
Christian J. #sexist whatmenthinkofwomen.blogspot.hu

[Note:The entire article is interspersed with images of women in and out of heavy makeup. I'm not including these so I don't break up the page.]

The majority of Men prefer some honesty when meeting a female. You know, like her showing off what she really looks like rather than hiding behind all those fake chemicals and colours that successfully hides all it's flaws. The vanity of females has now been elevated to such a degree that she is quite comfortable pretending to be something she is not.

She will then complain about it to all that will listen to it's abhorrent moaning about a relationship that lasted exactly two days. Meeting the night before while one consisted of her cowering behind that fake facade and two when reality hits home to the possible future ATM or cuckold or sucked-in Male. Not only have they become more devious, unethical (if that's possible) more deviant, but now they are just the complete product of everything that is dubious and fraudulent at the same time.

There is NOTHING genuine about women anymore, nothing. Everything that women do, that women represent is false, fake, fraudulant and just plainly disgusting. They have become the product of their own, unrelenting ego, narcissism and vanity.

You have already been WARNED.

No wonder every single religious tome warns against this hideous creature. It warns to avoid her at all costs, warns that she will destroy you out of sheer envy and vengeance, should you ever do anything that does not please it's disturbed, histrionically tuned, jigsaw mindset.

TOO FAKE to Like.

There is nothing to really like about women these days, nothing. Not only do they smear their faces with chemicals but even their body shape and size is now not what it once was. One use to get a woman that was 'real', now all you get is a manufactured, surgically enhanced, chemically smeared fraud that has gone so far as to remove anything that may have made it appear to be remotely original or even human.

We have the rise of that monster, that spewer of hate, abuse and malice, that victimhood dreamer, hoping to rope in a Man from the 20% in the higher income bracket, just so she can receive HER PAYDAY, her DUE. She will more than screw you over once. She will screw you over repeatedly as it has no conscience, no limitations on her own greed..

No wonder the days of the new sex dolls is such a threat to them. No wonder they will fight tooth and nail to stop it. No wonder they have repeatedly fought against Men having their own birth control methods. As that would mean that the control women have over Men would evaporate. Disappear. The Golden Egg would be gone. Then they would have to find some other way of financing their naturally, ingrained greed and malice..

Beware who you meet. Be aware of what it does, not what it says. Be aware of what she looks like the next time you lay eyes on it. Beware that you do not catch HER out without the fake facade. That would just be TOO frightening.

Christian J. #sexist whatmenthinkofwomen.blogspot.hu

It's always MISOGYNY Whenever Any Female is Critizised.

Skanky Hos Included..


Women have been well trained in the "ART of Misogyny". Decades of fake claims of victimhood have ensured that whenever anyone dares to criticize or request that they behave like a human being instead of being a member of that privileged sex, SHE will claim automatic victimhood status.

That is how pathetic women have now become.

Whether or not it's justified or blatantly obvious, is of ZERO consequence. Women must be treated like little 2 year olds in order to show them how to behave like an adult.

The issue at hand is this BURLESQUE "dancer", you know type, making money by exposing flesh, both tits and arse, like those dignity vacant females on Instagram. Samples to follow...

Meanwhile, an airline named JetBlue decided that Maggie McMuffin, yep! it's "real" name, decided that it was just fine to tart it up in public by wearing part of it dress costume or something similarly skanky and board the airplane, because, you know, sluts skanks and whores have ZERO dignity whenever ZERO compliance is placed on their behaviour.

Seattle Woman Told to Change Clothes or Find a New Airline

A Seattle, WA burlesque dancer says she was stripped of her dignity when an airline told her to change her clothes or find a new flight, according to a KOMO News report.
The dancer, whose stage name is Maggie McMuffin, says she was on a JetBlue flight when an airline worker told her the pilot found her shorts inappropriate.
McMuffin said it was her only outfit, but she says she offered a compromise.
“I could tie a sweater around my waste,” she said. “I could get a blanket from you guys, and they said, ‘If you don’t change your clothes, you’re not going to be able to board this flight.’”
The problem with this stripper is that SHE has zero dignity to begin with. Who else in their "right" mind would even wear something like that if it hadn't already been self-degraded itself by following "employment" doing a Josephine Baker ?

The only problem today is that the current horde of flesh-flashing females are incapable of deciding what their boundaries are and what is acceptable in public. They have been getting away with their disgusting behaviour by claiming "misogyny" every single time they are caught out over stepping ANY boundaries of NAHB (Normal Acceptable Human Behaviour), They are that self-absorbed..

She feels disrespected for her experience.
Yes of course SHE does. When anyone behaves and dresses like a skank, it is hoped that some effect is hopefully "felt" when that individual behaves carelessly and without thought. Consequences are not anything that females are capable of handling under any circumstance. They are just so delicate and needy..

“I would say body shaming and slut shaming more than outright sexism, but it is really hard to remove those two things from misogyny,” McMuffin told KOMO.
The airline offered an apology and a $162 flight credit, but McMuffin wants the airline to offer sensitivity training to its pilots. She also thinks JetBlue should be more clear with its customer expectations.
And OF COURSE, those gutless wimps at JetBlue "apologise" for having trained their staff collectively and having a policy on acceptable dress, behaviour and appearance. Such pathetic behaviour has become the norm. One had hoped that the verbose attitude of the "Trump" may have had at least some effect of calling out these Thespians..

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