Kelly Irons #racist

50 Years a Slave: The Dem Plantation

Well, Hollywood has made another movie about involuntary servitude – this one called “12 Years a Slave” – but are you surprised?

You shouldn’t be, considering that Hollywood liberals, and the Democratic Party in general, are infatuated with the practice. So much so, that they’ve managed to keep African Americans enslaved in a cycle of self-destructive poverty for the past half-century.

Yes, we may have fought a war to end official slavery, as practiced by southern Democratic plantation owners, and we may have passed civil rights legislation in the 1960s, which was opposed by Democrats as well. But that devious liberal, LBJ, got something in return: his “war on poverty,” which really could be renamed, “War on Poor Blacks.”

Now, some 50 years later, much of the black community remains trapped in a terrible cycle of “welfare” programs that do nothing but sentence recipients to a lifetime of poverty and, well, servitude.

These programs have only made them dependent on government “masters” for their very survival. That’s freedom? That’s independence?

We’re liberals, and we’re here to help – enslave you

It’s almost funny to see liberals constantly calling for even more welfare to the poor black community, except that it isn’t.

Because welfare – like crack – is addictive as hell, and it destroys lives. It doesn’t “provide opportunity” or “provide a leg up.” It has literally transformed an entire demographic from one of liberation to one of reliance – reliance on the same old, white men and women leaders in their community love to complain about.

Only these old white, men and women are Democrats.


Democrat-supported slavery: Back to the future

How about a film about today’s modern slave trade – liberal Democrats in government enslaving millions of poor blacks?

The film can feature the part where some of the black community’s own leaders – like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson – have been bought off by the Democratic masters and have long supported those who run the government plantation. And how these “leaders” are playing the part of present-day slave trader.

How about that film include details about just how destructive government “assistance” has been to the black community? How this allows government to pick winners and losers – and that the losers are, obviously, not in the black community?

How about a film about how government dependency has helped fuel black-on-black crime? How it has led to the destruction of the black family, where now, more than 70 percent of children are born out of wedlock to a single mother?

How the government plantation has fattened its voter base at the expense of black neighborhoods and inner cities?

Yeah, the liberal idiots infesting Hollywood and Washington sure are enamored with slavery. And why wouldn’t they be? They fight so hard for policies that create servitude, not freedom.

Let’s continue to expose these true racists together.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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