The Biblical Laws of Human Behaviors (sexual relationships in particular) enforce themselves with consequences of family and broader social destructions. In the end (no puns please), God's righteous standards will be vindicated. Speak the truth in love, appeal to conscience, point to Christ, then get out of the way because the Judgment Train has left Heaven's station. No society survives the destruction of its families for long. 110,000,000+ contemporary case of STDs shout the error of the 1960s sexual revolution.
Am I the only one who's getting tired of the whole "no society has ever survived when they..." do something these people don't like? Even ignoring the fact that all societies rise and fall with changing times, it's a ridiculous cause and effect relationship they're trying to imply. I could do pretty much the same thing by pointing out that the Roman Empire fell not long after they officially converted to Christianity. (I know that that's not the most responsible telling of history but it is true chronogically...)
I would think on the list of reasons for the collapse of societies people's sexual proclivities would be right at the bottom.
The main reasons are war, famine, disease, economics, natural disasters. How many countries existed a thousand years ago that don't exist today? None of them ended because of the destruction of the family unit. It was because of one of the reasons I have already stated, especially war.
Really these people simply have an obsessive, not to mention unhealthy, fascination with other peoples sex lives.
Freedom of religion does not mean freedom to push your religious code onto others.
As to the 'Judgement Train' leaving 'Heaven's station', I think the analogy is trite, banal, inappropriate and childish. Grow up!
"Point to Christ, then get out of the way because the Judgment Train has left Heaven's station."
You've gotta work on your pro-wrestling trash-talk, mate.
God's righteous standards are not very good, assuming Pop is referring to the god of Abraham and the bible. As a moral standard, the bible falls woefully short of some of our most basic principles of morality.
I don't get all this "destruction of the family" business. A family is a voluntary thing. If people want to live together as families, they will. If they don't want to, they don't have to.
Also, do you think they didn't have STDs before the 60s?
110,000,000+ contemporary case of STDs shout the error of the 1960s sexual revolution.
Millions of cases in 16th century Europe, too. Guess what? People have always had sex and always will.
Infection rates of syphilis go in waves lasting a decade or so; rates in the last couple of years have been declining. The rate in NYC is about 10/100,000 now; in 1941 it was 55/100,000.
the Judgment Train has left Heaven's station.
Fundies seem to have problems with trains:
@ Xotan:
"As to the 'Judgement Train' leaving 'Heaven's station', I think the analogy is trite, banal, inappropriate and childish. Grow up!"
"Here comes the Judgment Train!... Bend over...."
I'll never grow up.
Religion condemns sex for three reasons. 1. When you fail to live up to their impossible standards you feel guilty, go groveling back to church, and try to buy your way back into "favor". 2. Repression of sexual ecstasy leads to religious ecstasy - "It must me true, because I felt something!" 3. Sex sells. Whether you're promoting it or condemning it, you're still talking about it.
These tricks are ancient and "traditional" because they worked, they work, and they will always work. Have a nose ring.
Yes, the old "you're doing something I don't like, therefore God will bring judgement against you".
Don't you guys ever get tired of repeating the same thing over and over again. You'd think by now you would have figured out that "Gawd's judgment" isn't going to happen.
It's time to stop worrying about other peoples sex lives, Poppy.
"The Biblical Laws of Human Behaviors (sexual relationships in particular) enforce themselves with consequences of family and broader social destructions."
So....Countries like Sweden which allow for gay marriage and are doing very well say what exactly?
@ Old Viking.
I was always led to believe that St Peter says 'Welcome to Heaven, here's your harp', Satan says 'Welcome to Hell, here's your accordion'.
> #1566777
> farpadokly
> Also, do you think they didn't have STDs before the 60s?
Oh, don't be silly. Obviously the original poster is clamouring back to 1950s when STDs were treated as God's own punishment that should not be and absolutely could not be prevented, much like pregnancies in general. After all, the proper fundie solution to all problems is that if you don't talk about it, maybe the problem will go away! Banning contraceptives also helps!
"No society survives the destruction of its families for long."
Fundies keep saying variations on this, without producing one historical example of a society it happened to.
Is that the same "Biblical Laws" that say you should stone people to death for (in short):
*Not being a virgin when married
*Cussing out your parents (in which case, I think every country would be in decline due to killing their kids)
*Working on Sunday
*Not a follower of Yahweh
*Say "god damit" or otherwise using the "Lord's" name in vein.
*Being gay
*Having sex before marriage
*Commit blasphemy
*Not being circumcised
And many, many more. I guess the "Good Book" isn't all that when it comes to being a good person.
The Judgement Train has a young Shirley Temple Black?
After the "Lollipop" Years, she grew into quite a woman. We have to rescue her (for ourselves), STORM THE TRAIN!!
You're trying to control a completely natural, beautiful and pleasurable experience with a religion that demonizes it into something ugly, disgusting and only meant for the pleasure of men.
Seriously, what the hell did you expect? Your god's 'standards' will never be vindicated because they aren't necessary in the first place. How about you mind your own damn business and I'll mind mine. I'm happy to keep my nose out of your sick, abusive, repressed bedroom.
The judgement train has been cancelled due to a lack of prayer. There will be a replacement judgement bus service stopping at: limbo, purgatory, heaven and hell but not Earth or sanity. Heavenly rail apologises for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for travelling with Heavenly Rail.
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