
NIGELTEAPOT #fundie christiannews.net

sodomy is the second worst sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance and is only allowed by God when a civilization becomes so abhorrent that He marks it for death.

it directly causes the collapse of any group and spreads disease that cannot be cured.

the second worst satanic ritual of all is pretending to "marry" two men or two women to mock the second-most important Sacrament of Marriage. this is so evil that it directly caused the deluge.

you will know this eternally.

WestWins #fundie #racist christiannews.net

White advocacy is "Hate Speech"? Wow...…..and they say there is no communist conspiracy.
I hope you guys overplay your hand. But then again...…..it may just work. Good job swampy, your comrades are proud.

Call me crazy, but in my experience "white advocacy" means you have problems with racism, let's put it that way. Do you support interracial romantic relationships? Why or why not?

Bee Man 2:
Why do you need to advocate for whites?

Why do you not see the need?

Bee Man 2:
Because whites are not oppressed.

Really. Tell that to White and Asian students trying to get into Harvard.

Michael Louwe #fundie #racist christiannews.net

michael louwe:
Remember, since the 1960s, the power-crazy White liberals of the Blue States have been pandering for the votes of the Blacks and Hispanics, in order to defeat the White conservatives of the Red States in US Federal elections.
Hence, the self-hating, anti-White and pro-Colored views of the White liberals, eg Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, etc and yourself(.?). It's all politically-driven.

Listen to yourself. You are so tied up in knots with ridiculous conspiracy theories you are defending white supremacists.

michael louwe:
If White conservatives who fight for the interests of Whites are White supremacists, then you are a liberal White masocist who is often submissive to the Black and Hispanic supremacists in the Blue States, eg Joe Biden kow-towing to Barack Obama and Eric Holder from 2008 to 2016.

In effect, the power-crazy White liberals/masocists of the Blue States are ignorantly committing racial suicide by pandering for the votes of the Black and Hispanic supremacists, in order to defeat the White conservatives of the Red States in US Federal elections since the 1960s.
That is why the White liberals/masocists like to denigrate White conservatives who fight for White interests as White supremacists, while they hypocritically praise and champion Blacks and Hispanics/Browns who fight for Black and Hispanic/Brown interests, eg the mostly Democrat Black Caucus and Hispanic Caucus in the US Congress.

White Genocide is Real #racist christiannews.net

White supremacy is a myth, a false tale told by communist globalist Marxist liberal democrats on a mission to genocide white people in the very nation they founded.

White Supremacist = A White man that openly objects to his political dispossession and demographic replacement by the 3rd World Hordes in the nation forged out of a savage wilderness by his White Forefathers

“There are some things that must be said so that future generations will know that at least some of us were aware, and that our generation was not entirely composed of cowards and fools.” - Guillaume Faye

White is much more than skin colour. White refers specifically to the peoples of European Descent just as Blacks refer to those of African descent.

Whites (Europeans) are a distinct Caucasoid phenotype.

Whites are one people... One race with many different tribes people, just like blacks in Africa are of one racial group which make up many different tribes. A swede who marries a pole and has a child is not race mixing and committing racial suicide. When Whites mix their racial bloodlines with Blacks, Asians, Latinos or Indians that is racial suicide.

The reason why Whites in America have been reduced to using the term White Nationalism is because the American identity have been hijacked by ((( Marxists immigrant propaganda))) and non-whites think they can be included in the American Nation. They can't...one is born into a nation by blood. The American ethnicity was forged out of Europeans Stock. How did this happen...because Whites (Europeans) are cousins by blood.

If you're not White (European) you're not an American. A nation is blood. A nation is not an idea.

Genes =DNA=Blood...create culture. If all the races were the same and equal then we would all have the same culture. It's a lie and everyone knows it..we see the lie daily everywhere we look.

Civilizations do not die. They commit suicide and it is what we are witnessing throughout all of White Western civilization. Neither those in power nor the people think enough of their civilization to preserve it.

The masses have been (((brainwashed))) by the progressive canard of multiculturalism that all cultures are equal. If you think your culture isn’t better than another, then you have no reason to care if it is preserved and replaced by another.

WestWins #fundie #racist christiannews.net

From Wikipedia:
“American Renaissance and the New Century Foundation appear on a list of 115 "white nationalist hate groups" published in the Intelligence Report of the Southern Poverty Law Center .”

You’re referring people to white nationalist propaganda hate sites, Westy. Did you KNOW you were doing that? Is Christian News on board with it, do you think?

White people desiring to see their heritage live on -- HATE.
In other words -- white advocacy = hate.

Got it.

naacp - acceptable
adl -- acceptable
la raza -- acceptable

White man and a white woman desiring white children = Call the feds!

Got it. I'll be sure to stay away from two or more white people.

Yeah, the things you listed generally are not the kinds of things that make the SPLC list people as hate groups. Less hyperbole and more honesty and try again.

How about this...……...
how about you actually go to amren and find something one of the contributors have said that I should be cautious about. Do the work.
What does Jared Taylor say that is dangerous?

How about “Whites deserve a homeland," just for starters?

Oooooooo……………….scary....very scary indeed.

Asia for the Asians...……...Africa for the Africans...………...White Nations are open to everyone!

Who came up with that brilliant idea.

WestWins #fundie #racist christiannews.net

This Doctor is a hero.
In the last days they will call evil good and good evil. Satan is the father of lies and author of confusion.

Ken Weaver:
150 years ago people were using the bible for justification of slavery... but these are the last days because a guy doesn't want to use the pronouns his patients want him to use?

First -- Slave Owners occupied less than 1% of the population.
Second -- How come no one talks about "Slavery" committed by other Races? Not to mention...…...Blacks owned slaves as well. How come they get none of the blame.
How did the Slave Merchants get the slaves in the first place???
You are brainwashed mate.
Educate -- www.amren.com/news/2019/10/time-to-set-the-record-straight-on-slavery/

Roger Marks #fundie christiannews.net

Roger Marks:
Delusison is the right word as hundreds, who knows even thousands of people that pronounced themselves the opposite sex to the one they were born have seen the light and convereted back to the gender they were born as.
Add to that the fact about 40% of them commit suicide, it should by and large die out as the preferred delusion.

Ken Weaver:
I read how women who undergo breast augmentation are 3 times more likely to commit suicide. Should we outlaw that surgery because of it?

Roger Marks:
I don't comment unless I have done considerable research on the topic and as I have done none on that, no comment.

Brian Matthews #fundie christiannews.net

Commenting on story “Arizona Supreme Court Rules Christian Artists Cannot Be Forced to Make Same-Sex Wedding Invitations in 4-3 Decision”

It's important to note that the Court didn't invalidate Phoenix's anti-discrimination law, including the portion which includes LGBT people as a protected class. It's also worth noting that Brush and Nib lost in Superior court, as well as the appellate court. Obviously, their luck changed here. I wonder what other clients they deem unworthy of their services, and how they make that determination. I'm actually surprised this case was heard at any level since I don't believe Brush and Nib actually turned any prospective gay customers away. As I understand it, in order to have standing to sue, It you usually have to show you've been harmed, not that you might be harmed in the future.

Brian Matthews:
"I wonder what other clients they deem unworthy of their services..."
Why do you do that?

I would think it's obvious. Joanna Duka and Breanna Koski have invited the public to purchase certain services and claim providing those services to a hypothetical same-sex couple would violate their religious values. As a result, they want to be exempt from following a law everyone else must follow. I just wonder if there are other couples who don't meet their standards. Inter-racial couples? Couples in which one is divorced? Or is it just money from the LGBTQ community that's too dirty for them?

Brian Matthews:
"Or is it just money from the LGBTQ community that's too dirty for them?"
Again I ask, why do you do that?

My comments speak for themselves.

Brian Matthews:
I didn't ask you what you said. I asked you why you said it. What's your purpose?
Your posts are deceitful. Based on lies. Can you explain why?

What lies?

Brian Matthews:
These ladies refuse to use their artistic talent to promote wickedness.
That's the truth.
You PRETEND that it's about something else. You people say it's about hate, and bigotry, when the truth is that it's about right vs wrong, good vs evil, your side being the evil.
That's the lies. Now tell me what your purpose is for telling them HERE. That's all I asked you.

I live at a most fortunate time for the LGBTQ community. For a very long time, and as many other unfarily marginalized groups have done, we've had to either live in the shadows, or pay a very steep price for pretending to be someone we're not. The fact that those days are fading is the very opposite of evil. Of course, I know that you disagree with every syllable I've just written. In fact, I'm not at all sure you even consider LGBTQ people human. I also know I'm pretty much the last person from whom you'd ever take advice, but I'm going to give you some: if you actually want someone to carefully consider what you have to say, I'd avoid calling him or her an evil liar.

Brian Matthews:
I didn't call you anything, and of course I think you're human, and my heart is broken for you.
And yes, I do disagree with everything you said, as it is all based on lies.
And no, I'm not taking advice from you. You need to take mine.
You are lost in darkness. This whole world is in open rebellion against Almighty God, and will soon be judged. You are not gay; you've bought Satan's lies.
Not every desire, or feeling we have is good, or right. That's just plain common sense.
You are alienated from the Light, which is God, by your sin, and desire for falsehood. Christ died to remove your sins, so that you can be reconciled to God, who is Light, and Life. If you confess your sins, and receive Christ, it will transform you. That's what I want for you. That's my purpose for commenting on these boards. What's yours?

Brian Matthews #fundie #homophobia christiannews.net

What's your definition of love? Does it include TRUTH? Righteousness? Purity? Humility? Wholesomeness? Morality? Order?

Too many people are throwing the word LOVE around, these days, without even knowing what love is.

Allow me to tell you what love isn't. Love isn't being nice. It isn't warm fuzzy FEELINGS. It isn't telling people what they want to hear instead of what they NEED to hear. It isn't giving them what they want instead of what they NEED. It isn't following them when you are responsible for LEADING them. It isn't being more concerned with them liking, and accepting you than you are with doing what's best for them even if they hate you for it.

There's no courage involved with going along with the crowd. It's the path of least resistance. Anyone can do it.

No one is homosexual. That's a lie.

Every time you tell someone that they are gay, you are helping to destroy them. You may mean well, but it's been said the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

Okie Doke #fundie #psycho christiannews.net

After the rapture, what can prevent North Korea from nuking Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, Sacramenro, and Silicon Valley? Five nukes will catastrophically destroy the most wealthy and influential forces in California; furthermore,their destruction will produce catastrophic effects upon the federal government's economic position, maybe the economic position of every state, maybe the economic status of all corporations, and everyones personal economic status. Chaos, hunger, and desperate fear will erupt like catastropic volcanic eruptions among the most wealthy , influential, and densely packed urban zones throughout The USA.
Today, Americans lack the character to face the challanges of real hunger, desperate fear fears, etc. The Americans will turn upon each each other in individual, small and large groups. Martial law will be strong and deadly. Local police will have their homes bombed. On and on the ripples will spread.
Pride preceeds a fall. The greater the house, the greater the fall

Brian Matthews #fundie christiannews.net

Tragically, there are also numerous cases that make the news of heterosexual "couples" who adopt children and then abuse them. Sexual orientation doesn't determine one's qualifications to be a parent. The notion that turning "a child loose in the forest" is better than a loving home is absurd.

Brian Matthews:
There's no such thing as sexual orientation. That is a nonsensical made up propaganda term. I think you mean improper sexual desire, lust.

There's all sorts of improper sexual desires, and improper desires, in general. Some people desire to sleep with their best friend's wife. The impulse is so strong, that many have given in and gone down that dark path of destruction.

Not all our thoughts, desires, impulses, and inclinations are right, and good.

You and the so called LGBT movement are trying to justify, and legitimize yours. It will never happen. The most you'll ever be able to do it to legalize them.

If I remember correctly, however, I think I gave you a way out. But you have to want out.

It's your only hope. Christ will return soon. He came as a lamb. He'll return as a LION. He came as a babe. He'll return as a mighty conquering warrior KING. He came as a sacrifice for our sins. He'll return as a JUDGE of those who stubbornly, pridefully, and FOOLISHLY refused His gracious pardon that He personally bought and paid for with His own blood.

It costs you nothing, but your sin. He will give you Heaven in exchange for your sin! Why would you pass that up?

You don't have to get your act together, and your life all cleaned up to come to Him. You just have to want a new life, and cleansing. It comes from Him. His precious Spirit will take up residence within you, and do these things for you, in you, and through you. You will be reborn, and adopted into God's family as a son.

Roger Marks #homophobia christiannews.net

Sexual orientation doesn't determine one's qualifications to be a parent.

All the research I have done clearly indicates that ones sexual orientation has a very clear indication about the qualification for being a parent.

The research shows that a child does best when raise by a male and a female, preferable their own parents.

A series of videos made interviewing children raised by homosexuals when they had reached the age of 21 and they not needing their parents present showed quite clearly that being raised by homosexuals was as they said "hell."

A progamme I saw on TV and backed up by other research showed that most homosexual couples have sex on the side with other men.

Research shows that per head of population there is more violence amongst homosexual couples than amongst heterosexual ones.

Research shows that the average length of homosexual relationships is two years.

In every case of homosexuals wanting to adopt children, the major factor was the homosexuals wanting to be made happy by the child.

All of these facts combined shows that homosexual parenting is not fair on the children and should be avoided.

Susan Jane Elohim #fundie christiannews.net

On a story about a Pastafarian giving the Invocation before a meeting.

Nobody can prove God doesn’t exist so how can you prove an invocation is a waste of time.

You can prove Pastafarianism is a counterfeit religion and therefore a waste of government and people’s time but you can’t prove that a Christian’s invocation is a waste of time.

If you can’t prove God doesn’t exist why would you risk forfeiting His blessing.

The Pastor of Pastafarianism has no right to cause everyone else to forfeit their potential blessing to suit one individual who doesn’t even know that what he’s doing is wrong.

There are people in this world who experience epiphanies, revelations, miracles, strange coincidences, near death experiences, etc. If for them that is proof then why should someone else reject someone else’s proof?

One person does not control another person’s acceptance of evidence. People like to subject the spiritual to science but some things are just not subject to science and are unexplainable.

Too bad Mr. Pastafarian likes living too literally. He most likely lacks imagination and/or really doesn’t like other people or he could have figured this all out for himself.

Why should people pander to someone deliberately insulting them and forfeit their own right to a blessing?

Christians are usually in the majority. We respect minority rights but nothing says we have to give our own rights away especially if they affect our well being and future benefits.

Chet #fundie christiannews.net

There are no "ghastly biblical teachings". God's Word is 100% pure from cover to cover and it serves as a love letter to lost mankind, and, as well, reveals the Almighty's solitary redemptive plan on behalf of all us sinners via the Lord Jesus Christ of Calvary. I subscribe to the Holy Bible, as written in the language I use, English, and preferably, the King James version. Poison, is but one of the tactics of the Devil to blind men's mind to the Truth that can set them free, free from Sin's dominion, free from Sin's penalty and free to lie down at night with the understanding that if, I, as a Christian, do not live to see the light of the next day, I'm assured of Heaven as if I were already there. And that's all predicated upon Christ and His finished work on Calvary's Cross in concert with His empty tomb and my faith in such. Faith, BTW, which the Holy Spirit imparted to me to understand, repent and believe the good news gospel. God is love and His Word is effective to all who will but dare to receive it. Hate is not something I subscribe to, esp since becoming a Christian.

michael louwen #fundie #dunning-kruger christiannews.net

You are actually agreeing with me that the 1964 Civil Rights Act does not apply to or protect the gays/LGBTQs from discrimination in public accommodations.

The 1776 US Constitution enacted the "separation of Church and State" policy, not the separation of Mosque/Temple and State.

The 1776 US Constitution also prohibited the powerful US government from restricting her citizens' rights to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to protest peacefully to seek redress and freedom to bear arms. In theory, this protection applied to Christian and non-Christian citizens. But in 1776, nearly all US citizens were Whites and/or Christians = about 99%, ie no Moslems or Hindoos.

In the early 1800s, Blacks were brought into USA as slaves, mostly to work in the cotton fields in the South. In 1861, the mostly Christian White citizens killed each other over slavery and politics and were henceforth split into Northern White liberals and Southern White conservatives = became perennial enemies. And 1 century later, US citizens would include sizable numbers of Moslems and Hindoos who were mostly immigrated into USA by the vote-pandering White liberals of the Blue States in the North and West.

Annemarie Diffenderffer #fundie christiannews.net

Listen to any interview from someone who identifies as LGBT. They always seem to come from abuse, violent relationships, empty hookups, and no relationship with Christ...THAT is the reason they’re committing suicide. The Christian persecution is just beginning and expect it to get waaay worse. If Jesus was persecuted, then so will His followers, as no servant is better than their master. Believe we are at the beginning of the end times. The Pope just called for an unholy union between all religions to re-educate the children. Prophecy is unfolding before our very eyes.

Editor #fundie christiannews.net

The California legislature continues to take more steps to counter Christianity, and religion in general, with is[sic] recent passage of ACR 99. The resolution — which is a direct affront on the Biblical teachings pertaining to sexuality and the need for men to repent, believe the gospel and follow Christ — blames “religious groups” for the “disproportionately high rates” of suicide among homosexuals and so-called transgenders.

Conservative Protestant #fundie #homophobia christiannews.net

You said it yourself, "Try to set a good example,"
That is the reason we do NOT attend gay wedding or join atheists, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus in their worship. We are NOT to condone their sins, we are to set a good example.

You are naive on too many things. If you attend a gay marriage, that means you are condoning it. How come you can't understand it. Either you are for God or against, there is no middle ground. If you are attending a gay wedding, that means you are not against it, that means condoning it. You have a lot to learn on way more than just the Bible.

Okie Doke #fundie christiannews.net

It's reasonable to think the nations with the most Christians will be most adversely affected by the rapture, e.g. nations like North Korea, Iran, and Afghanistan will be least affected by the rapture.
It is also reasonable to think God's "hedge of protection" will be removed from the US after the rapture.
In the post rapture world, North Korea will have nothing to lose by nuking greater Los Angeles and San Francisco Bay region including Silicon Valley and Sacramento.
The rapture will occur in a moment when the people do not anticipate. California's future and all of America's urban zones is very bleak. Urban Americans do not have natural access to potable water or food producing land.

byronmullet #fundie christiannews.net

From: Pat Robertson Claims God Could Have Made The Earth in Six ‘Galactic’ or ‘Universal’ Days

Mr. Robertson is making the same mistake William Jennings Bryan did in the Scopes trial, he allows for an interpretation of millions of years, this is exactly why the teaching of evolution became mainstream science taught in our schools and misled millions of children. One spiritual fact that is not discussed in this issue is, Faith opens your eyes to the truth and unbelief closes them to the truth. It may seem obvious to you that science is correct and the Earth geology shows millions of years in the universe, but I must tell you that my eyes of faith show just the opposite and it is so obvious that I can't believe you can't see it. Sorry to tell you this but maybe you should consider having faith for a while and see what it does for your vision?

Roger Marks #fundie christiannews.net

We should not be surprised at this as we know that everyone has a God gene and if a person refuses to acknowledge the God who gave it to them it is obvious that they are going to seek out other gods to satisfy the hunger for a god.

People say I am not religious and I don't believe in God but they are lying to themselves. For example a very prevalent and captivating god is sport. Millions follow it passionately.

And of course one of the worst god's is written about in scripture and that is the LOVE of money which is the root of ALL evil.

All Gods originate from two people. One is the true and living God and the other is Satan who is the false God. They can call their God whatever they want to but if it is not the true and living God it is satan.

Jesusmary #fundie christiannews.net

Christians support true science but keep alert to uncertain or arguable scientific views since not less problems have been caused in the name of science: like deleting some parts of organ to cure some types of sickness; like DDT, etc. Today, health and environment are polluted by those in the name of science. Science errs but God never errs.
Your long text is very wasteful here like a gabage even if you work hard. Working hard does not mean correct; Working hard to popularize errors on purpose is abominable and evil.

MissyD #fundie christiannews.net

I am grateful for the article, I didn't know it was Catholic based. Many films these days are passing themselves off as Christian, when they are Catholic. I haven't seen the film, but would've bought it when it came out on DVD, but now I won't. I steer clear of the Catholic church and its influence.

peanut butter #fundie christiannews.net

Elohim and allah are not the same.
Elohim created the universe and all that is in it with His Son, Jesus Christ.
allah is a made up pagan moon god moham used to fool the masses.
This woman did the best thing she could to start this man's career, invoke God for protection, then ask Him to heal our land.
The muslim cries blasphemy against Christ, while he is the being blasphemous for calling out His name in vain, not even recognizing that He is Christ. Like the lady said, every knee shall bow, and this man will have to confess that Christ is Lord and King.
Objections OVERRULED!!!
And if William Penn was here, he would be saying the same prayer... Then, he would have had the guts to drag the interloper out to the curb and thrash him soundly.
His prayer and explanation were not sound... he is invoking allah to claim the land or position that he prayed over. Then they think no one else is entitled to it.

robert boe #fundie christiannews.net

Every thing that is against the bible that christians have to sit through to make a grade be it this or the teachings on evolution is a form of Christian persecution. In the wider sence. That what lutherans believe we know were being persecuted. Even gateway pundit supposedly a conservative political site Persecute's christians this is Gods world when a christian can not say that His God is by far better than any other God that is persecution in the wide sence! When you can not openly honor God in this world of his with out some devils advocate stopping your post from being seen!

Jesusmary #fundie christiannews.net

Good news anyway! The reason that scientists are respected is their respect and insistance in truth and fact. But it is against common sense
that evolutionism get so strong surpport from them even if it is obviously self-contradictory and shortage of evidence. So many most intelligent brains in history or now have been cheated by it: why? because behind it is Satan, who has cheated and manipulated the Children of Adam into death and the Hell for thousands of years. If it were not Jesus, God Himself, came into this world to deal with him, we were, are and shall be its victims for ever, no matter we have the most intelligent brains or not.

Barefoot Soul #fundie christiannews.net

Really - it helped improve "metal health"?

Obviously didn't work in your case.

Tell you what, miss - we'll start feeling guilty when you gays stop infecting and killing each other with AIDS. And you never will. Since you don't value each other's lives, you have no right to ask us to value your lives. You treat each other like garbage. Clean up your own "community" and stop scapegoating decent God-fearing Americans who do you no harm at all. It's a pretty sorry excuse for a "community" to engage in self-genocide, and that is what the LGBTXYZ "community" has been doing for over 30 yrs. I would not want to be part of a "community" of people who destroy each other's lives with diseases.

Lydia Church #fundie christiannews.net

The antichrist is on the move... on the move... oh-oh!

1. God DOES espouse only ONE religion and no other religions. Biblical Christianity is His only religion. All the others are false. Because they contradict each other. God is not the author of confusion but of truth. We are NOT brothers and sisters based on any religion in general, or by being part of creation. There is a different kind of 'creation brotherhood,' but there is no unity in it. We see that since the beginning. We only have unity and fellowship with true Christians. And there is no salvation for muslims. Jesus said He is the only way to heaven, and you must come to HIM for salvation. John 14; 6, Acts 4; 12, 1 Timothy 2; 5-6. The Bible also says that those that don't have the Son don't have the Father either. muslims don't believe that Jesus is God's Son, so they don't have God either. Period. 1 John 2; 23 It is not okay to just 'do it your way,' or that 'all paths lead to God.' NO path leads to God but the one Jesus opened up by dying for our sins as the atonement sacrifice, when He died the veil in the temple was torn open. THAT is THEE WAY, and there is none other!
2. Those who are Biblically illiterate will not see a problem with this. They will only see warm and fuzzy 'peace' and 'tolerance.' "Oh, how nice!" They will swoon.... but that path leads to hell. Oh, inclusion! Brotherhood! World peace! Love! Acceptance! Tolerance! Oneness! Divinity of all! Human dignity and potential and civil rights! Non judgment! Unity! The Common Good! Building bridges and finding Common Ground! Oh! It all sounds so 'good'! But you will be bowing to the devil to get it. True brotherhood and love are only achieved through the cross of Christ. You will either be bowing to Christ, or to the devil. If you deny the Jesus of the Bible (like the koran does), you will be bowing to the devil. Ain't no other way about it!
3. The end times goes as follows. Most of the masses will be deceived. They will follow the antichrist to hell. They will fawn over him and hang on every word he says. It will all sound good to the undiscerning ear. There will be chaos. Order out of chaos will be brought. He will come in looking like a 'savior' to the world. Only it has nothing to do with sin, repentance, and true salvation. He will complain about injustices in various places, such as the economy. And that much is true. But the solution will be all wrong. He will tell people not to worry about sin, just 'accept everyone.' The Bible says otherwise. The satanic bible says 'do what thou wilt.' Do whatever you want. The antichrist will echo that. He will complain about border walls and immigration laws. He will push for a one world government. He will push for a one world religion. He will push for a one world economy. Revelation 13 says there will be a one world religion, government, and economy under antichrist. Hint: So they will not be 'good' because they are under the devil. But they will call it 'God's kingdom' or 'God's dream.' It is really a nightmare. And the worst apostasy ever will be called a revival or global awakening. He will definitely fool many! He will unite all churches and religions under one umbrella. In the end, they will all have to worship him or be killed. The false prophet will erect an image of him and those who don't bow to it will be killed. They will install the mark of the beast so that you can't buy or sell without it and things are moving quickly in that direction. It basically is allegiance to the devil to take the mark since it brands you as his merchandise with his name on you. Those who don't take it will be martyred. Those who do take it will burn in the lake of fire... no turning back. Revelation 14; 9-11.
All Christians will be martyred during this time and yes, we WILL BE HERE for it. Very few will survive till the pre wrath rapture at the end. We will be public enemy and target #1. His kingdom will hate us with vehemence! WE are the only ones who resist him. We stand up for the truth of God. We don't compromise with the world, sin, or the devil. We stand on Biblical doctrinal Truth. We will be ostracized, persecuted, mocked, and martyred just like all the church as been throughout church history. We will be called 'intolerant,' 'bigots,' 'discriminators,' 'extremists,' 'bible thumpers,' 'narrow minded,' 'radicals,' 'judgmental,' 'critical,' 'harsh,' 'exclusive,' and so on for standing upon God's Word when it comes to sin, sodomy, morality, abortion, insisting that Jesus is the only way to be saved and no other religions are valid, and so on. We stand upon Jesus alone and no other gods (which are false). We are the cream rising to the top when the heat gets turned up, the glorious finalists graduating with Biblical honors in a world gone mad in a downward vortex to hell. They will mock us. They will spit upon us. They will place a crown of thorns upon our heads and lead us to our death. They will all think that they are doing God a favor while doing so, just like the other pharisees thought by condemning Jesus to death. We must follow Jesus ALL THE WAY, no turning back. The sky will turn black and the moon blood red, God's judgments (yes, judgments) will fall upon the whole earth. It gets pretty intense before HE sets up HIS kingdom, which only HE can do.
4. All of these things are already happening under antichrist so it is not a question of 'if I am right or not.' But they will only get worse. Other things are still 'waiting behind the curtain' but many know they are already here. As the days get darker, most will be deceived. By the apostasy, the church has already been seduced like a harlot into accepting all of this just like gullible Snow White. Oh, what's a little compromise with the devil... after all it will be 'for the welfare and benefit of all,' my pretty! The Bible says all will worship the antichrist except those who belong to Jesus. I pray that some eyes will still be opened before it is too late. The delusion will be strong. Very strong. Only the thing with deception is that.... you don't know you are being deceived. NOW is the time to seek the God of the Bible, pray, fast, read the Bible, ask God to open your eyes. What do you have to fear from the truth?

And they ask... "What could possibly be wrong?"
: D
"Then I saw the thrones, and those seated on them had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image, and had not received its mark on their foreheads or hands. And they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years." Rev. 20; 4
"And the smoke of their torment will rise forever and ever. Day and night there will be no rest for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name. Here is a call for the endurance of the saints who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven telling me to write, “Blessed are the dead—those who die in the Lord from this moment on.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labors, for their deeds will follow them." Revelation 14; 11-13
"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time."
Rev. 12; 9-12
"And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." Rev. 12; 17
You get the idea...

Lydia Church #fundie christiannews.net

It is never a peace that denies God, like this one does. And yes, God does only espouse one religion, the one called Christianity.

Bible prophecy + current events = reality all around us.

Remember THAT simple formula.

WKCude #fundie christiannews.net

(="‘I Am a Christian’ Gaga Claims, Calls Pence ‘Worst’ Christian Example as Wife Works at School Prohibiting Homosexuality"=)

This "pretender" to the Faith has no concept of the depth and scope of her inborn and natural proclivity to sin; and profanely and contemptuously so while being completely ignorant of the fact that she is not known by Christ. She is not one of His beloved redeemed. Ms. Gaga has measured herself as "righteous" and able to judge another "righteously," BUT looks through the scrim of her personally developed theology. And such a theology is darkness borne through Satan's system of standards.

It is very doubtful that Ms. Gaga has ever heard the true Gospel of Christ exhorted by a doctrinally sound pastor-teacher; has ever read an authorized version of the Bible; has ever developed a personal fellowship with one of the truly redeemed of Christ; and has ever come to that point in eternity where her heart has yearned to be forgiven and reconciled to God. She does not understand how profanely arrogant her sin of adding to and taking away from God's Word is. She is in a terrible place of storing up God's wrath. Yet, God's mercy and grace can abound for her also. John 6:44-45, 65.

Jim Grunseth #fundie christiannews.net

I am just an imperfect Christian man who loves all of his family.

Based on 4 thousand years of Judeo-Christian and scientific and sociology-cultural history, and based on my Christian Faith in the Holy, inspired, infallible, eternal Word of God, I believe several things.

1. A person’s sex is his or her gender.
2. God does not put a female into a male’s body. There is no proof to the otherwise. None. Genesis 1:27 “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”
3. Due to the Fall of sinful man (males and females) from Adam and Eve, we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. Roman’s 3:23.

4. I was born with a freshly sin-pull toward lust and covetousness. It is every man’s battle. Now, again due to sinfulness and total depravity, some people have a yearning /lust / covetousness for people of the same sex/gender. Some call this homosexuality. It needs to be acknowledged, confessed and repented from just like I have had to acknowledge, confess, and repent from those things that pull me into sin practice or bondage.

One is not worse than the other.
If one craves sensual/ sexual intimacy with one of the same sex/gender, as hard as this sounds, they will need to remain Celibate for the rest of their life. God does and can work a work of healing and grace in one who struggles. I know of one. He now is married to a female and they have children. He wanted what God wants more than what he wanted. He repented and called on Jesus to save him and help him be the man God wanted him to be.

5. I believe in my heart of hearts that those who are in the LGBT world may struggle with some type of mental confusion due to various stressors. However, ultimately, I believe they need to repent of all things not Scriptural and call on Jesus and receive Him to be Lord and Savior. Only He has the loving power and strength to affect change and Spirit-directed transformation. Christ forming in them... the Hope of glory.

My beliefs and convictions on this are what Scripture teaches. Romans 1, 1Corinthians 6, and many other passages confirm this. Sodom and Gomorrah confirm this.

6. If a person says they are a born again Christian but give the international sign of displeasure to God and His Word, they cannot be Saved. No way.

7. Now if a soul is not saved, not a Christian, then tragically, if they persist in rebelling against the Lord who wants to forgive and save them, they will die and will spend an eternity in everlasting torment. They eventually will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for all eternity!

Now you now know why I boldly share the Gospel and the Truth of God’s Holy Word to which we must answer to.

Feel free to share this.

WorldGoneCrazy-StillStanding! #fundie christiannews.net

(in response to story "Judge Strikes Down Iowa Heartbeat Law, Says Abortion Can’t Be Banned When ‘Potential Life’ Not Yet ‘Viable’"

This is a good example of simple and settled science being denied by the judiciary.

It is, and has been for decades, settled science that, at human conception, a new human organism comes into existence.

To call such life "potential life" is to directly contradict known and uncontroversial science.

Perhaps the judge never had a talk with his parents about how babies are made?

Susan Perelka #fundie christiannews.net

Ours is the only one with 100% accurate prophecies spoken over future events of nations, before it happened, throughout history. Only a Diety could know the future with such detail and precision.

And to correct you, true christianity isn't a "religion", because religion is man made. Ours is a relationship with the Creator of all things. A spiritual family of God brought about by His grace and power. Very different from all the other religions in the world. Very unique.

It is that simple. The Creator of all (heavens, the earth, and all that is in them) only has the right to determine the boundaries of His creation, the created doesn't have that right. Sin is anything in "rebellion" against the Creator's order and instructions. Jesus is the Creator (read the book of John chapter one, in the New Testament of the bible). So anything against this is anti-christ.

Very simple, even a child could understand it.

Lydia Church #fundie christiannews.net

This comment is nonsensical anyway.

First, from any standpoint, if there is a God, then He is eternal and cannot die. That's just part of the definition. He won't be much of a God if he can die (spiritually).
Second, if there is not a God, then He can't die, since He never lived. You can't die if you never were.
Third, there is a God, and He is eternal, so He cannot die. So God is NOT dead.
Fourth, the closest that God came to death was when God the Son died on the cross for our sins, but only His body died, not His being, and we all know what happened and the resurrection and so on.
Fifth, if one means like a fad, that is impossible too. Some may become atheists, but all will not.

But now this guy is dead, and he knows that he was wrong.

Bob Jones #fundie christiannews.net

Please explain how the Universe came into being. Tell me what caused the Universe to exist? After that, tell me if you are in favor of cancer research, or support do you support feeding and clothing the hungry? If you do, you're a hypocrite. You are interrupting Evolution. As a Christian, I fully support medical research, and feeding and clothing people in need, because I believe that God created everything, and He tells us to have compassion for our fellow human beings. Not that I understand everything, but to assume that if you do not understand the "why" of certain situations, it can't be true, is the height of hubris. In doing so, you attempt to bring God down to the level of humans. God is Supernatural. He is separate from His Creation, but intimately involved in His Creation. His reasons are beyond our understanding.

Lydia Church #fundie christiannews.net

The devil does not want the lost to get saved.
The devil is behind all anger against this missionary event.
Other missionaries have gone out to isolated peoples and they got saved,
and all was well. Even if someone did not survive a disease, better to
die after a chance of hearing the gospel, than to live out your whole life
without it.
Genocide is keeping the gospel from them, and it's eternal genocide.
It matters not whether or not you agree with the above statement.
We obey the Lord Jesus Christ above all else.

edwitness #fundie christiannews.net

The evidence for the verasity of the KJV Bible we hold in our hands being the same Bible that was written by the 66 writers over thousands of years is rock solid. Any that would attempt to say otherwise base it on a pre conceived notion that Jesus is not the Messiah. And not any scholarly criticism.
For example, the book of Isaiah found in the Dead Sea scrolls is 1000 years older than the texts that were used to translate the KJV. And there is virtually no difference between the two. And certainly no difference that would prove the Bible we hold today is corrupted so that we can not know the truth of man's need for salvation. And Jesus' fulfilling that need.
Man could not do this. Only God could. More proof of His divine authorship.

Dr. Georgia Purdom #fundie christiannews.net

Study Announces Discovery of New Species of Crocodile, But Speciation Is Not Evolution, Says Christian Geneticist

A study published by Zootaxa recently outlined the discovery of a new species of crocodile, estimating that the creature arrived on the scene eight million years ago due to volcanic activity in Central Africa.

...(cut to avoid it being too damn long)...

However, Dr. Georgia Purdom with the Kentucky-based Answers in Genesis told Christian News Network that while she agrees that there are two distinct crocodile species as concluded by the researchers, she differs with them on the time frame in which the Mecistops leptorhynchus came to be.

“God’s word gives us the truth about the past and since God is a perfect eyewitness and does not lie (Titus 1:2), we can trust His word,” she said. “Around 6,000 years ago, God created the crocodile kind with inherent genetic diversity. About 4,500 years [ago], there was a global Flood that covered the entire world, but God saved Noah and his family and the many different kinds of animals, including the crocodile kind, on the ark. After the Flood, animals migrated to different parts of the world, including crocodiles going to Africa.”

“Many post-Flood catastrophes occurred that caused volcanic eruptions and the formation of mountains that isolated organisms from each other,” Purdom explained. “Natural selection (and other mechanisms) acting on the created genetic diversity that crocodiles already had led to differences in the populations of crocodiles in West and Central Africa, eventually splitting them into two species.”

She said that the speciation occurred within a relatively short period of time, and not over millions of years as the study would suggest.

“This speciation occurred quickly in only a few thousand years, and we see many examples of rapid speciation occurring today even within human lifetimes,” Purdom outlined. “This is only possible because the genetic diversity is already present. Evolutionary ideas predict that species take millions of years to form because the genetic diversity must be generated by random chance mutations. Instead, we observe that organisms must already have this diversity (created by God just several thousand years ago) because species can form so quickly.”

And while Newsweek recently reported that the human-culpable extinction of various mammals, birds and reptiles appears to be “outpacing evolution,” and that in the past, “[m]illions of years of evolution helped replace lost species with new ones,” Purdom contended that speciation is not evolution.

“Crocodiles are still crocodiles, and they aren’t gaining traits that will eventually result in them being a non-crocodile,” she noted. “Species form and become adapted and specialized for their environment. If that environment changes, then they may not be able to survive and [will consequently] die. Thankfully, God created animals with genetic diversity that often allows new species to form that are adapted to the new environments so that His creation is preserved even in a fallen, sin-cursed world.”

CSGO 4153 #fundie christiannews.net

I would advise no Christian to participate in another person [sic] delusion to do such is a [sic] evil thing if the Professor would have addressed the insane man with a female pronouns [sic] would been in agreement with the insane man that God made a mistake and you and i both know God never makes a mistake

pastoredsmith #fundie christiannews.net

Support? Easy. The Bible proves itself. Prophecies that came true and are coming true now. Creation alone is all the proof one needs. No manmade atheistic-based theories can explain where the universe came from. Not one single man made theory has any real proof, just more postulation and guessing. The Bible, on the other hand, is accurate. Evidence? Look at a sunset or a sunrise and explain it. Evidence? Look into the face of a newborn baby and explain how he "Just Formed totally by accident." Thousands of gods? Yes, all #fakegods. Only God has a Son that was crucified and rose again. Proof, yes. Witnesses who risked their lives and under penalty of death did not change their true accounts of the resurrection. Proof? Yes, Jesus lives. Evidence that science is wrong? How about the pig's tooth years ago that was supposed to be the "missing link?" How about that missing link? Where is it? And, where are the "partially evolved monkeys / men?" There are none. Where are the dogs that morphed into cats? They don't. Evolution is a lie dreamed up by a disgruntled, angry preacher-turned-disbeliever until on his death bed when he recanted his theories that now are espoused as a religion. Atheism is a false religion....YES, it is a religion. Worshiping hating God and His people. Spending time on threads such as this demanding "proof" of that which is right before one's eyes. It takes much more faith to believe in scientific, man made theories than to understand that God created Heaven and the Earth and all that is in it. Science proves nothing. All it does is give people an excuse not to believe and accept the obvious truth. Do you reject the Bible because you have proof or because a scientist told you that he is right and God is wrong? Do you have a basic understanding of science or do you just parrot the talking points of atheists? Do you have any understanding of the Bible or just hate it? I am praying for you, even though you hate me for saying that. I am praying that the scales of the lies you have absorbed fall from your eyes. No, God won't pry them off. But, I do pray that your heart changes from believing a lie to learning what the real truth and where it really is.

khoregon #fundie christiannews.net

Dose of reality: If Christians looked into it, they would find that halloween is the biggest event of the year for satanists, warlocks, witches. Infants are sired for this one specific day of the year. Babies, boys and girls, men and women - some unknowingly, some kidnapped for the rituals, some willingly, tortured and slain, their blood drank, their hearts passed around and eaten raw, all to honor satan. If Christians looked into it, I feel pretty certain that they would choose to not participate in halloween. Does God have grace in our ignorance? Absolutely. I thank God for His grace but I do pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ to come to a knowledge of the truth and walk the talk.

Crusader Ron :E #fundie christiannews.net

Cosmology is guess work, we still don't know exactly how light travels, especially beyond our own orbit! And please don't add TIME to it... whoah!

C14 and other dating methods don't work. C14 is in dinosaurs, thusly null and voiding ALL dates. Radiation stuff... gets whacko numbers... labs won't do blind tests!

Every geological formation has been seen to occur in hours, days... volcanoes, mountains, sedimentary layers, diamonds, oil. Even fossils require catastrophe... NONE have been seen to occur over millions of years. ... I mean... just think of 1 million years!...???

Don't get me started on biology and anatomy!!!

PecosOasis #fundie christiannews.net

I believe that Adam and Eve were real people. I believe that God created all things ex nihilo. I believe that the Bible is full of symbols and pictures of Jesus Christ from Genesis through Revelation. I believe all the stories of the Bible in the historical accounts are literally true and are illustrations of the gospel and the coming Savior. I also believe that God can create in 7 literal 24 hour days if he wishes. After weighing good arguments on both sides, I believe that those days were long periods of time. I've always been intrigued by the probability of the rotation of the earth slowing and cooling in order to support the next level of creation. I find this absolutely stunning and beautiful. That does NOT make me an evolutionist. 14 billion years or any other time frame would never be long enough for macro evolution. If you believe in 7 literal 24 hour days, great! Let's make room for open, respectful discussion.

Susan Perelka #fundie christiannews.net

You will believe a man over God.

The fear of man is a snare and a trap.

The fear of God is pure, leads you to knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.

The Holy Spirit of God leads you into all truth.

Your error is listening to man over Gods word. REPENT, you are self-deceived.

You were told by Jesus not to believe every spirit but to test it to see wether or not the truly are from God. You failed to obey JESUS>

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