Corey Savage #fundie

(part of an article titled "The 5 Biggest Heroes of 2016")

Last, we have Vladmir Putin who has been leading the Russian nation against the globalists and the cancerous Western influence that is wrecking the world. Like the other men listed here, Putin has been on the receiving end of relentless media attack to defame him as a corrupt and tyrannical ruler and even a war criminal. He has become the boogie man in the West used to blame everything from the US election results to the war deaths in Syria, as well as serving as an excuse for NATO to expand to the East even when it is the US that is to be blamed for re-starting the Cold War.

Putin’s role in making Russia the main resisting force against the globalists and a stabilizing influence in the world is wholly unappreciated. It was Putin who stepped in to stop the West from completely destroying Syria as they had done with Libya, it was with the help of Russian airforce that the Syrian armed forces were able to achieve the victory they did this year, it was Putin who maintained his cool and tamed Turkey so that the two countries could work together even after Turkey downed one of its aircraft. You can tell just how much the world is stacked up against Putin and Russia by how the Western media has been silent on Russia’s humanitarian aid to Syria and the death of Russian paramedics in the hands of the “moderate” rebels even as the West lies and sheds crocodile tears about the situation in Aleppo.

Some people still hate Putin because they see him as the enemy of America and a threat to the West, but these people need to realize that it was not Putin’s decision to stir conflicts. He’s merely been reacting to the West’s efforts to undermine Russia. It is the US and its allies that chose to be Russia’s enemy, not the other way around. And if the West continues to expand its globalist influence around the world, Putin’s Russia will continue to fight back against it.

Closing Words

We have heroes not just so that they may lead us, but so that we be inspired by them. We shouldn’t merely worship great men, but strive to be one ourselves. Because no matter how great, an individual man by himself cannot change the world. All the men above did not act alone but had others who followed their lead. If you are truly interested in changing the world, you must become one yourself.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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