
Associates for Biblical Research #fundie biblearchaeology.org

The Bible has been under attack in the western world for over 200 years but never more intensely than today. These attacks have taken different forms and have come from many different corners of the academic world, from philosophers, to scientists, to textual critics. In the specialized world of archaeology the attacks have increased dramatically in the past 50 years. Once a specialization filled with Bible believing individuals, the field of archaeology is now overrun with atheists and skeptics, agnostics and those committed to the destruction of the Bible as a source of true historical information.

These attacks on the Bible are a part of a sweeping movement in western culture. Spearheaded by academic elitists in the university and the public educational system, the news and popular media, and the entertainment industry, these revisionists cloak themselves with supposed objectivity, purity of motives, and the superiority of science over the "uninformed", "unscientific", religious community.

They regularly mock those who question their world-view and their conclusions by name-calling and the worst forms of anti-Bible and anti-Christian propaganda. They have powerfully infected the church by turning Bible believing Christians against the very Scripture which is the foundation of truth and life in this world. Instead of contending for the Bible, Christian academics, pastors, and lay-persons are making egregious accommodations to these destroyers of faith and truth.

In these days of intense spiritual battle, God has called ABR to step into the gap to contend for the truth and to assist the church in this critical hour. ABR is a non-profit ministry dedicated to demonstrating the historical reliability of the Bible and to give answers to questions being asked by believers and non-believers alike. We do this by using original archaeological fieldwork and research along with studies in other apologetic disciplines. We take on the bold claims of skeptics and critics. We challenge the bizarre anti-biblical propaganda that is purveyed upon the public as gospel through television and print media. We uphold the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is God's message for the salvation of all mankind!

Henry B smith #fundie biblearchaeology.org

Those who ignore the general revelation of God in all creation and his special revelation found in Scripture have never been able and will never be able to develop a philosophically coherent system of morality. It is impossible without the God from whom perfect and infinite morality flows.

Henry B smith #fundie biblearchaeology.org

you completely misrepresent the truth of the Bible. You are applying a univocal notion of causality to both God and man. God freely and willfully ordains all things, and in the context of that decree, He also decrees that man has full ethical and moral responsibility for all his words, thoughts and deeds. It is the eternal decree prior to creation that makes human free will even possible to begin with. They only seem contradictory to the finite mind because you are analogically applying causality to the mind and will of God instead of applying causality univocally. God can both ordain all that comes to pass AND ordain that man has free will, without contradiction. I can surely say to you, if you die in your sins, you will be judged for those sins, and it will be a righteous judgment. Please don't misconstrue such a serious matter between you and God.

Henry B. Smith Jr #fundie biblearchaeology.org

Science depends upon the regularity and orderliness of universe, and that cannot be derived from a naturalistic framework. You are borrowing from Christian theism when you do science, and even when you send emails to me. Even more fundamental is what you are taking for granted in this dialogue. The efficacy of human language, the regularity and dependability of physical laws which allow our computers, email, and internet to function, the ability to reason and argue, the assumptions that our minds can comprehend what is being written, the ability of our minds to connect with the phenomenon of the outside world, etc. I ask you to examine those assumptions. How can physical laws even exist in a universe without God? How can you trust those laws unless they were made by a personal, infinite being, who is both transcendent and imminent, and continue to be upheld by His infinite power? How could you even trust the veracity of your own thoughts and reasoning process if this were a chance, random universe? You presuppose the existence of God in everything you do, even as you rebel against Him!

Henry B. Smith Jr #fundie biblearchaeology.org

At the very bottom, this is what it all really comes down to. So, in a manner of speaking, nothing could convince us that Christianity were untrue, because the world would not be possible without the triune God of Biblical revelation. All other worldviews destroy themselves on their own metaphysical and epistemological assumptions

Byrant wood #fundie biblearchaeology.org

The maximalists, on the other hand, believe the Biblical accounts have solid historical and archaeological backing. Long a minority among archaeologists, their numbers are growing, since it seems that every year discoveries are found that support, rather than refute, the Biblical narrative.

Archaeologist Bryant Wood is an example of a Biblical maximalist who is slowly turning the tide in favor of the Biblical evidence. He argues that the archaeological data for the Exodus fall into place if the event is dated back to 1450 BC, the approximate date the Bible indicates for the Exodus. He mentions that the documented evidence of foreign slaves at that time in Egypt could well include the Israelites. He also adds that archaeological indications of the destruction of Canaanite cities some 40 years afterward support the account of Joshua’s conquests.

But Dr. Wood goes against the current. Although he sits in the forefront of archaeological digs and is excavating what he believes is the Biblical city of Ai, he notes that he can’t get his research published in serious archaeological journals because of an ingrained anti-Bible bias.

The tide of scholarly opinion on the Bible has shifted several times in the past centuries. During the later part of the 19th century there was much skepticism of the Bible, but in the 20th century, thanks to astonishing archaeological discoveries supporting the Scriptures, the tide turned somewhat in its favor.

Henry B. Smith Jr. #fundie biblearchaeology.org

Prove to me empirically that empiricism is a legitimate form of knowledge. You cannot, because to do so requires something beyond empiricism.

Scientific "consensus" or a majority opinion is not a determiner of truth claims. Further, this is just a bald, evolutionary assertion with no shred of proof whatsoever. It is only philosophical naturalism in the guise of "science".

The TAG argument has never been sufficiently answered by anti-theists, and it never will. Michael Martin and other atheists have tried, but to no avail.

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