
Feesu-sun #fundie feesu-san.deviantart.com

Concerning the suicide incident
by Feesu-san, Jan 5, 2015, 11:15:05 AM
Journals / Personal
Okay, so some of us have already heard about that guy who committed suicide last week, you heard the story, and everybody is talking about it, and most of them, blaming the Christian parents for their son's death. Well, I have something to say about that:

First off, transsexualism, believe it or not, is nothing but a sin before God. Okay? Did God make a mistake making Adam a man? No, He didn't. And did He make a mistake on creating Eve as a woman? Heck no, He didn't. Look it up in Genesis, it says "male and female created he them". On top of that, even the book of Deuteronomy condemns that sinful practice. However, the same God sent Jesus to die for every sinner on the planet, including those people, so that they can be set free from the bondage of sin. I mean, Jesus' sacrifice ain't for nothing.

On the subject of suicide, whether it is assisted or not, murder is murder before God; and believe it or not, any form of suicide is murder. And it's really heartbreaking to hear that everyday somebody commits suicide. And seriously, man doesn't not own life, only God does. And for some people to use suicide as a form of blackmail is downright ridiculous, and wrong.

And with that being said, the Christian parents should not be blamed for their son's death to start with. And I'll tell you why: him being born a boy is most certainly NOT a mistake, and whoever told him that he was "trapped in the wrong body" or was "actually a girl", that's a blotted lie from the devil himself. And so, yes, he told his parents about it, and as Christians, they did do the right thing telling him the Truth, and didn't compromise; they put their foot down when necessary, and it this case, they did just that. But where they the ones that forced him into that truck? NO! Okay?! He chose to do that on his own. Plus, how the guy handled it was just awful: committing suicide. :no: And, it's really heartbreaking that this guy ended his life that way... Really Sad

Let's be serious here, inasmuch as I'm against suicide (even God himself said "Thou shall not kill". And it breaks my heart to hear that someone committed suicide), the people who are blaming the boy's death on the Christian parents, really need to shut the living heck up and leave them alone! Okay?! Is it their fault that the boy chose to commit suicide?! No, it isn't! So the people who are still blaming them who are reading this right now, inasmuch as I don't hate you (and I'm being serious, I find it impossible to do that), I have had just about enough of you. Honestly, you better have a serious rethink over this; grow up, get a grip, quit blaming them for their son's death and leave them alone! OH. MY. GOSH. And you so-called Christians reading this now who are blaming the parents, you think you're doing the right thing, but are you before God? Certainly not. I just pray that God will open your eyes that you'll see the error of your ways.

Honestly, I have never been this angry in my entire life. And whenever I hear something like this, and those people and the LGBT activists use it to not only ram their freaking agenda upon each and every one of us, including children, but they also use that to blame it on us Christians; and deep down, it ticks me off so much that I'm beginning to run out of patience with those activists. I mean, inasmuch as I am strongly against LGBT lifestyles, the one thing I find extremely impossible to do, is hate the folks themselves. Do I result to death threats? No, I don't, (I have received death threats in the past, mind you, even by LGBT activists) so don't even think that I even do that. And for your information, by calling the parents names, and blaming their son's death, you're actually asking them to hate you, which they can't do. And if you blame the boy's death on us Christians, you're asking for the impossible here: you're indirectly actually asking us to hate you, which is clearly impossible. You know, one thing that really baffles me is this: you guys claim to be all about "freedom of speech" and so-called "tolerance", and yet you go ahead and open your freaking mouths to call us names, hurl death threats, swear at us like crazy all in the name of "proving a point", spread false humors; what are you going to gain outta that? Nothing. Just nothing. With what is going on in this planet (may God forgive me for saying this), I'm beginning to wish that the word "tolerance" shouldn't even be existing in the dictionary a long time ago. Sheesh (sorry I lost my cool there).

*takes a deep breath* .... But then again, these same people need Jesus Christ. I mean, Jesus died for these people too, so who are we not to preach the real undiluted Gospel to them so they come to repentance? Who are we not to tell them that Jesus saves, when these people are lost and need salvation?

And you know what? Nem Crying I just pray that those people who encouraged that behavior on that kid, that their eyes will be opened, and they not only know that their hands are filled with blood; but that they also see the Truth and the light of Christ that they will repent of their sins..

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