
ceeking truth #fundie christianlinks.com

If scientist [A] has sacrificed his time, money, and energy to make observations in thename of science, I call that worship. And wehn he posts his findings for the world to see, I call that praise.

you see? worship the mind, then praise the mind.

when we worship God, we are emotionally effected by His glory and respond in emotional praise. This is why we exist ... not to think, but to worship.

Deacon Fred #fundie christianlinks.com

[Reading evolutionary theories of the origen of man just doesn't do it for me. Now ... reading the biblical truth of the origen of man does.]

I see what you mean. People don't realize that the Bible is the ultimate science book. The biologist searching for clues on the origin of species ought to put his textbooks and journals on the shelf and brush off the dust from his Bible.

Deacon Fred #fundie christianlinks.com

I just think that our nation ought to revise its laws in order to prohibit women from dressing in a revealing manner. They shouldn't show any leg (certainly not above the knee!) and they shouldn't reveal any cleavage. If I wasn't a man subject to his natural desires, I would feel sick to my stomach every time I saw a lady dressed in an ungodly manner.

chris overy #fundie christianlinks.com

you have been given the word of god and what it states and you have still done nothing to show a video of one species turning into another. we can show video of what the word of god states that is all the evidence you should need. you want evidence but you dont want to see the evidence that has been put in front of you nor do you have evidence of something in the natural or wild turning into another species. any of us can go into a lab mix molecules and make a different insect.

Deacon Fred #fundie christianlinks.com

(On human transitional fossils and the fossil record)

I have taken the time to watch all 22 of Kent Hovind's debate DVD's with the best of the debating him, and up to 3 at one time. They all pretty much lost. Guess they did not earn the $250,000.00 challenge.

[Ok. Check out the article in the OP. Or you can just pick up a copy of Nature tomorrow and read the source. How's that?]

Your giving me posts to links that are fake. I've seen all these, there is no core proofs to these. Once again, intellectual and witty banter based grammaticism based on fault dating, and annomalies of layers that geologists can't explain doesnt make truth.

Can you post some real links with real data. These are once again, presumption.

Christian #fundie christianlinks.com

Your experts, are a joke.

And next week, in the news, there will be a new dating method. Next month, another amazing discovery of the missing link of evolution.

And then, another fraud exposed which wipes out the previous years internet evolution experts with their Doctorate in Vomitus Regurgitatus from What I Heardus.

Chris Overy #fundie christianlinks.com

ya know, science has time and time again proved evolution wrong. charles darwin himself stated that if one theory was proven wrong the whole thing was wrong. well through the kent hovind videos and other videos this has infact been proven very wrong. not to mention can some one show me a monkey that has turned into man lately. see if this were true it would still be happening now before our very eyes and oh that is right its not.

ceeking truth #fundie christianlinks.com

"If we are doing good things merely because we want to do good things for people and don't want to hurt anyone, then our morality is still disobedience. It is only when we practice morality out of a love for God that it is counted as righteousness, and this can only be achieved in Christ Jesus."

ceeking_truth #fundie christianlinks.com

I will be filled with rejoicing when God makes His power known by pouring out His wrath upon the disobedient who are unfaithful and unrepentant. God is so awesome to have mercy on us when wrath is what we deserve. I am rejoicing just at the thought of it.

chris overy #fundie christianlinks.com

i do not believe that our votes mean anything any longer in the united states. they claim that they do but i have traveled all over this country and have talked with millions of people that did not vote for this or that yet it is still passed as ok. like abortion i have heard maybe three people out of a million that say that it should be. they control things anyway that they want to and they do not care of the word of god or anything else.

Roy S #fundie christianlinks.com

Originally Posted by eric
One thing evolutionists believe is that the earth is 4.6 billion years old and they get this from an instrument that apparently "measures the age of the earth". However, there are many different kinds of instruments that measure the age of the earth, and they all point to a young earth.

Absolutely! I can't remember the evidence is for a young earth, but I remember that it was convincing.

jtartar #fundie christianlinks.com

The reason no link has been found between any two kinds is the fact that God put within all animals and plants the ability to reproduce ONLY after their own kind. This term is called PRESTABILISM. This LAW of NATURE is found in the first book of the Bible, and is mentioned for both plant and animal,Gen 1:11,12,21,24,25. PRESTABILISM is a LAW of NATURE, and man has not been able to bypass this law, either INVITRO, or INVIVO.
There has been millions of fossils found, but never a link to anothe kind.