally just thinking about this yesterday, about how fucking gross it is that wokies have been using this quote in regards to Trump's EO about TIMs.
Libs, banning cross dressing perverts from beating up and raping female athletes and prisoners is not remotely similar to how Jews and communists/socialists were treated by Nazis during the fucking Holocaust. The fact you shitheads even think such a comparison is remotely appropriate is proof of how fucking out of touch the left has become. Like seriously, get fucked.
( SarahWilliams_13 )
I’ve heard them say that trans people are experiencing genocide.
No, Bill, it’s not genocide that you can’t wear a wig and use the woman’s locker room.
( littleowl12 )
I really hate that poem now because I can see it for the tyranny that it really is.
"YOU have to protect ME because THEY hate you even more than I do."
( DarthVelma )
My issue is that they've been coming for women's rights for my entire 50+ years and none of these people who want my help now ever gave a shit. They're not coming for TIMs "first". It's self-centered, ahistorical nonsense to pretend they are. They're literally the people at the end of that poem where there's no one else left to help them because they never bothered to give a shit and notice, much less help, the groups that were already being "come for".
( Turtlefuzz )
I've been seeing a lot of posts in online LGB spaces with the quote from pastor Martin Niemöller in regards to Trump's Executive Orders.
I am not Jewish, but the constant comparison to the Holocaust is insulting and disturbing.
I made this post to remind all the boot-licking, dick-pandering handmaidens that this is what you are saying we should defend. This behavior, this anti-woman sentiment, this atrociously MALE movement.
Thank you for reading.