
Mysterious_Melanie #fundie cryptozoology.com

[Fundie has been ranting against gay couples adopting children.]
The two consenting adults can do whatever they'd like in their private lives, so long as no one else is affected (as a child would be) since they're underage and not able to consent to being brought up by two of the same sex.

redwood777 #fundie cryptozoology.com

The T-rex was a vegetarian until sometime after the fall.
We have found T-rex teeth that are full of chlorophyll that supports the idea the they ate some plants.
They most likely remained omnivores after the fall after all serrated teeth are great for shredding plant material.

Hootowl #fundie cryptozoology.com

I think some clarification is in order. I'm not sure you fully understand what I mean when I refer to a unified front among evolutionary biologists.

Is there a full-blown conspiracy to promote atheistic evolution and discriminate against opposing scientific views in the sense of back-room meetings, phone calls, emails, secret handshakes? I strongly doubt it. Yet this appears to be what you think I think. Probably my fault for not explaining myself better.

When I speak of an "atheist conspiracy" I am referring to not just the hard core atheist evolutionists who control much of what is accepted by the major science organziations and what gets published in the major science journals. I have no doubt of their active paricipation in promoting atheistic philosophy.

When it comes to evolutionary biologists who are believers in God, it is not so much a conspiracy as collusion by fear, a tacit concession that nothing that might cast a poor light on atheistic evolution ever get published or discussed.

The Collective #conspiracy cryptozoology.com

I know there are Bigfoot researchers and others that cringe when this is brought up...but, fact is there has been numerous reports of bigfoot and bigfoot-like creatures seen entering and leaving a landed UFO. It has been reported for decades all over the world. We have had numerous reports of this right here in Wisconsin as well.
So the question is, are these bigfoot all the same? Is the connection only with certain ones? And what could be the idea or agenda behind this if these reports are true?
I recall reading were the American indians believed that bigfoot was brought here by people from the sky.

Hootowl #fundie cryptozoology.com

Scientist: "We don't know everything, but we have more evidence that points to X.", where X=Intelligent Design".

Hoot: "What's the X stand for?"

Scientist: "Well, X = Intelligent Design. Everything we discover points to it. We just can't say it publicly. The kids need new shoes, you understand."

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