Padraig Martin #sexist #racist

[From "What Happened to Strong White Men?"]

As I am writing this piece, I am at a pub in a suburb that is north of Atlanta[…]As I sit here, I am surrounded by exceedingly soft White men, wearing jerseys that venerate black athletes, and cheering on teams for a sport that literally opens with the black national anthem. This begs the question: what happened to strong White men?
The soft jowls of the men around me betray exceeding amounts of estrogen in their diets. They do not seem to notice the beautiful girls at the bar – behind it or sitting beside them. They are dialed into the fast black guys
What happened to our sense of self? When did we sacrifice our masculinity for the sake of placating a feminized world?
Today, that same people sit at bars and worship black athletes who have established their own anthem in a country that was conceived and built by White people

Where are the strong White men? Whereas some are in the military, I have seen none who have taken a brave stance against Covid vaccinations and leftist governmental overreach
When someone asks, “Why are so many White women dating black men?” look around you. Those White women have been taught the feminist definition of masculinity[…]Those White women have been groomed on a healthy diet of Mandingoes and soy boys – the latter does not appeal to their genetically ingrained desire for protection, thus they gravitate to the former

If you have read this far, take an honest assessment of yourself. What are you doing to promote White masculinity?
Do you want to make a real difference? Embrace masculinity. Put down the video game, dial down your sports worship, wake up early in the morning, make your bed, go to work, provide, and embrace masculinity to the fullest. Your people are depending on you



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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