
Tom #fundie politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com

(Regarding Ann Coulter's latest media gaffe)

Why does thepagan/atheist left get upset if someone tells them they are going to hell, when they don't even believe in hell? Also, this must be exhibit No. 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 of CNN and the rest of the pagan/atheist left demonstrating their complete ignorance of the Christian faith. As a Christian, why would Ann Coulter wish that the pagan left, the atheist left, the earth worshipping left, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, or members of any other faith remain committed to their faiths rather than convert to Christianity? Hint for the pagan/atheist left: Coulter wouldn't wish for such a thing, and she shouldn't wish for such a thing. Got it? Otherwise, she would call herself an atheist.

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