Earl P. Holt III #racist conservative-headlines.org
[From "Poetic Justice (Part II)"]
Although credit is often wrongly attributed to Shakespeare, it was the 17th Century literary critic Thomas Rymer who coined the term “poetic justice.” Poetic justice occurs when some particularly vile or menacing individual receives a fitting and appropriate end, and always with irony in abundance.
The following are examples of poetic justice, and many are so perfectly appropriate that they even hint at the possibility of Divine Intervention:
Joshua White: Joshua White was a 23-year-old child of leftist, counter-culture types who grew up in San Francisco. He was an ardent, but naïve liberal, who became a child care worker for ghetto children and had a job as a teacher’s aide for learning-disabled (“nigro”) pupils at Martin Luther King Middle School. In March of 1997, he was gunned-down for no reason by a sub-human, black rat-ape, who approached him with a gun, saying “You want to f*ck with me?”
Joshua White’s parents were stoic to the end. Despite their grief, they did what leftists always do, they blamed society and not the killer.
Of course, the truth is far uglier: Had Joshua White’s parents done a proper job of raising him, he might still be alive. A proper raising would have involved repeated warnings about the violent, savage, witless and predatory nature of Africanus Criminalis, the Great American Nigro.
A proper raising would also have included the need to avoid blacks whenever possible, in which case Joshua would have done as most intelligent whites have done, and gotten as far away from these black bastards as geography and income permitted.
Kirsten Brydum: Kirsten was a 25 year-old “social activist” who was on a nationwide tour campaigning for Barack Hussein Obama’s campaign for President. She was gunned down in New Orleans in 2008 by a nigro serial killer named Joseph Brant, who shot her in the head and then robbed her. Brant may also have raped her.
Michael Rockefeller: A book called Thy Will Be Done blames Nelson Rockefeller for exploiting the so-called “Third World,” and explains how Rockefeller’s son, Michael, was killed and eaten by Third-Worlder savages when he went off to save them from his father.
“Timothy Treadwell”: Once upon a time there was a self-anointed “eco-warrior” named Timothy Treadwell. Now Timothy had a very active imagination, and considered himself a “supernatural alien” on “a mission of peace” amongst his friends, the Alaskan brown bears (Ursus Arctos). This he engaged in yearly, from June until October on the Alaskan Peninsula.
In a moment of unusual hubris, Timothy once remarked that he would be honored “to end up in bear scat.” In October of 2003, Timothy got his wish and, moreover, at least two of his friends got a sample of that rare but treasured delicacy, Liberalis Deliciosos.
Of course, as is always the case with any leftist endeavor, those he claimed to be protecting ended up having to be destroyed by Alaska Game Officials after one of Timothy’s friends consumed Timothy and his unfortunate girlfriend.