
Elizabeth Prata #fundie the-end-time.blogspot.ca

I don't know why scientists and unbelievers do what they do. Most of them are not trying to scientifically prove that the flood happened, they use science to prove it didn't. If they were scientifically honest they would understand that between the salinity of the seas, the difficulty in determining fossil age, and the fact that there are sea fossils on top of the Himalayas, they would see that science in fact proves the flood. Science proves the earth as young, creation of man, and the flood, as a matter of fact. Scientists ignore the science and pervert it to suit their reprobate minds just as the prosperity gospel preachers pervert the scriptures to pervert the word. It stems from the same source: satan the liar and the father of lies
As for the baby animals, I do not think it was any harder to care for them than an adult. Each has their own particular needs. Some theologians believe God put a spirit of docility into them so they could co-exist with each other and with man during the flood confinement. After all, God sent the animals to Noah and they docilely walked into the ark under their own steam. Noah did not have to hunt or trap them. So it seems they were already operating under a command of God. (Gen 6:20). It is not hard to believe their docility extended to the months on the ark and didn't end at the door when they walked in.

Elizabeth Prata #fundie the-end-time.blogspot.ca

The Tibetans who protest Chinese occupation in their homeland of Tibet also hope to make a positive change in a way that displays just as much frustration but in a non-violent way. Yet in all cases, the self-immolates woke up in hell. How horrible to have performed an ultimate act of self-sacrifice on behalf of your fellow countrymen only to find out to your eternal horror that your benevolent act landed you in hell, enduring God's wrath forever. Whether Muslim or Buddhist, nice guy or evil one, upon your death it means that you will go to hell.

elizabeth prata #fundie the-end-time.blogspot.ca

"Pope Francis has a warning for Italy's mobsters: They will go to hell if they don't repent and renounce their "blood-stained money and blood-stained power."

But the Pope himself is headed for the same destination. He does not live by the faith that was delivered to us, i.e. the unadulterated Gospel. If Pope Francis were to die at this moment, he would be destined for hell, for his condemnation is already upon him. (John 3:18)

Therefore this verse comes to mind,

"Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14)

Elizabeth Prata #fundie the-end-time.blogspot.ca

In primeval times (pre-flood) vicious and perverse angels came down and sinned with women and spawned a race of fierce and mighty men of old. I believe that this is where we get the myth of the demigods. Homer and Hesiod use the term, hemitheoi, meaning the person had one parent who was a 'god' and one who was a mortal. I personally believe that the secular/mythological cultural memory of these half-breeds, such as the mighty men of old mentioned in Genesis 6, were men like Hercules and Aeneas, and were the product of such matings. They really overstepped, and these particular unholy angels who did the deeds were locked up in Tartarus,

Elizabeth Prata #fundie the-end-time.blogspot.ca

If the Nazi in the camp had turned from the ovens and bent down and asked the Lord to forgive his sins, Jesus would have, and the Nazi would go to heaven and the Jewish man on the slab about to be put into the oven would go to hell. His infinite love forgives any sin- except the sin of rejecting Him. His love is eternal, infinite, unstoppable, and would blanket you in glory in an instant,

Elizabeth Prata #fundie the-end-time.blogspot.ca

I started this blog in January 2009. It grew from a private newsletter I'd been sending to friends the two prior years before the blog, of thoughts and urgencies regarding the unfulfilled prophecies of the bible. In 2007, hardly anyone wanted to know about prophecy. All seemed well and prophecy was a low blip in a landscape of trends that had previously peaked in the late 1970s. Then the economy collapsed in September-October 2008, Obama got elected. Something about his demeanor caused many to get a knot in their stomach and wonder if the end of all things was in fact really at hand. The economy's collapse also contributed to the feeling of imminent doom.

Since the inauguration in 2009, we have seen many interesting events occurring which bespeak a soon-prophetic fulfillment of historic proportions. After 100 years, Armenia reconciled with Turkey. Turkey left the West and became overtly Muslim. Egypt collapsed, abandoned its peace treaty with Israel, and became her enemy. The US fell from its position of world leader and sole superpower. China ascended. Russia revived. Mid-east Dictators in the prophetic lands fell, one after another. Syria imploded. One of earth's largest earthquakes occurred and one of its most devastating tsunamis decimated a nation. Incredible oil and natural gas was discovered by Israel, making her extremely wealthy. She went from an economic importer to an exporter. Volcanoes, long thought extinct, awoke with power. Birds fell from the sky. The weather went haywire, first record heat then record cold then record heat again. Global warming, global cooling, their heads are spinning. Strange sky sounds spooked the world. Exorcisms are way up and demon sightings are common. A pope resigned for the first time in 600 years.

I could go on, but you get the idea. That's just the last four years. It feels like the world is tilting chaotically. But imagine how much the world tilted when the Gospel went out (HT to Dan Phillips). Acts 17:6 says that the men who preached the Gospel turned the world upside down. Satan in all his efforts to upset the world is like a child batting the bath water. It is the power of the Gospel which upsets, divided, and unsettles!