
Gregg Jackson #fundie greggjackson.com

This latest attempt by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to “overturn” a constitutional amendment must by law be ignored and the judges who issued the opinion should be removed from office.

The court’s opinion that male-female “marriage” is “unconstitutional” is absurd because it is contrary to God’s Law (God Almighty Himself has defined marriage to be between one man and one woman) which is the very basis of the Supreme Law of the Land of our nation, the U.S. Constitution! And any law (or court opinion) contrary to God’s Law is legally null and void. Plain and simple. No individual branch of government at any level of government possesses the authority to make right what God says is wrong. To quote Dr. Martin Luther King who quoted St. Thomas Aquinas: Any law contrary to God’s Law is no law at all!

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