
Morris Dancer #transphobia gendertrender.wordpress.com

That’s a little illusory, because the trans movement is itself a fundamentally conservative re-assertion of straight male dominance, in dress-up form.

The only way in which it diverges from traditional heterosexism is that these particular straight men are full-on sexual fetishists, who are publicly very exhibitionistic with their kinks.

I would be happy to align myself with the traditional Right against that aspect of transgenderism, while rejecting transgender politics as a particularly aggressive form of male, heterosexist intrusion into the lives of women, children, lesbians and homosexual men (I use the term “homosexual men” because being one myself, I think we need to rediscover that term – it emphasises that sexual orientation is about sex, not “gender”).

The best way to make sure that homosexual people aren’t carried along by the transgender train wreck is to disassociate ourselves from them as much as possible, and to make it clear to our “dear leaders” in all the “official” LGB bodies that we reject their support of transgender, genderqueer and all its associated misogynistic, anti-homosexual bullshit.

ethicalequinox #fundie gendertrender.wordpress.com

Is there any doubt now that these people are terrorists?

Transpanqueergendersexuals are becoming so predictable. Is it not clear by now that they have the ethics of a mob boss?


How very progressive of them. This really brings to mind the violent protests that came about because someone DARED to draw a cartoon of muhammad – patriarchal value systems can’t stand to be criticized or mocked because their adherents KNOW there is little else to back them up, besides the benefits that come along with at least appearing to agree with a group of potentially violent people.

Margie #fundie gendertrender.wordpress.com

(rad fem compares Elliot Rodger to trans people and trans rights activists)

When I saw the horrible story of Elliot Rodger, the fellow in California who killed 6 people as retribution for women not having sex with him, I sort of jokingly thought “This guy’s attitude about sex as an entitlement could qualify him as an honorary trans activist.” But if you view Rodger’s pre-massacre video, it is clear that, under the most widely accepted definition of transgender, he actually is a trans activist.

Rodger is a straight male, but his “gender expression” is unconventional, in at least a few respects (higher than normal voice, delicate facial features, unathletic). Although trans activists alter the meaning of “trans” to suit whatever agenda they are pushing at any given moment, the textbook definition includes anyone who identifies or behaves in any way contrary to “conventional gender norms.” The shooter qualifies, as far as i can tell. The only difference is that he failed to invent terminology to make his mental and emotional problems seem like a political demands – like “cotton ceiling” – and he failed to come up with a rallying cry like “Die, cis scum!”

If he would have done that, I would give 50/50 odds that he would be adopted by the trans movement as a martyr. Maybe they wouldn’t celebrate the murders, but they would turn him into a victim who was driven to his bloody fate by the gender binary and the cotton ceiling.

(Note: "Cotton ceiling" refers to cis lesbians supporting trans rights, but not considering sleeping with trans women or including trans lesbians as part of the lesbian community due to transphobia. Rad fems take this to mean that trans women should be able to rape lesbians or coerce them into sex and that cis lesbians who don't sleep with trans women will be labeled as bigots. Yep.)

GallusMag #sexist gendertrender.wordpress.com

He Stabbed A Woman More Than Thirty Times, Wins Billionaire Funded Legal Battle To Wear “Panties” In Prison

On Sunday, September 22, 2013, Reiyn (pronounced “reign”) Keohane, 19, stabbed a woman in the throat. Then he stabbed her again. And again, and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. In her chest he stabbed: again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again, and more: over and over and over and over.

“More than thirty times” he stabbed her.

His victim was Caley Patrick, she was 23 years old, and was his roommate.

From ABC7:

“She ran from her apartment to her friends over there,” says neighbor Tayaba Barclay. “There was a trail of blood.”

Police say Patrick had been stabbed in the neck and chest.

According to neighbors, she was screaming, knocking on doors and begging for help.

“She said, ‘help me, help me; I’m dying,'” said neighbor John Boatright, “[She said] I’m going to die; please, don’t let me die.”

Boatright opened the door to Patrick’s desperate knock. He said Patrick was hunched over and covered in blood when he pulled her into his apartment.

“She lost a lot of blood and I was spazing,” recalled Boatright, “I said call 911, call 911.”

That is when his roommate, John Strickland, picked up his phone and dialed.

“When she collapsed right here she said ‘get me help, don’t let me die. I don’t want to die. He stabbed me’,” said John Strickland.

According to reports, Patrick said it was her roommate, Reiyn Keohane, that stabbed her.

“My lungs are feeling up; I can feel them filling up with blood,” Strickland said.

“They say if we hadn’t of found her she probably would have died,” said Boatright.

Patrick was rushed into surgery and is in critical condition.

Police arrested Keohane seven minutes away at his parent’s home.

Reports show Keohane had two knives and a loaded AR-15 magazine.”

Miraculously, Caley survived after emergency surgery, intensive care, and rehab. Her family and loved ones raised $1,200. at a benefit dinner. “Join us as we celebrate the survival and life of Caley!!”

Meanwhile, Reiyn Keohane was arrested at his parent’s house in possession of two knives and a loaded clip for an AR15. He pled No Contest to a second degree murder charge. There was no dinner for him. He didn’t need one, because he was a male who “identified as transgender”, and as such received representation and support from international multi-billionaire legal firm DLA Piper, as well as the ACLU.

Unlike the victim of the attack, who received nothing from nobody, the perpetrator has been gifted with countless thousands of dollars in billable hours in support of his affinity as a male for stereotypically sexy female undergarments.


According to trial documents Reiyn Keohane was placed on the off-label, FDA unapproved, high dose estrogen regime typically prescribed for transgender identifying males, by his “pediatric endocrinologist”, only six weeks before he stabbed roommate Caley again and again and again and again and again and again and etc.

This is the same transgender drug regime that ax attacker Evie Amanti tried to claim as a defense in his trial last month.

Reiyn Keohane had been strongly supported in his “transgender identity” by his family. His mother started her own organization in support of transgender youth, and personally helped her son shop for “lingerie”.

From the Bonita Springs Florida Weekly:

“That isolation is something that’s definitely been noticed by Carrie Keohane, co-founder of the Visuality support center for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth in Lee County.

“A lot of gays and lesbians don’t understand the transgender thing,” she says.

Ms. Keohane’s child was born a male, and at 16, legally changed his name to the androgynous Reiyn (sounds like rain). At first, he said he was gay, “and we said, ‘That’s OK. That’s no big deal.’”

When Ms. Keohane and her husband, James, found out that Reiyn actually felt like a girl inside, “We didn’t know what it meant, to be honest,” she says. “We were astonished. We knew Reiyn was very tormented. At that age, kids don’t talk to their parents about a lot of that — and sometimes, they’re not even sure.”

Now 19, Reiyn recently began taking hormones and transitioning into a female. It’s been a long journey to reach this fork in the road with their only child. The sad truth is that Reiyn has only one friend, Ms. Keohane says.

But Reiyn’s family is supportive. “My family and my husband’s family have been great. They accept Reiyn no matter how she shows up,” she says. They put her on their health insurance policy, and Ms. Keohane takes Reiyn shopping to offer guidance on makeup and clothing styles.

“It’s tricky taking Reiyn shopping. You get looks when you’re shopping in the lingerie department with your son,” says Ms. Keohane, and jokes that the easiest place to blend in is Walmart. “It’s been a wild ride.”

One might think the “wild ride” in the lingerie department had ended with the driver stabbing an innocent female victim over thirty times, but no, this would underestimate the global reach of the power of “panties” among men.

The international multi-billionaire law firm DLA Piper and the ACLU announced “Victory!” today: that Reiyn Keohane will be permitted to wear “panties” during his twelve year incarceration in a men’s prison. Because transgender.

U.S. District Judge Mark Walker cited the power of “panties” at least eight times in his decision [PDF] that men who stab women over thirty times must have the right to wear sexy lady clothes and force correctional officials to play along with their autogynephilic fantasies.

Gay website The Advocate celebrates his “victory”, never mentioning his victim or his crime.




Kei 2.0 #sexist gendertrender.wordpress.com

Notice all this sexual harassment and death threats towards lesbians, never gay males and straight people, who are not being told to change their terms and being physically threatened with not wanting to sex ”trans people”. Even if women stopped using the terms ‘Woman’, ‘Female’, ‘Lesbian’, and created more private groups. GBT++ would take whatever new terms are created. Lesbian groups and events are already shut down for publicly advertising and meeting.

Lesbian youth online saying from GBT++ org. they’re confused and suicidal about not being supported for simply being lesbians, and sexually harassed and bullied for not wanting to sex ”trans males or “trans women”. Butch lesbians are harassed if they refuse to ”trans” to straight males. ”Transing” dead lesbians like biracial butch lesbian Stormé DeLarverie who was present during Stonewall Riots. The few lesbian role models/celebs, they’re staying quiet to assimilate with straight people, so we already know what side they’re on. (Not speaking of lesbians who are being physically threatened or who would lose their jobs for speaking out).

Replacing ‘Lesbian’ with non binary, queer, ‘they, them’ $hit. The lesbian youth who think LGB history was created the year they were born through various social media that they created. Yes, lets get the L out by leaving the GBT+++ behind.

May Loo #sexist gendertrender.wordpress.com

This is common sense. Most people know this. It’s only the trans and their handmaidens who are trying to erase females as a biological sex who are clueless that this is not a hate crime. Heaven forbid a poor trans is faced with the biological proof that they claim to be something they can never be.

Bev Jo #fundie gendertrender.wordpress.com

(Responding to: Speaking as someone who was nominally pro-trans, but has been increasingly turning away from that for various reasons, I really don’t understand why there can’t be a third option for transgender people.)

The problem with that is it still denies reality. Men are not a third sex even if they look like drag queens, and less feminine women are not a third sex (though the majority of F2Ts are Fem.)

It still plays into the cult and lies and female-hating. Why are men so precious that they have to have a special category that considers them oppressed? Men claiming to be women send us rape and death threats and are among the most dangerous of men. Women posing as men are far less in danger than Butches. This just continues the appropriation.

No, Gay men have enormous privilege and will not stop being considered men. (Recently, a Lesbian was telling me about what big business the AIDS industry is and asked me to not tell her name or she’d be killed. Another Lesbian said when she volunteered to help gay men with AIDS, 80% of donations were stolen, even while the director was making $150,000 a year. Now he makes $300,000. All the fuss over what is an STD that primarily men get.)