
Anonymous #fundie your-uncle-dave.tumblr.com

pro aborts don't say a peep about mens' rights with reproductiveness. They know if that men get the same rights as they do, they can't abort to go sleep around again. That's why they exclude men from these rights, because they only care about his money and his dick, nothing else. Who cares if the kid might not be his anyways? He wants to help! LOL nope let's kill it because fuck responsibility and mens' rights

your-uncle-dave #fundie your-uncle-dave.tumblr.com

[ Hello uncle Dave. I'm a newer follower of yours, and I'm curious for your opinion on abortion for a rape victim. As you know a lot of tumblr users are pro choice, so that has been the opinion I see most of and would love to hear your side. I just read a story about a 14 yo girl (who had been raped since age 9) who become pregnant and was made to have and keep the child. She ended up abusive and with a drinking problem when she could have aborted. What are your thoughts? ]

If she’d given the child up for adoption, it wouldn’t have been abused—or killed.
What happened to her was horrible. But killing the most innocent victim would have solved nothing.

your-uncle-dave #fundie your-uncle-dave.tumblr.com

[ Abortion is always wrong and is the ultimate evil but deliberately killing thousands of civilians (as long as they are not american of course) is perfectly ok and justified. I guess life is only precious before it leaves the womb. hypocrites... ]

—says the person hypocritically weeping for the residents of Nagasaki and Hiroshima while simultaneously supporting abortion.
Can you explain why your hypocrisy is okay and mine isn’t No? Eat shit, then.

Your-Uncle-Dave #fundie your-uncle-dave.tumblr.com

[Do you value ALL human life?Or do you only value fetuses because they are the only truly “innocent” human life?]

What an astoundingly silly question.
There is no doubt the unborn are the most innocent of human beings – yet they’re the first pro-aborts demand to die for the sake of convenience. So, obviously, pro-aborts do NOT value all human life—just the human life that can choose to kill the unborn.
All humans are worthy of life – until their actions dictate otherwise. I do not mourn the non-innocent lives ended when terrorists are killed, or when criminals are shot by their intended victims.

[why are you soo emotional about abortion]

I’m emotional about it, sure, but emotions don’t guide my thinking. Facts, logic, reason, and science do. The unborn are undoubtedly human beings, no matter the silly semantic games and goal-post-moving bullshit pro-aborts do.
Human life is valuable. What really cemented my position is our first pregnancy, feeling our daughter grow in my wife’s belly.
When we first found out we were pregnant, I was devastated. I wasn’t ready for kids yet—but I never, ever once considered abortion. That was my child, and I would never do anything to harm her. By the time she was born, I was completely in love with her, and knew being a daddy was God’s plan for me

on Eric Garner's death

He was choked because he resisted arrest.
It’d be great if people stopped lying about this and other cases.

[He didn’t resist arrest. He didn’t lay a single hand on any of the officers or even back away when he was swarmed and choked to death.]

he resisted arrest.
1:20 into the video. He moves away from the officers and slaps their hands away.
Garner was an habitual criminal. It suck he died. It sucks hard, for him and his family.
But the choices he made led to his death.

And if he hadn’t resisted arrest, the stress on his body would have been minimal.
Again – it was his choice to KNOWINGLY break the law, and it was his choice to KNOWINGLY resist arrest.
His decisions and actions led DIRECTLY to his death.
I feel bad for his family, but for him?
My give-a-damn’s busted.

sooo prolife

Your-uncle-dave #fundie your-uncle-dave.tumblr.com

It’s never okay to kill non-combatants in war. Never. The Law of Armed Conflict, a series of international agreements concerning the conduct of warfare, and which my fellow vets and I have had drilled into us constantly during our service, forbids such and correctly labels it a war crime.
The first principle of LOAC is distinction: “In order to ensure respect for and protection of the civilian population and civilian objects, the Parties to the conflict shall at all times distinguish between the civilian population and combatants and between civilian objects and military objectives and accordingly shall direct their operations only against military objectives.” This is why civilized, responsible combatants wear uniforms – to show the other side who it’s okay to shoot at.
The problem is, not since Vietnam – and even then, not all combatants – have our enemies distinguished themselves from the surrounding civilian populace. The NVA wore uniforms; the Viet Cong did not.
Nor do the terrorist pieces of shit we’ve been fighting since 2001. They deliberately hide among civilians and illegally site warfighting equipment in LOAC-protected civilian structures—so that when we respond to their attacks, WE’RE the bad guys in the international press and among the American left – exactly as the terrorists want. NOTE: Placing military equipment in a protected structure – school, hospital, etc. – causes the structure to lose its protection under LOAC. Therefore, we’re free to blow the mosque to hell—and we’ve done so when warranted. And there’s nothing the terrorist-lovers can do about it.
America is a civilized nation, and despite what some believe, we fight wars in a civilized manner.

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