
Kent Z #conspiracy thebody.com

This is a poor article for several reasons. Demonizing one's "opponents" always strikes me as a huge red flag. Historically, Blacks have been demonized for being black; gays for being gay; and liberals for being liberal. Does anyone here remember Joe McCarthy?

AIDS has become a big industry, where pharmaceutical companies make multi-billions in profits. They care way more about selling drugs, then curing AIDS patients. Also, the test is goofy. Why are we looking for antibodies, not the actual virus? Why are we taking Antivirals, rather than a vaccine?

We need to discard our dogmatic approach to AIDS and embrace people who challenge our ideas. Dissent is a good thing. We should have dissented much more vigorously when Bush invaded Iraq; likewise, we should have dissented much more vigorously when the FDA pushed AZT on us for 10 years. People should be free to choose, whether or not to take the drugs. If they work for you, great. But, sometimes they don't work.

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