
Michele Bachmann #conspiracy cosmopolitan.com

I had a mother come up to me last night here in Tampa, Florida after the debate. She told me that her little daughter took that [HPV] vaccine, that injection. And she suffered from mental retardation thereafter. The mother was crying when she came up to me last night. I didn't know who she was before the debate. This is the very real concern and people have to draw their own conclusions.

Demi Lovato #ufo #magick #conspiracy cosmopolitan.com

Demi Lovato Shares UFO Sightings on Instagram and Says She Contacted Aliens

Over the past couple months I have dug deep into the science of consciousness and experienced not only peace and serenity like I’ve never known but I also have witnessed the most incredibly profound sightings both in the sky as well as feet away from me. This planet is on a very negative path towards destruction but WE can change that together. If we were to get 1% of the population to meditate and make contact, we would force our governments to acknowledge the truth about extraterrestrial life among us and change our destructive habits destroying our planet. This is just some of the evidence from under the stars in the desert sky that can no longer be ignored and must be shared immediately 💞💫☄️ to make contact yourself you can download the CE5 app and it will teach you the protocols to connect to life form beyond our planet!! (Ps, if it doesn’t happen on the first try - keep trying - it took me several sessions to tap into a deep enough level of meditation to make contact!) Happy communicating

In a plot twist that not even whoever’s in charge of 2020 saw coming, Demi took to Instagram and shared several photos of what appear to be spaceships (???) "The photos in question were taken on a trip to Joshua Tee with some friends and Dr. Steven Greer, who is—according to his Instagram bio—"one of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject of UFOs, ET intelligence, and initiating peaceful contact with ET civilizations."