
Wondering Aloud #fundie wattsupwiththat.com

Is it, perhaps, because the catastrophic warming clique don’t believe their claims any more than the most ardent deniers? it’s pretty hard to explain the continued wide spread opposition to nuclear and geothermal power generation of anyone who really believes carbon dioxide is a problem.

Think about it— If they really believed in catastrophic climate change they could have started being honest about nuclear power 30 years ago. By now carbon dioxide emissions would be far lower than the best case scenario of the Paris agreement, just from the gradual replacement of fossil fired generation.

It seems the only conclusion is that Al Gore and his supporters are in fact “Climate Deniers.” If they believed their doomsday scenarios they would be behaving differently. They would be trying to solve the problem instead of trying to silence opposition.

Dodgy Geezer #fundie wattsupwiththat.com


Given that oppression and smears are what passes for ‘evidence’ in the climate science world, why do you keep ‘believing’?

It seems obvious to me that the original evidence which seemed fairly compelling should be re-examined in the light of the undoubted fraudulent nature of later climate science activities. And that the inability of climate scientists to show that climatic variation is in any way different from natural variation means that believing in man-made climate change is an act of faith rather than science.

That is why you and all the other scientists are being attacked. Climate Change is about faith. And to question any aspect of the faith is heresy—

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