
Sharon Kass #fundie washingtonblade.com

Obama’s general liberal upbringing has made him vulnerable to the lure of the black left. He found secure blackness — and male role model — in his radical Chicago church. How tragic.

His message of responsible fatherhood is undermined by the gender blurring of gay-egalitarianism.

The idea of the “sexual minority” is a mere grafting of one cause upon another more worthy one, that of racial equality.

There is something fundamentally narcissistic about insisting that the world embrace your emotional disorder, instead of seeing it for what it is.

Tony Perkins #fundie washingtonblade.com

President of Family Research Council Tony Perkins condemned U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power for taking U.N. Ambassadors to see Broadway musical “Fun Home.”

According to LGBTQ Nation, last week Powers took 15 U.N. Ambassadors, from Costa Rica, Croatia, El Salvador, Uruguay and Vietnam among them, to see the lesbian-themed show in New York City, causing Perkins to pen an outraged letter in response. “Fun Home” is the musical adaption of Alison Bechdel’s graphic novel about discovering her sexual orientation as a child.

“The State Department already has an official LGBT envoy — it doesn’t need two! Tell that to Samantha Power, the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., who is determined to join the administration’s goodwill tour for homosexuality,” Perkins wrote. “Like Secretary John Kerry, who seems oblivious to any problem not preceded by the letters L-G-B-T, Power is adding to the president’s embarrassing diplomatic legacy by trying to export Obama’s sexual extremism to a world preoccupied by far more important issues.”

“It was a stunning display of political tone-deafness, considering the real crises happening right now on the real world stage. Unfortunately, as far as this president is concerned, the most urgent message America can send to the international community right now is “that protecting the rights of LGBT people will remain a key foreign policy priority of the United States.” And its only priority, seemingly,” Perkins continued in his letter.

“Where is this same boldness when it comes to the real suffering of Middle East Christians? Apparently, Power and others think world leaders need to be educated on the sexual proclivities of a few rather than the genocide of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children,” the letter concluded.

Rev. A.W. Montgomery Sr. #fundie washingtonblade.com

Remarks by a pastor who presided over the July 27 funeral service for Lashai Mclean, a transgender woman who was shot to death in D.C. last month, prompted as many as 100 people in attendance to walk out of the church in protest, according to activists who were present.

“Basically, he said that God let her get killed so that people could get saved,” said D.C. gay activist and comedian Sampson McCormack, who attended the service. “And that came after somebody, I think it was a deacon, said when you live a certain lifestyle this is the consequence you have to pay.”

McCormack and D.C. resident Arriel Horton said they knew Mclean and were among more than 300 people attending her funeral service at Purity Baptist Church near Capitol Hill.

McCormack and Horton told the Blade that a sermon delivered by Rev. A.W. Montgomery Sr., pastor of Agape Missionary Baptist Church in Suitland, Md., who presided over the funeral service, offended many of those in attendance, including many of Mclean’s transgender friends.

The two also said friends of Mclean became angry when clergy and others speaking at the service referred to Mclean as “he.” McCormack said many in the audience responded by shouting the word “she.”

Luis Duran #fundie washingtonblade.com

On an article about Keith Ellison's proposal to include more LGBTs in the Democratic Party

LMAO. Ellison is a practicing Muslim. The ideology he follows commands death for homosexuals. Don't believe him. "War is deceit." - Mohammed

SCF #fundie washingtonblade.com

As a Christian, I believe that that gay and lesbians are flirting with danger when it comes to eternity. We were created forever. Therefore, it's not an issue of what happens after we die but rather where we will spend it. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with burning sulfur that fell from the sky for immoral sexual practices and perversion. If you read through history in the Bible, what you will find is that God will send those who participate in this evil practice to suffer the same fate. This is not by His choice but theirs. If you don't believe me, then ask yourself. What would Jesus do?

acn1 #fundie washingtonblade.com

To imply that the Bishop of Pittsburgh is "challenged" by an African-American priest or bishop is absured. Combining the issues of racial predjudice and the condoning of same-sex relationships demonstrates poor logic and is no longer an acceptable strategy. I'm curious as to how the "literal translation" of the Bible "supports" slavery??