
The Anti-Gnostic #homophobia anti-gnostic.blogspot.it

Gavin McInnes thinks that Marriage is a panacea, as in, if we just allow gays to get married, they'll settle down and jettison their cultural Marxism and stop having promiscuous sex, like Gavin did.

Gavin is heterosexual and a reformed rake who married outside his peer group, because his peer group is so jaded and STD-ridden there's no marriageable females left in it. He thinks marriage is good, which it is, ergo if only homosexuals could experience marriage they'd all settle down and become reformed hipsters, like Gavin has. But what Gavin doesn't realize is that homosexuals can never, ever experience marriage. Marriage, to use a crude metaphor, is how the plug and the outlet find common ground in order to complete the whole human experience. Two plugs or two outlets can't do this. You can offer marriage to whatever couplings the deviant mind can dream up; it won't expunge the pathology from the pathological. Gay marriage is not about turning gays into low time-preference, minarchist conservatives who live behind picket fences. It's about devaluing marriage for all of society by extending it to any and all sexual couplings.

Marriage ties one into the entire great chain of being. It's a little micro-cosmos, a mini-kingdom, the Creation story playing out right there in your living room. Two homosexuals can't recreate that, and I don't care with what level of dignity and refinement they carry themselves or what extruded process they go through to acquire children. The idea that George Takei or Elton John are "married" to their partners will always be a pathetic joke.

The Anti-Gnostic #conspiracy anti-gnostic.blogspot.it

The Great Mesopotamian War

It's lasted twenty-four years; arguably an entire century.

For the fifth time in my adult life, the US will engage in combat operations in the Middle East. We are doing this because the corrupt meatballs who rule the Arabian peninsula are terrified, and because the jihadists will be coming home, this time with live-fire experience. As the lonely voices of Pat Buchanan and Steve Sailer have pointed out for two decades, we invite the world, so we must invade the world. ISIS is not actually a threat to the US per se. It is a threat to the US government's open borders policy, because a few instances of jihadists setting off IED's in shopping malls and the US Congress, under threat of complete electoral eviction, will be adopting the immigration policy of Israel. Therefore, ISIS must be destroyed.

I also suspect this is actually a pretext to bomb Damascus and its resident Assad family into the dirt, as long desired by the Saud and Thani clans.

Also in play are the semi-conscious motivations of President Peace Prize, who I think would love nothing more than to honor the memory of his father as an openly devout Sunni Muslim



What are we up to now--four proposed wars on this guy's watch? If the Nobel committee were so desperate for a tall, articulate, African head of state who stopped bloodshed, I'd nominate Paul Kagame.


In what number of possible realities is this latest intervention supposed to work out? I doubt Americans have the stomach for another decade of young infantrymen patrolling crowded Middle Eastern cities surrounded by people who hate them. So I'm guessing the plan is to bomb the shit out of the place and hope we can pay enough rival Syrians and Iraqis to supply the boots on the ground. (They haven't stepped up so far, so I tend to doubt it.) The infrastructure of the region will be totally destroyed, and it will take about a week of footage of Syrian and Iraqi children hunting for rats and begging cameramen for food before the foreign aid starts rolling in. There will be more refugees, more corruption, more seething resentment. In sum, more of every bad thing we can imagine and no way out.

UPDATE: Malcolm Pollack weighs in. Malcolm links in turn to another assessment, wherein the authors put a great deal of stock in the supposed soothing balm of pluralistic democracy.* Stable countries are formed around market-dominant majorities. Multiculturalism is actually premised on the opposite: the ethnic or creedal majority is required to accommodate itself to the minority. Ruling minorities are overthrown, as we see in Syria or Iraq, or the multicultural polity devolves into its constituent nations, as with Rome, Austro-Hungary, the Soviet Union and Britain.

* - This sentence is a correction. Malcolm shares my view of Western liberal democracy. Wise man, that Malcolm. And doubtless, stunningly handsome.

The Anti-Gnostic #racist anti-gnostic.blogspot.it

The Eloi tax
Lion of the Blogosphere wishes Lawrence Auster were still around to comment on the fourteen-year old youth who slashed his 24-year old math teacher's throat and dumped her body in the woods.

Lion doesn't exactly recall how Lawrence Auster used to refer to these sorts of crimes but I do. He called these cases the Eloi tax, a tax "paid by liberals living under liberal rule who are so naive (or so deeply ideologically committed) as to take their liberalism straight. Meaning that they neglect to make unprincipled exceptions for themselves in order to protect themselves from the dreadful personal consequences of liberalism consistently applied." ("Eloi" were the hapless human prey from H.G. Wells's novella The Time Machine).

Thus, devout, idealistic Colleen Ritzer asks her hulking fourteen-year old student to stay after class for remedial help. After all, what harm could possibly result from being alone in a large, empty building with a bigger, stronger Dominican* male--how dare you even think such thoughts, you evil racist.

Pattern recognition evolved as a skill set over thousands of years to enable humans and other animals to assess and avoid threats based on limited information. A woman should have all sorts of alarm bells going off inside her head about being alone with a much bigger and stronger male with demonstrably low IQ and high T (fourteen and 6' 2"?).

Unfortunately, pattern recognition was educated right out of Miss Ritzer's head so she won't be passing on her genes.

* - Phillip Chism appears to be of mixed white-Dominican parentage.

The Anti-Gnostic #racist anti-gnostic.blogspot.it

Cherubic black teenager gunned down by evil white racist

But, as Fred Reed observes, we've got a bigger problem here. Trigger-happy, militarized cops are a symptom. Blacks and whites have radically divergent viewpoints, which is why they segregate themselves whenever and wherever they are allowed. Integration only works in highly regimented settings, like the military or NFL or huge corporate employers like Wal-Mart. Hence, a diverse society requires a large security apparatus.

The key fact in this story is that Ferguson, Missouri is about 70% black and all but a few of its police are white. In other words, the tipping point for whites in the private sector was reached long ago, so they’ve been moving away. The public sector whites are hanging on, trying to keep seniority and boost their pensions. But eventually, they’ll leave too. In the interim, there’ll be misunderstandings that boil over into the occasional tragedy given the wildly disparate views between blacks and whites on what’s appropriate public behavior. In a few more years, Ferguson will be monoculturally black and the new, all-black police force won’t bother initiating confrontations over things like loitering and crass behavior. Of course, the Narrative is just this continual replay of Birmingham, Alabama in 1965, so nobody mentions things like Ferguson's changed demographics. And, extrapolating forward, nobody will bother to remember how Birmingham 1965 actually played out, after the black body politic prevailed over the anti-democratic white political power structure. The whites moved away and Birmingham eventually filed for bankruptcy.