
Gary Bauer #wingnut #homophobia amvalues.org

Last week, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) added the Family Research Council (FRC) to its list of “hate groups” for adamantly opposing the radical homosexual rights agenda. As you may know, I ran FRC from 1989 until I jumped into the 2000 Republican presidential primary.

While I was there, FRC opposed same-sex “marriage,” opposed Bill Clinton’s attempt to end the military’s ban on open homosexuality and we published papers warning about the promotion of the radical homosexual agenda in the public schools. Those issues were well worth public debate then and they are today.

Nothing has changed at FRC since Tony Perkins took over. It was not a “hate group” when I ran it and it is not a “hate group” today. What has changed in recent years is the aggressiveness of the “tyrants of tolerance.”

The Left has been on a cultural jihad to label traditional conservative values as “hate” and beyond the pale of public discourse. Those who demand tolerance for every imaginable “lifestyle” are incredibly intolerant of conservative views, and they seek to silence us all. They would shut down any defense of traditional marriage and the sanctity of life as “hate speech.”

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