
BushOklahoma #fundie uselectionatlas.org

Newsflash: The Bible is not changing. Religion should not get with the times. It is time society stops trying to rip pages out of the Bible. I sincerely hope the Supreme Court is smart and does NOT impose same-sex marriage in all 50 states. It threatens America's churches, especially the most conservative ones. It also threatens Christian schools. Liberal progressives seriously want to see pastors thrown in jail for life for preaching against same sex marriage and they want to take away tax exempt status for those who refuse to go along with gay marriage. The denominations who are allowing same sex marriage now are 100% WRONG on that issue. The Bible clearly states Adam and Eve. The Bible clearly prohibits a man sleeping with a man. It is not a slippery slope to other forms of "marriage", but it is a slippery slope to which all voices of opposition will be discriminated against, by the loss of jobs, the loss of their business, imprisonment.

However, there is one thing that is an ABSOLUTE FACT that NO one can deny. Jesus reigns. What He says goes. It doesn't matter if you're an atheist or a member of another religion. What Jesus says goes. He will stamp out ALL same sex relationships and marriages. He will get rid of all sin.

Furthermore, the Bible clearly says no one is born gay. Being gay is absolutely positively a choice. The Bible is the rule book on all human life, so no one can legitimately deny its teachings.

Just because we Christians hate gay marriage does not mean we hate gay people or are bigots. We love gays, but are just trying to uphold traditional, conservative values that liberal progressives are trying so hard to get rid of and replace.

Gay activists should not force everyone to accept their marriage. They want open mindedness, so why aren't they open minded to conservative, Biblical values?

Sorry for the rant, but it is a topic I have come to the correct realization on. Christianity reigns and gay marriage loses in eternity. Pure and simple.

BRTD #fundie uselectionatlas.org

Wonkish if it wasn't for Jesus Christ you'd be getting a sh!tload of a lot more posts modded since that's the reason I'm not combing through your posts looking for ones to report like I used to do before I was filled with the Holy Spirit. Quit whining.

BushOklahoma #fundie uselectionatlas.org

Re: Would you be more likely to date a woman if you know she is a virgin?

Yes, of course, although at my age (26), thats becoming harder and harder to find. It'd be more pleasurable to me if I could have the privilege of being her first (and only!!). Plus, its more in tune to what my Jesus would want. However, since I know its becoming harder and harder to find, I could take non-virgins, but the one group I will stay away from in most cases are the divorced women. Depending on the reason for the divorce, if I married her, I would be committing adultery, and I can't let my witness for the Lord Jesus Christ get tarnished for something like that. I love and will always hold my God above any woman and my woman above any other human, including my mother.

Now, I did date a divorced woman and almost married her from December 29, 2005 through January 3, 2007, but then I realized that I would be committing adultery by marrying her, so I had to respectfully break up with her. Now, she is 25 years old, dating a 48-year-old man. LOL!!!

prophetman #fundie uselectionatlas.org

I doubt if anyone here knows what you're talking about. And, I doubt very seriously if YOU know what you're talking about.

African Americans are depicted as "the ten horns" in Daniel and in Revelation.
In fact, their whole history is recorded in the book of Daniel.

They're the ten horns upon Babylon in Rev.17.
And, they're the ten horns in Rev.13.

Hell, if all we had to go by was Rev.13, we'd know that African Americans are that ten-horn beast!

African Americans had a wound caused by slavery. America healed that slavery wound, and today the whole world wonders after (idolizes) them.

An image has been created of African Americans, which causes all; the small and great, the rich and poor, and the free and bond in America to receive and accept them.

They have to be worshipped (given preferencial treatment) in America's schools and universities (the forehead), in the workplace (the right hand), and in all places of business (that buy and sell).

Their name is "the ten horns", and their number is 600, 60, and 6.
You have to multiply by 10 (by the ten horns) to get those numbers.

Thus, when you multiply the ten horns by 6 you'll get the number 60. And, when you multiply the ten horns by 60 you'll get 600.
And, when you multiply the ten horns by 600 you'll get 6000, and so forth and so on.

See?! That wasn't so hard, was it?!!


POSTER'S NOTE: I couldn't figure out if this was more FSTDT or RSTDT, but I went with Fundie.

BRTD #fundie uselectionatlas.org

(Context: A poll asking if one would visit a church that was giving out free pot to first time visitors as an incentive.)

I don't agree with everything on that page, but it makes great points about cannabis in the Bible, and that Jesus healed using it. Jesus was a medical marijuana practioner.

BRTD #fundie uselectionatlas.org

A girl from my church just posted a rant on Facebook in regards to a local politician wearing a scarf around her head hijab style when speaking a bunch of Somalis at some sort of town hall* about how how much Jesus loves women and didn't degrade them and would never force a woman to wear something like that and how anyone who follows a real religion never should and how she would die before wearing something like that and going against what Jesus wants for all women. God bless her!

*Which IS very stupid and quite patronizing as well, since Somalis wouldn't even expect her to do so and it's not like she was at a mosque or anything.

BRTD #fundie uselectionatlas.org

It is isn't religion and its rules that we should strive to follow, nor the ToS of this website. We should follow the way of Jesus Christ. If the mods are going to put the ToS over it, they'll just have to answer to God one day for that. The mods are quite lucky that He is far more merciful and forgiving than they are.

BushOklahoma #fundie uselectionatlas.org

In another sickening move, Gov. David Paterson (D-NY) just announced within the last hour that the state of New York would now recognize gay marriages.

I must say that I am VERY disappointed and deeply saddened by this. I support civil unions, but I do not and will never support or recognize a same-sex marriage.

This makes 3 states I could never live in (Massachusetts, California, and now New York).