[the rest of this page is GOLD]
"What is the use of higher learning, critical thinking and educational skills when they do not enable you to know God?"
Fundie in a Nutshell Award.
and yes, the whole page IS gold, as well as the product of a sick mind. The guy claims he's never been to a funeral because he doesn't think anyone he knew went to heaven.
This computer, for example?, the capacity to sell all that crap, misspellings included, without consequences?. Bear in mind that in that theocratic state you envision, you'd be the first to be stoned for heresy, because half the things you say(not going to funerals because you're not sure if the dead goes to Heaven, killing people according to laws in the OT.........)contradict Christian teaching.
Back to your cave then!
How can people not see the benefits of all the things he listed? Do they really think modern technology just appears from nowhere? Oh, wait, they're fundies. Of course that's what they think. Gawd poofs things into existence and then scientists take the credit for "inventing" it.
I've had an email exchange with this idiot, in which he says that I should be killed by the government because I am no longer a True Christian, a minister, and am bi-sexual. Nice!
I never thought I would say this, but this is making David J Stewart and Terry Watkins look sane.
It figures because this guy is a calvinist.
Michael, he thinks that America is Satanic and that its laws are heathen, how is he supposed to enforce it?, moreover, if everybody is a pastor, how are you going to keep society moving?.
"What is the use of higher learning, critical thinking and educational skills when they do not enable you to know God?"
Um, they enable you to know reality?
Back in the "pious" middle-ages, churches were generally the peak of construction engineering.
So at least back then, they kinda liked "educactional skills".
I don't attend funerals. I've never attended one during my adult life. Whenever I am convinced that a person truly went to heaven, then you will see me at his funeral.
In other words, "Everyone is going straight to Hell except for me!"
Clapping hands and standing ovations from the world is praise from satan.
Yawning has been observed in human embryos within the first trimester.
Growing old should not cause anyone to become a bigger fool.
Barring certain ailments, it usually doesn't. But, giving you the benefit of the doubt, I hardly think you were born this dumb, so it must be something you acquired with age.
There is a time and season for every purpose under heaven. There was a time for blacks to fight for civil rights, but now it is time for them to fight against it as it pertains to gays.
Racist asshole. You took what was a great Byrds song and fucked with it.
Damn right! If God had meant us to think, He would have given us a brain! Like back during the Plague. The people who knew God, crawled on their knees and prayed to God to spare them. And sure enough, sometimes He did. I know, some of those "higher learning" know-it-alls think it was actually bacteria carried by fleas, but if dying of the Plague was God's will, do you think some little streptomycin pill would save you? Hell no! It's prayer and faith in Jesus, not streptomycin that cures the Plague. Enough of that egg-headed crap. [/sarcasm]
The use of higher learning, critical thinking and educational skills is (amongst other things) being able to let go of your infantile belief in a magical sky-daddy, and experience reality as it really is, unless you are too much of a pussy for reality, and regress in your little underdeveloped fantasy world where there is a giant old magical man sitting on a cloud somewhere, who watches everything you do, and may or may not let you into heaven if you have been nice enough, sort of like a celestial Santa Clause.
Please keep in mind that Adam and Eve were allegedly cast from heaven because they ate from the tree of knowledge.
It's a great big symbolic reference to the fact that if you have half a fucking brain in your head you wont fall for the illusion any more. Just like when we were little and we though the magician really was causing that rabbit to appear out of thin air.
(Yes, I am saying fundies have the comprehension power of a fucking 6 year old)
Why have a brain, if you don't use it?
Ranger Joe, when I was six, I realized that grownups can be reeeeeally fucking stupid. All it required was a Baptist and his mouth.
Higher learning allowed people to create the computer you use to spew your drivel. Higher learning is responsible for the fact that you have probably never known anybody who died of smallpox, measles, polio, diphtheria, or mumps.
That's what the use of higher learning is.
You need some degree of education to be able to read the Bible, and interpret what you are reading.
"The guy claims he's never been to a funeral because he doesn't think anyone he knew went to heaven."
I thought that funerals were a means to say good bye to the departed, to share memories with friends and family, to have a bit of closure. What does it matter where the departed one is going? Is s/he going anywhere, except down in a deep hole in the ground or into a cremation oven?
So when you need a doctor or operation, we can just toss all of that medical "higher learning, critical,thinking and education skils" out the window? Great, we can also dispense with the anesthesia, antibiotics and painkillers. We can use only what they knew about the human body 2000 years ago. What use is modern medicine anyways?
That ok with you?
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them."
- Galileo Galilei
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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