
?????? ????????? #conspiracy jesus-partisans-balkans.blogspot.co.uk

It is become increasingly clear that what we have once (foolishly) considered honest efforts by honest people, is nothing more than an act in the century old jesuit puppet show. Ever since 2011 came with the Arab Spring and Bashar came under the blows of the terrorist opposition, these people, who call themselves "truthseekers" have been gravitating towards the eastern hemisphere of jesuitical powers. They have gradually shown their true color - black as the padres of lies, their masters. Praising despotic unchristian Russia, infiltrated by jesuits as early as the late 1700s. Declaring Putin the leader of the world against jesuitism and a moral man. Lifting up BRICS as the sole alternative to the "petro-dollar". The next piece of news would have us dying from laughter, if the underlying scheme of deception wasn't so repulsively evil. There has alwas been something suspicious about the ever so peceivable bias of those conspiracy pu[ti]ndits. From the racism of Eric John Phelps to the anti-british sentiment of Oxley. From the american israelism of 'Patrick Scrivener' to the anti-zionism of the majority anti-jesuiters. There has always been something there you know. But a man hungry for the truth can go down a sewer if he has to.

But as the months march on, the activity and boldness of these, using their own language, gatekeepers has increased. The alternative media is literally pumping out pro-Putin articles by the hour. Finally, the purpose of this "alternative sea of info" is crystal clear. To prepare a large fifth column of preachers inside the western nations that will blow the whistle on their own governments and shape public opinion as much as possible in favour of the Eurasianist project and the Tsar at its head. But why do they praise Putin, when its not Putin who will wrap the NWO? Could it be because the Tzar will continue the major geopolitical policies of Putin? And if they said that Putin is controlled, then it would be very likely for his successor to be handled as well. Inevitably, this involves those much or less preoccupied with the world of religious affairs. And this is where people like Eric John Phelps, Craig Oxley, Patric Scrivener, Ben (aka jesuit University of Sophia, Japan) Fulford, Alex (catholic friendly) Jones, Walid and Theodore (bloodthirsty inquisition) Shoebat and many others come into play. No doubt such double tongued snakes get their paychecks in dirty petro dollars as the ruble has tanked these last few months.

And what can we say about what they confess. None of them appear to be a genuine Christian, and if you are not a genuine, born-again, humble, truth loving (the Bible) Christian, how can you hate the Harlot of Revelation? All of them, except the obvious pseudo protestant ones, are seeped with new age spirituality, which is nothing more than dicusting gnostic doctrine.

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