
Phil #racist theendofzion.com

[Bold and italics original]

"The Absurdity of Hitler-bashing"

It certainly is. Thanks to the internet, the more I learn about the great Adolph Hitler, National Socialism, etc. and fraudulent Jewish holocaust (but not German or Japanese--WWII's true holocaust victims via firebombing and atomic bombs) the more ignorant, ridiculous, ASSinine and ABSURD these hysterical, Hitler-bashing morons sound.


EndZion #racist theendofzion.com

How much longer can the cartoonish Hitler-bashing in the media continue to be taken seriously? How ridiculous does it have to get before the spell wears off, and the people realize that it is the media itself, and the Jews that run it, that are our real enemies, rather than the historical “Nazis” that they love to attack so much?

EndZion #racist theendofzion.com

World War II was essentially a war between the two ideologies: Marxism and Nationalism. The United States, unbeknownst to the masses, fought on the side of Marxism, an ideology that overtly attacks and denigrates the nuclear family, in order to elevate the dregs of society above it. As things stand now, in a world where the forces of Marxism have triumphed over those of Nationalism, simply stating that it is healthy for a woman to act like a woman is considered ‘politically incorrect’ and unacceptable, while wearing ass chaps and waving a dildo around in front of children in a ‘Gay Pride’ parade is not.

All 10 planks contained in the ‘Communist Manifesto‘ have basically been fulfilled in present-day America and most other ‘democratic’ nations. Included in these 10 planks is the abolition of private property, a graduated income tax and centralized banking.

Contrast the planks of the manifesto with the 25 points of National-Socialism, which advocated the people’s right to self-determination, debt-free currency, strict immigration laws, generous social benefits for the elderly, an honest press run by devoted nationalists and suppression of destructive and degenerate art. None of this is present in modern American society.

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