
Victory Christian Center #fundie globaltvedmonton.com

An Edmonton mother is outraged after members of a local church approached her daughter on a playground - offering a Bible verse, candy and a promise that if she memorized the passage they would give her more treats.

Kathleen Crowe says her nine-year-old daughter Angeline was playing in MacEwan park last week when she was approached by a couple from the Victory Christian Center who gave her candy and a Bible verse. Angeline was also promised more candy if she memorized the verse.

"What if the next person who offers her candy doesn't have the same intentions as the church? That's always a fear in the back of every parents mind," Crowe said.

City officials say Victory Christian Center has a permit allowing it to host activities like crafts and singing, but not for handling out religious materials.


Church representatives declined to be interviewed, but in a statement said: "The program is based on something churches have been doing for more than 20 years throughout Canada and the U.S. ... Our team was given the OK to do this and that's what was done."

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