
mi #conspiracy science.slashdot.org

[The Earth has natural limits on growth and unlimited expansion cannot continue forever]

Naturally is fine. The problem is, whenever some report of "new evidence" of "global warming" — no scratch that, the spring was too cold — of "unusual weather" comes out, a large number of people can be reliably predicted to "demand action". And that action, somehow, always implies increasing governmental control over our lives at best, or, at worst, flat-out handing bits and pieces of sovereignty to some international body — so that enlightened people will be able to help us, oafs, live "better" without having to bother with periodic elections.

So much so, one can not help but begin agreeing with the paranoics, who claim that transfer of power is the goal in itself — and the idea of "climate change" is just means to that end. And that is my problem.

trseekz #racist science.slashdot.org

Why has the out of africa THEORY been presented as fact despite the growing evidence against it? Why have all other theories been so violently opposed?

Simple reason:

Its all about denying that we are different species. It is about denying that there is any significant evolution that has happened to us after we went our separate ways. It is about denying that force integrating us back together would lose any such differences. It is about denying the fact that we should not race mix. It is about justifying the genocide of the European species.

Basically, they want to selectively breed humanity, which they consider peons, into the dumbest and least capable species possible. They want to do this so that the we are not genetically capable of comprehending or resisting our enslavement they have us bound under. The easiest and fastest way to do this is to throw away humans and start with africans, who are already essentially as dumb and incapable of organizing as they want in their slave species.

This purposeful down breeding of humanity is protected from exposure when the lie of out of africa is taught, thus they fight diligently to keep up the illusion of us all being the same.

Anonymous Coward #fundie science.slashdot.org

[In response to "So what is the belief system that suits moral atheist agenda?"]

Simple, as atheist's selfish agenda is to hate God and deny his revealed truth, no atheist can be moral. Nobody "doesn't belive in god" they know he is real, they just deny him, which is evil and therefore immoral.

You cannot be moral without God, therefore you cannot be a moral atheist nor a moral atheist agenda

wrf3 #fundie science.slashdot.org

{About Leviticus and the Bible as a whole)

[Most of the religious justification for hating gays comes from Leviticus, but damn few people ever read the whole text. The people who wrote it were freaking nuts. It's like a read from Rev. Moon's writings -- control for its own sake. Superstition and common sense mixed together with a massive dash of fanaticism.]

I have read the whole text. The issue isn't about control, nor is it about hate. Either we are here for no reason at all, or we were designed with a purpose in mind. The Bible affirms the latter, and that said purpose no more includes homosexuality than it does obesity.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy science.slashdot.org

What you just communicated needs to be told and repeated to the masses until every person hears and understands this.

I believe that if the people on the street actually knew how and what we use (we..as in humankind)to collect the data that describes our physical universe and existence, they wouldn't believe a single thing the "scientific" community tells them. The modeling (practically all of it...pick your discipline) is flawed to the point that the data is literally unusable in an honest way. That doesn't mean that it isn't used by the "scientific community" (whatever that means). It is used...in a ridiculously dishonest way...to steal money from the US government in the form of grants. The most current harmful, and embarrassing misuse of this flawed data is the worlwide hysteria over Global Warming. Global Warming has become a religious arguement. It has no basis in reality, science, fact, or modern research. But people the world over (think Kyoto Protocol) believe that not only is the Earth getting warmer and that the phenomenon isn't cyclical, but that we (humans) not only caused it, but that we can somehow stop it and/or reverse it. Amazing arrogance...

Funnily, (but based on arrogance also) the same people (sheeple) who parrott the insanity that is Global Warming, also believe that it is stupid for other people to believe in a God. Objectively consider this for a few minutes....

brado77 #fundie science.slashdot.org

While discussing Darwin's "great" works, it would be a tremendous start to report them accurately. The title of Darwin's work which most modernly and conveniently call "The Origin of Species" is actually and originally the following:

The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection: The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life

Please make sure to credit Darwin's theory with the rationalization used by Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and every other genocide which is perfectly justifiable by the degradation of the value of life down to nothing more than an accidental tissue mass. Before everyone wants to shout this down as "religion" consider that no "religion" or "religious belief" has been forwarded here. That's just the logical ramification of subscribing to the "Preservation of Favored Races" which is basically a racist view of the living. Those murderous dictators were perfect Darwinians. Its also perfect justification for the destruction of the environment, endangered species, and various ecosystems, which apparently deserve to be destroyed if natural selection dictates that they do not maintain the ability to preserve themselves in their present state.

Anonymous Coward #fundie science.slashdot.org

Who was alive 400 years ago to confirm this so-called "global warming"? The earth is getting a little warmer, at least in the last 50 to 100 years or so, since we have data supporting it. But to project what we see here & now back 400 years or even 50 billion, is asinine. Anyone who thinks we, as humans, are big enough to affect this God given Earth in a permanent way, has a blown up ego.

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