
Creflo Dollar #fundie opposingviews.com

Televangelist Wants Donations Of $300 Or More To Buy A $60M Luxury Jet

The prevalent televangelist and founder of Atlanta-based World Changers Church International wants 200,000 people to donate $300 each so he can purchase a luxurious $60 million Gulfstream G650 airplane for his ministry — an airplane popular among billionaires.

Donations over the $300 mark are also welcome.

Reverend Creflo Dollar, 53, posted a five-minute video to his website asking for donations toward the plane.

Dollar said the airplane is needed so “World Changers Church International can continue to blanket the globe with the Gospel of grace.”

Dollar preaches all over the world, but normally works out of his “World Dome” amphitheater in Atlanta, Georgia, broadcasting his sermons across the country.

The private airplane Dollar had been using was reportedly damaged during an overseas trip, and he says if it were not for his skillful pilot, tragedy could have struck, per the Christian Post.

"The ministry's current airplane, was built in 1984, purchased by the ministry in 1999 and has since logged four million miles. Recently on an overseas trip to a global conference, one of the engines failed. By the grace of God, the expert pilot, who's flown with Creflo for almost 20 years, landed the plane safely without injury or harm to any passengers," said the website appeal.

Why does Dollar need to replace his old airplane with one of the most luxurious private jets available today?

An explanation was not given.

"Due to this recent incident coupled with the 31 years the airplane has been in service, we believe it is time to replace this aircraft so that our Pastors and staff can continue to safely and swiftly share the Good News of the Gospel worldwide. Believe it or not, there are still millions of people on this planet who have never heard of Jesus Christ and know nothing of His greatness. Our hearts desire to see precious lives changed and snatched out of darkness and thrust into His marvelous light! We need your help to continue reaching a lost and dying world for the Lord Jesus Christ.

”The mission of Project G650 is to acquire a Gulfstream G650 airplane so that Pastors Creflo and Taffi and World Changers Church International can continue to blanket the globe with the Gospel of grace. We are believing for 200,000 people to give contributions of 300 US dollars or more to turn this dream into a reality — and allow us to retire the aircraft that served us well for many years," the appeal said.

As of this morning, the video is no longer viewable on the website, reports CNN.

World Changers Church International preaches prosperity gospel, promising wealth and health to those who give 10 percent of their income to the church.

Dollar owns two Rolls-Royce vehicles and multi-million dollar homes in Atlanta and New Jersey.

His estimated net worth is $27 million, reports The Daily Mail.

Rafael Cruz #fundie opposingviews.com

The father of right wing Texas Senator Ted Cruz, the most visible leader of the now-ended government shutdown, is seen in recently uncovered videos calling for America to be ruled by “kings” who will take money from anyone who is not an evangelical Christian and deliver it into the hands of fundamentalist preachers and their acolytes.

Megachurch preacher Larry Huch suggested that Rafael Cruz’s own son, Ted, is one of those “kings.” And in fact, at a ceremony this past July Ted Cruz was “anointed” by a group of fundamentalist preachers in a special blessing ceremony.

During the 2008 presidential campaign, then-Senator Barack Obama was accused by conservatives of advocating “redistribution of wealth” from the wealthy to the needy. But in his speech given last year, Rafael Cruz calls for “a great transfer of wealth.”

The difference is that in Cruz’s scheme, the transfer will occur through a war against “the wicked” led by Christian preachers who will take the wealth from nonbelievers.

“The wealth of the wicked is stored for the righteous,” said the elder Cruz at an Irving, Texas, megachurch in August of 2012. “And it is through the kings, anointed to take dominion, that that transfer of wealth is going to occur."

“I know that’s why God got Rafael’s son elected — Ted Cruz, the next Senator,” said Huch, pastor of the New Beginnings megachurch, introducing Rafael Cruz’s speech.

“Kings who are anointed for a totally different reason than priests,” Rafael Cruz continued. “Kings who are anointed to take dominion. Kings who are anointed to go to war, win the war, and bring the spoils of war to the priests.”

Leslee Unruh #fundie opposingviews.com

[House Strips Funding for Abstinence Education]

"We've got news for the condom worshipers," says Leslee Unruh, President of the National Abstinence Clearinghouse, "abstinence education is not going away any time soon. Taxpayers will not tolerate their money being used for ideological latex-only programs and the molestation of their children's minds and future."

Glen Urquhart #fundie opposingviews.com

Glen Urquhart: “Do you know, where does this phrase ’separation of church and state’ come from? Anybody know?”

Audience member: “From the Devil.”

History teacher: “I do.”

Glen Urquhart (Pointing to audience member and laughing): “But I told you.”

History teacher: “No. I know. But I’m the history teacher. It was a letter.”

Glen Urquhart: “That is, actually, that exact phrase is not in Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptists. He was reassuring them the federal government wouldn’t trample on their religion. The exact phrase ’separation of Church and State’ came out of Adolph Hitler’s mouth. That’s where it comes from. So the next time your liberal friends talk about the separation of Church and State, ask them why they’re Nazis.”