
Atheism = Nazism = Horrible (WARNING!) #fundie religion.blogs.cnn.com

Reasons why Atheism is TERRIBLE and unhealthy for our children and living things!

† Atheism makes you stupid, ignorant & blind.
† Atheism is a disease that needs to be treated.
† Atheism makes you post stupid things.
† Atheist are satanic and have gothic lifestyle.
† Atheists are mentally ill, that's why they have no faith.
† Atheism won't take you to kingdom of heaven and paradise.
† Atheism making you agree with Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot & other terrible mass murder leaders.
† No traditional family lifestyle, boring and feeling 'outsider'.
† Atheist try to convert people over internet because they feel "safer" behind closet.
† Atheists do not really exist, they just pretend that they don't believe in God and argue with religious people.
† Atheists have had terrible life experience, bad childhood and not being loved.
† Most Atheists are uneducated... No Atheists could run for presidency.
† Atheism brought upon the French Revolution, one of the most evil events of all of history.
† Atheism cannot explain the origins of the universe, therefore God exists.
† All atheists believe in evolution, which means they don't believe in morality and think we should all act like animals.
† The Bible says atheism is wrong, and the Bible is always right (see: Genesis 1:1, Psalms 14:1, Psalms 19:1, Romans 1:19-20)
† Atheism have no holidays, no culture, no nothing. Waste of living in this planet...

†† Our Prayers goes to Atheists to be healthy and seek their creator ††

Nick Ricci #fundie religion.blogs.cnn.com

Nobody wants to hear this, but the author is right. Simple minded atheists are going to flock to every article in the 'belief' section and try to peddle their monkey minded nothingness. Guess what. Atheists are nothing new. You've been around since before Jesus. No joke. Just 500 years ago Atheists were setting fire to churches, and killing priests, claiming allegiance to various hethan lords pagans or witches. Whatever . Setting fire they still wish they could do. And many 'Atheists' believe in 'vibes' and all kinds of pagan monkey business. Anyway, hate and violence is a disease. And the biggest atheists of the Modern era were some of the sickets. Pol Pot, banned religion. Killed 2 million in concentration camps. Mao tried to ban religion, Stalin tried to ban religion, Hitler etc. All started off as Religious people, who grew to hate religion, tried to ban it, and ultimately became mass murderers on the scale of millions – in Pol Pot and Hitlers case, killing especially those who opposed their brand of Atheist and in Hitler's case slightly mystic pagan 'beliefs'. So I don't want to hear about the crusades, where like 489 people were killed. Give it a rest pagans. Yours is the true evil, by count.

Men of science are men of science. God and science are not mutually exclusive. Unless there is one among you that can cure cancer, or outlive the sun? Let's go ahead and keep science, science. And leave religion to the unknown.

Of course, unless you are a monkey. Then by all means, believe in nothing but the dirt you eat.

OpposingView #fundie religion.blogs.cnn.com

Most atheists were probably raised by their mommies and not their daddies. Because if they had been raised by their daddies they would have learned some respect (particularly, to have respect for God). Their daddy would have gone up side their head if they had mouthed off or said the wrong thing back to him. Whereas, their mommy only tolerated it. And that's the problem in the world today, too many people have been raised by their mommies and feel they can say anything at all about God, Jesus, or anyone else, and feel it's all okay and people should tolerate it. Some people even go so far as cursing and swearing when talk about others. Clearly such people must have been raised by their mommies, because they have no concept of what respect is. But one thing is clear, whoever it was that raised them, they clearly wasn't raised right—

Matthew 12:26 – But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

Jimmyjam048 #fundie religion.blogs.cnn.com


Religion is fantasy. As such, it can be changed to fit the audience at any time.

And you know this because what? You played "Mr Pickle Pants" with Uncle Chester too many times and now you want to take your anger out on God (who you claim does not exist).

Why waste your time refuting God if you don't believe in him?
Millions of people don't believe in Santa Las, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairly, Peter Pan , Oz and the Yellow Brick Road (sorry Sr Elton) but you mention God and all Hades (pun intended) breaks ,lose.

I do not believe in Athiests, so say "Hello" to Mr Pickle Pants for me.

Itsmellslikefish #fundie religion.blogs.cnn.com

Yeah, but God created the USS Enterprise before StarFleet did. And God told Noah how to build an Ark. Noah didn't
know squat. And everthing in between. We've just copied what God already knew, and have done it forever. Well it seems like forever.
That's why he's God and we're not.

Harold Camping & Fred Store #fundie religion.blogs.cnn.com

[Harold] Camping had originally said that those selected for salvation would be raptured up to heaven on May 21, and those left behind would face months of judgment amid destruction before the world's end on October 21.

The Family Radio website tweaked the prediction after May 21, saying God had shown mercy by sparing people five months of suffering. But final judgment was still slated to come on October 21, when salvation and the world's destruction would happen at once.


The faith of Camping's most ardent followers was not swayed by the recent news.

According to Fred Store, a longtime Family Radio listener, the general belief is "Judgment Day did in fact occur on May 21."

Alan Garcia #fundie religion.blogs.cnn.com

While many world leaders praised the U.S. killing of Osama bin Laden, the president of Peru went a step further on Monday, calling the development the first miracle of Pope John Paul II since he was beatified last weekend.

“I have said that his first miracle has been to remove from the Earth this demonic incarnation of crime, evil and hatred,” Peruvian president Alan Garcia said, according to CNN affiliate America TV in Peru.

“And I think that’s great news that should please Mr. Obama,” Garcia went on, referring to the U.S. president. “In some way, it also vindicates (former) President George W. Bush who made the decision to punish bin Laden and to patiently continue this work that is finally bearing fruit.”

Pope John Paul II, who died in April 2005, was beatified in Rome on Sunday, hours before Obama announced that bin Laden had been killed in Pakistan by U.S. Special Forces.

Beatification is the last step before sainthood and requires someone to have performed one miracle after his or her death. Sainthood requires the church to confirm a second miracle.

LNC #fundie religion.blogs.cnn.com

Since I became a born again Christian many years ago, I knew that the Bible was the Word of God and, therefore, true. However, I couldn't fit the dinosaurs logically into the picture. God reveals everything in time. In the book of Genesis, He tells Adam and Eve to replenish the earth. This means to fill it up again. The earth of Genesis is a transformation of the original earth.
The original earth contained the dinosaurs, which were docile creatures. When Lucifer was kicked out of heaven, he came to earth and brought violence with him, passing it on to the dinosaurs. Then God created the ice age to destroy creation. The melted ice covered the earth with water, as told in Genesis, and a transformation began, possibly millions of years later. Then man was created as well as new types of animals, birds and other living creatures. There were no dinosaurs to include on Noah's ark. The Bible is true.

Newt Gingrich #fundie religion.blogs.cnn.com

I have two grandchildren: Maggie is 11; Robert is 9. I am convinced that if we do not decisively win the struggle over the nature of America, by the time they’re my age they will be in a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists and with no understanding of what it once meant to be an American.

storm #fundie religion.blogs.cnn.com

Jennifer- I wonder have you ever sought to know Jesus Christ? As a trained mental health professional, I can say from my 20 yrs experience, mental health does not remove personality disorders nor does it heal depression, suicidality, etc. yes- mental health can provide some support,and docs can give drugs to stabilize But only being in a relationship with Jesus can totally heal mental health issues. While this opinion will bother and annoy many, I have found it to be the truth.

WWJD #fundie religion.blogs.cnn.com



Few 100% true Reasons why Atheism is TERRIBLE and unhealthy for our children and living things:

† Atheism is a religion that makes you stupid, ignorant & blind.
† Atheism is a disease that needs to be treated.
† Atheism makes you post stupid things (90% of silly comments here on CNN blogs are posted by closet Atheists)
† Atheist are satanic and have gothic lifestyle.
† Atheists causes problem in our religious society.
† Atheists are mentally ill, that's why they have no faith.
† Atheism won't take you to kingdom of heaven and paradise.
† Atheism making you agree with Stalin, Hitler (Denied his faith later), Mao, Pol Pot & other terrible mass murder leaders.
† No traditional family lifestyle, no holidays, no culture, boring and feeling 'outsider'
† Atheists are angry, drug additcted and committ the most crime.
† Atheist try to convert people over internet because they feel "safer" behind closet.
† Atheists do not really exist, they just pretend that they don't believe in God and argue with religious people.
† Atheists have had terrible life experience, bad childhood and not being loved.
† Most Atheists are uneducated... No Atheists could run for presidency.
† Atheism brought upon the French Revolution, one of the most evil events of all of history.
† Atheism cannot explain the origins of the universe, therefore God exists.
† All atheists believe in evolution, which means they don't believe in morality and think we should all act like animals.
† The Bible says atheism is wrong, and the Bible is always right (see: Genesis 1:1, Psalms 14:1, Psalms 19:1, Romans 1:19-20)
† Countries where Atheism is prevalent has the highest Suicide rate & Communist countries = Atheism!
**Only 2-3% of the U.S. are Atheists/Agnostics VS. over 90% who believe in God (80% Christians) in the U.S.**

† † Our Prayers goes to Atheists to be mentally healthy and seek their creator † †