
Fr. Peter Carota #fundie traditionalcatholicpriest.com

[All emphasis from original]

Traditional Catholic View of Movie “Despicable Me” and Satan and His Minions.

Today I was asking the children in catechism classes about “Minions”. Most of them have seen the movie “Despicable Me, Minion Mayhem”.
This promotion poster says: “When the World Needed a Hero, They Called a Villain.”
I have always heard about the saying from the Bible; “the devil and his minions”. So when, at another earlier event, some children asked me if “minions” were bad, I assumed they were talking about the devils helpers. But no, they were talking about the little yellow minions from the movies and cartoons.
So I looked up on wikipedia about minions. What I found is that minions are villains helpers. And besides the movies, there is a “Despicable Me Minion” ride attraction at Universal Studios in Florida.
It is described on wikipedia in this way: The riders will be tested if they “qualify” to be minions and asked “if they are fully prepared to be so“. They are given minion 3D goggles. They are welcomed by # 1 SuperVillain. His children are said to be “trying to be evil” and use “the voice of an evil clown“. Dr. Nefario is SuperVillain’s side kick. The word “nefarious” means sinful or evil.
There is a “zap gun” that turns humans into minions and all the riders on the ride will have a body scan to see if there are any human genes left in them to be removed. They also tell the participants that “there will be no backing out“. They use the word “henchmen” too. The words, “are so doomed” are part of the ride.
What I am tying to say is that these movies are desensitizing our children to the idea of a villain as being bad or that the devil and his helpers are evil. Just as Hollywood introduced homosexuality in comedies, so now the devil and villains are being introduced by funny movies to our children.
On Wednesday evening catechism a girl came up to me to show me her drawing. It had a cross and a minion standing next to it. She likes crosses and minions. A few of the little boys strongly said they like the minions no matter what I said about them being bad.
May God help us to be alert to what is happening to our little children. You can not love God and the devil at the same time. Of course we traditional Catholics chose God and His angels over the devil and his minions. And we want to be saints not villains.

Fr. Peter Carota #fundie traditionalcatholicpriest.com

Rebellion Against God Is Only Rebellion Against One’s Own Nature
Satan was an awesome angel. His supernatural intellect and powers were incredible. He was spiritually fulfilled and full of God’s supernatural love and life. So, when he desired to be who he was not, (divine), he rebelled against his own blessed angelic nature. He wanted to go beyond his own God given nature “to be like God”. And he lost everything.
Adam and Eve were also totally fulfilled in being created human beings. All of creation around them was in harmony with God and with them. They had God’s and each others love and had absolutely no needs whatsoever. They felt comfortable with God, each other and their bodies.
They enjoyed a wonderful supernatural friendship with God. They recognized Him as their superior and that they had been created Him. They had a completely open way of communicating with Him, without shame or barriers. They were totally fulfilled in their state of created life.
When the “serpent”, the devil, tempted Eve, he approached her with the thought of her rejecting her created human nature, to “become like God”. If she just obeyed the devil and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, she would no longer be her own nature, but would be “divine like”. She already knew that God had prohibited that. She would be disobeying God. But she put more trust in the devil’s words than the good God who had created her and loved her.
The created order God instituted was for Adam to obey Him. Then in like manner, God put Adam as lord over all creation, (including Eve), the animals and all living things. When Adam ended up obeying Eve and disobeying God, (because he trusted in her more than God). He then did what Eve suggested and ate from the tree that God had forbidden them to eat from.
In rebelling against God’s rules, they actually rebelled against their own nature. From then on, all of creation became disordered. Their sexual appetite was effected and they felt naked. Their innocent, pure communication with God was destroyed as they tried to hide from Him. Eve, and all women, become emotionally damaged and became overly dependent upon man’s affection and approval. Giving new life to children became painful. Weeds, thorns and enmity creep up everywhere outside paradise where man has been banished to live.
Rebellion is trying to be, in essence and nature, someone whom we are not. This is being disobedient to God and what is called “SIN” in the Bible.
So, here we are in the 21st. century continuing to rebel against God, and in essence, are continual to only rebelling against our own vary nature. For this reason we have become estranged to ourselves and to God.
Feminist are rebels against their own wonderful feminine nature. They, as women, were created to be loved, protected, provided for and nurtured by men. They are to obey God and their husbands as Mary obeyed St. Joseph, the head of the Holy Family. They can enjoy the greatest vocation of being religious sisters or wives and mothers of children. They no longer have to go out in the dog eat dog world. They love, live and reign as queens in their homes. They are the sunshine and heart of their family.
Most feminist are angry, lonely young and old ladies who are very bossy and mean. They get their ways in the church chanceries, offices, religious education departments, and at work. But I have yet to find a kind humble feminist who appreciates her true feminine greatness that she received from God.
Children, when they rebel against there parents, only bring unhappiness into their lives. They quickly becomes aware of this when they fight their parents and move out from under the parents rules to have freedom to do what THEY WANT.
Like Adam and Eve, their eyes are opened to their financial and emotional nakedness. They no longer have the help or protection of their parents. They have to pay all their bills, cook all their food, wash all their clothes and get along with their new roommates (who are selfish like they are). They no longer have their parents advice and love in their home.
We need to recognize what sin is; rebellion against God, His order and rebellion against our very own created nature. Then we need to humbly put ourselves back into subjection (men, women, sons and daughters), under the loving Hand Of God who created us. We can once again happily obey Him, because we know that this is what is in our own best interest as His creatures and the road to happiness once again.
Then man can stop rebelling against God who created him. Government can obey and enforce God’s laws. Catholics can happily obey Jesus and His Church. Wives can obey their husbands. Children can obey their parents.
When every person in authority obeys God fully, then it is easy to obey them. Let us pray that the Kingdom of Jesus Christ will reign again and all will humbly bow down in humble adoration and obey Him. Long Live Christ the King. Long Live Mary our Queen.

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