Kerry Cassidy #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #crackpot
PREFACE: I totally support the Q/White Hat Agenda. I just think our spokespeople need to be more honest and forthcoming when they talk to the people and be careful of generalizing because in this playing field generalizations or blanket statements end up being WRONG!
LIE: SGAnon: “We are at war with Russia.” Who is “we”. … Not our President COG/CIC TRUMP OR HIS MILITARY… Biden show and cohorts who are still part of the deep state alliance are…as part of NATO. But both SGanon and Juan/JohnK say Trump controls BY-DEN.
Contradiction: Putin is part of the Alliance and destroying surface infrastructure while White Hat military “destroy” BIOLABS…
LIE: We (the alliance will destroy all the underground nests of the vipers (Reps/Draco/Greys) … Unlikely as they go down miles and comprise a tunnel system going back to Egypt and Atlantis.
What kind of deal has been struck between the Secret Space Program (that commands the technology said to be 10,000 years in advance of what we have on surface Earth, miles of underground cities and contains numerous ET bases and tunnels leading to secret places such as the Inner Earth races occupying cities and sanctuaries … going into Shambhala and lesser known places. Wonderous civilizations that rarely if ever interact with surface humans…Undersea bases and civilizations such as Mu and the Mer people who also live in undersea colonies and are sometimes in battles with our Navy especially when one of theirs is captured in the Navy nets or their waters are poisoned….
What I want is for the White Hat to wake people up not by lying to them and giving them a substitute narrative for the lies the NWO deep state tell but to tell people the ungarnished truth.
We are NOT AT WAR WITH RUSSIA. RUSSIA IS OUR ALLY … which means China is our Ally… at least the part of the Chinese gov run under Xi….