Brother Nathanael Kapner #racist
Many thanks for your birthday wishes! I turn 68 today and feel like I’m 18. I’ve never had so much energy in my life as I do now. I feel like I’ve only just begun, and my ministry still in its birth-pang stage. There’s much to be done, and I am diligently preparing myself for an eventful future of which I look to be an essential part of.
Upon this birthday a friend asked me if I plan on “fighting Jews for the rest of my life.” I answered, “No.” “No?” he responded. “That’s right, no,” I replied, “why would I want to waste my entire life fighting Jews? They’ll be put out of power soon and then we build from scratch with a Juden-frei society.” Indeed, the world is catching on to these scoundrels, and perhaps that’s why God allowed the State of IsraHell to come into being so all people the world over can witness their criminality.
That’s what Hitler said, that Israel would be the capital of “Jewish swindle”—yet I add, the capital of “Jewish manslaughter.” The world is also waking up to Jewish tyranny with their Google/YouTube/Facebook CENSORSHIP. How horrid the Jew is! And all the world is a witness and will grow into a global backlash against the hideous Jew. Ahh, on this 68th year of my life beginning today, I have something bright and glorious to look forward to: The utter demise of Jewish perfidy, Jewish influence, and Jewish criminality.
AND, the opportunity to rebuild on the foundation of a Juden-frei society. What a wonderful world it will be!